Since the mysterious old man has already told him the way, and the leopard has arrived, ye Wuqian no longer hesitates, and immediately walks to the leopard.

At that moment, the leopard has obviously found Ye Wuxiang. He doesn't roar, but there is a little doubt in his eyes.

As a Warcraft, even the lowest level boar has a sense of thinking, let alone a leopard.

Leopard is the king in the forest. When a mercenary sees a leopard, even a mercenary regiment, he has to retreat. What's more, he is a single person. According to his memory, such a lonely person must avoid it at the first time. It never thought that this man would go to it.

"Roar!" Since the leopard is a conscious mind, it soon found that their state is some wrong, maybe this is the reason why the little human dare to challenge themselves! So the leopard let out a low roar. It was a demonstration.

But for such a demonstration, ye did not pay attention to it. Even if he roared fiercely, he must kill the leopard. Otherwise, he would not be able to fight with a mercenary team.

Therefore, the leaves do not leave, and continue to approach the leopard.

"Roar!" The leopard was completely infuriated by Ye Wuque, and rushed to ye Wuque with lightning speed after sending out a huge roar.

But because of the poisoning, although its speed can be played out, but the body lost its balance, one head fell, the ground hit a big hole.

"Roar..." The leopard kept roaring and struggling to stand up. Although he knew that he had lost his balance, he still came unsteadily to the leaf.

Ye Wuxiang was secretly pleased. He didn't expect that such a powerful Warcraft was charmed by the mysterious old man. If it wasn't for this reason, I'm afraid he would have been a corpse now. He could not resist a leopard's attack. Now the leopard should not be justified.

Soon, ye Wuwei and the leopard fight together.

But at that moment, ye Wuxiang was surprised to find that his judgment was wrong. Although the leopard was very small and the speed advantage did not exist, its sharp claws and teeth, as well as its strength were quite amazing. If it was not for the overpowering drug, ye Wuque would have been injured.

Under the attack of the leopard, ye Wuque has been avoiding quickly, and dare not enter at all.

But the leopard walked unsteadily, and the attack was even more unbearable. Although it was very fierce, it couldn't hit ye Wumian's body at once. He was so anxious that he screamed.

In this way, the leopard kept attacking, and ye Wuxiang kept avoiding, coming and going back and forth, full of entanglement for a morning.

After a morning of continuous harassment, both the leopard's physical strength and ye Wuqi's physical strength are declining, and they are panting heavily.

The leopard also realized that it was unable to catch up with ye Wumian for the time being, so he did not attack ye Wumian any more. Instead, he stopped, spitting out his scarlet tongue and sending out bursts of cow wheezing.

"Here comes the chance!" Ye Wuqi roared in his heart and pulled out the dagger. When the leopard was not paying attention, he suddenly rushed to the leopard and stabbed the leopard's right eye with a dagger.

The leopard did not expect Ye Wuqian to attack him. After all, it was he who was chasing Ye Wuxiang all morning. He wanted to have a rest and relax his vigilance. However, he did not expect that ye Wuque's fatal attack would be launched at this time. Therefore, the leopard had no chance to dodge and was stabbed into the brain by Ye Wuque's dagger.

The unlucky leopard didn't even have a chance to roar and died on the ground.

At the moment, ye Wuqi also consumed all his strength, and felt that his legs and feet were not his own. Although the leopard lost his balance, his speed was still there. He had to be vigilant all the time and dodge quickly. This morning, he was almost exhausted. If the leopard still insisted, he would be unable to resist. Fortunately, the leopard's physical strength has reached the limit. Relax first With vigilance, this gave him a fatal chance.

After killing the leopard, ye Wuqian sits on the ground with a big mouth breathing, and even the leopard's body is ignored.

"Watch out, there's footstep!" Just then, the old man in his body reminded him.

At the reminder of the old man, ye Wuqian also found rustling footsteps, but also noisy. He can be sure that there were not one or two people around, but a group of people.

Does someone want to rob him?

He can be sure that the other side must have bad intentions, because he felt the sound of footsteps coming from all directions, surrounded.

So the other party must have taken a fancy to the leopard's core!

Soon, when the other party appeared, ye Wuqi was stunned, because there was an acquaintance here, that girl zhuruosi!

It seems that this group of mercenaries is the people who hold zhuruosi hostage.

Thinking of this, ye Wumian's face gradually darkened. Originally, I thought that, after solving the leopard, and using the leopard's core to enhance the strength, and then to save people, but did not expect, unexpectedly met here.They are not prepared at all, and they have just fought with leopards, and their physical strength is huge. Now they may not be their opponents.

Ye Wuqi did not move, but observed everyone in the mercenary team. He suddenly found that these mercenaries were looking at the leopard with greedy eyes, and it seemed that they were almost drooling.

"Boy, you are lucky to pick up a leopard here. However, I am very responsible to tell you that this leopard was killed by our mercenary regiment. At that time, he was seriously injured and struggling to death, so he came to you. Therefore, this leopard belongs to us. You'd better leave as soon as possible!" One of the mercenaries with small eyes said to ye Wuque.

Ye Wumian's face gradually cooled down, and it seems that he imagined the same, the other side is in love with the leopard.

However, this is also good for him. After all, the other party at least does not know that he is trying to save Zhu ruosi, so he will not be on guard against him.

"I did not kill this leopard, but I would like to know if you killed it. Do you have any evidence?" Ye Wumian knows that his physical strength is too much. With his current strength, he is not the opponent of others at all. So what he has to do now is to fight with each other and fight a war of words so as to win some time.

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