After killing the wild boar, ye Wuqi exhausted his physical strength to the limit. He had no strength at all. He sat on the ground and gasped heavily.

He regretted secretly in his heart. He blamed himself for his carelessness. If he thought about the weakness of wild boar at the beginning, he would not be hurt. At the beginning, he underestimated wild boar too much, which led to his arm injury. Speaking of this, he blamed himself.

"You don't have to blame yourself too much. To tell you the truth, it's a bit unexpected that you can kill the wild boar. At the beginning, I thought that you would run away when you saw the wild boar. However, after you were injured, instead of escaping, you killed the wild boar. If your achievements were known by the mercenaries outside, they would be stunned!" At this time, the mysterious old man said to him.

"Don't encourage me, my own strength, I know that if I'm not too confident, I won't be hurt. Maybe I can kill wild boar soon. I will pay attention to it next time!" Ye Wuqian said consciously.

"It's good. It's not easy for young people to have you who can see their own strength clearly. I believe you will have a better future." The mysterious old man encouraged Ye Wuwei again.

Ye Wuqian did not relax because of his encouragement. After learning a lesson, he looked around and felt that there was no danger around him, so he began to deal with the dead boar.

After dissecting the boar's corpse, he got a bead full of energy, which should be the so-called Warcraft kernel, and also the good thing he dreamed of.

Previously, he only heard the mysterious old man say that it can help people enhance their strength. At that time, he did not think that there would be such pure energy in it.

But now he has got it. Holding it in his hand, he really felt the horror of the energy contained in the core of Warcraft. He was sure that as long as he absorbed the energy of the kernel, his strength would be improved.

So at this time, he was already a little impatient, and immediately began to absorb the energy in the Warcraft kernel.

He felt clearly that his strength was rapidly improving. This feeling only occurred in the practice a few days ago. He didn't expect to have this kind of feeling of rapid improvement so soon.

Soon, the energy of a Warcraft kernel was absorbed by him. He could clearly feel that his strength had been improved to a certain extent, stronger than before. He was sure that if he faced the boar just now, he could easily kill it, or even kill the boar from the front.

However, he also knows that this is just a little upgrade, not the upgrade in essence. There is a certain distance between him and the next level, which requires a lot of Warcraft kernel.

"Ha ha, that's great. We will continue to kill Warcraft and live with more cores. I believe my strength will be improved rapidly!" Ye Wuque said excitedly.

"No, you can't kill Warcraft now!" Let ye Wuque did not think that the mysterious old man stopped him and said to him seriously.

"Why? My strength is stronger than just now. It will be easier to kill Warcraft. This is an opportunity for me Ye Wuqian explained to the old man.

"I know, but you have absorbed a wild boar's kernel before. The wild boar's kernel has little effect on you. If you want to rely on the core of Warcraft to improve your strength, you must face a higher level of Warcraft.

But now you have been injured, and you are not in full swing. As far as the current state is concerned, you can only fight wild boars. Once you face a higher level of Warcraft, you will undoubtedly die. This is Hengduan Mountain, where you are in danger of meeting advanced Warcraft at any time, so you must leave here as soon as possible to cure the injury! " The old man reminded Ye Wuwei.

At the reminder of the old man, ye Wuque remembered that he had just been injured. He was too excited because of the improvement of his strength. He even forgot about the injury.

He knew that the mysterious old man was right. He needed to be cured now, so he did not hesitate. He left Hengduan Mountain with the mysterious old man and went out.

When he came to the town at the foot of the mountain, he saw a hospital. When he saw the hospital, he went in.

"Are you here to heal?" Then a girl came up to him and said to him.

"Yes, he lifted his injured arm and said to the girl.

"Come with me!" The girl looked at his wound and was stunned for a long time before she replied to him.

Ye Wuqi felt that the girl's expression was strange, and seemed to be excited and worried.

Soon, he and the girl came to a separate room, and the girl even tears out of the corner of her eyes.

"You Will you help me? " Let ye have no lack of accident is, the girl unexpectedly said to him like this.

"Help you? What's the matter with you? " Leaf is not short very confused ask a way.

"I I was hijacked, they use me to see here to earn money, limit my freedom, do not let me leave here! I need your help, I know you have the strength The girl glared at the big, watery eyes and said to Ye Wuwei."How do you know I must have the strength?" Ye Wuque looked at the girl with strange eyes and asked her.

"Your arm should have been hurt by a wild boar, and it's not an ordinary boar. It should be a monster. Moreover, you were injured in the front, and you also hurt your arm. This shows that you are fighting with the wild boar Warcraft head-on, so you must have the strength to rescue me from here." The girl said to him.

But her analysis surprised ye Wuque. He never thought that the girl's eyes were so fierce that she could see it. It seems that she still has some skills.

"What's your name?" Ye asked him.

"My name is Zhu ruosi!" The girl whispered.

"I can save you, but I want to know what I can get!" Ye Wuqi calmly looks at the girl and asks lightly.

"I I can't give you anything... " The girl's face was red and she said in a voice that could not be checked.

"Heal me!" After a long time, ye Wuwu said.

And the girl immediately took out the medical equipment for the treatment of the wound and helped Ye Wudao deal with the wound.

After taking the medicine, ye Wuqian felt that her arm had no pain at all. The girl had a strange medicine to cure her wounds. No wonder she was restricted by people's freedom. This is just a treasure.

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