In this case, her chance to escape is almost zero, but in fact, she does not want to fall into the hands of he Linyi again. She knows that he Linyi is a sinister and vicious person. Once she falls into his hands, it is estimated that there will be no good results. Although she will not die, her freedom will be limited, and even the strength she has worked hard to cultivate these days will also be affected After all, he Linyi would not allow a doctor to escape.

"How about it? I have given you the chance, you should make a choice as soon as possible He Linyi seemed to be impatient and threatened Zhu ruosi.

"I've had enough of your house arrest. I won't go back to the hospital with you. If you die, I'll never go back." Zhu ruosi said decisively.

"Well, in this case, don't blame me for being rude. Go on, take this little girl back!" He Linyi immediately ordered his subordinates.

Most of the mercenaries here know Zhu ruosi. In their serious situation, Zhu ruosi is still the weak woman who has no strength to tie a chicken, so they don't pay attention to Zhu ruosi at all. An intermediate martial arts master comes to Zhu ruosi and reaches out a hand to take him back.

"Click!" A light sound attracted everyone's attention. The arm of the intermediate master of martial arts was broken by Zhu ruosi, and she looked relaxed.

All of them were surprised. They didn't expect that a weak woman would have the ability to kill intermediate martial arts masters in just one or two months. It's just incredible.

But after all, the fact is in front of them. Even if they don't want to believe it, the fact is the fact.

They realized that Zhu ruosi was no longer the weak woman who was allowed to be slaughtered by them, but an expert with the same strength as them.

In the face of such a master, all of them were on guard. Instead of attacking Zhu ruosi individually, they all surrounded Zhu ruosi and wanted to take zhuruosi down in one fell swoop.

But Zhu ruosi is not an ordinary martial arts master. She practices with the blood of Warcraft, so her energy is much more powerful than that of ordinary martial arts masters.

Moreover, during this period of time, she has been with Ye Wuqian, and her combat experience and skills have been improved rapidly. Therefore, these intermediate and senior mercenaries are not her opponents at all. Even if they are besieged, they can't help but think.

"It seems that I haven't seen you for a few days. You've got a lot of skills. No wonder you dare to betray me.

However, I can tell you for sure that those who betray me will not come to a good end. Even if you have reached the level of senior martial arts master, you are still a senior martial arts master. You will never know the strength of the martial arts master dayuanman level master. Today I will show you some experience! " He Linyi said coldly.

After hearing he Linyi say such words, Zhu ruosi immediately gets nervous, because she knows that he Linyi has said so, it is certain that he will take the initiative.

It's a great master at the level of Da Yuanman. Even all the mercenaries here are not his opponents alone.

Although Zhu Ruoxi can deal with these mercenaries and even be sure to escape. If he tries his best, he may kill half of the people here. However, he is not sure of the martial arts master Da Yuanman level master. She even suspects that the opponent can easily take her down.

Even if she knew that she was not the opponent, Zhu ruosi would never give up her resistance. After all, if she gave up her resistance, she might die. At least she would be free. So even if she didn't want her life, she would have to fight for it!

"Even if you don't surrender, you're looking for death!" Then he Linyi roared angrily and rushed to zhuruosi.

At the moment when he rushed over, Zhu ruosi felt a surging force emanating from he Linyi, which made her feel an unprecedented sense of oppression. Even in the face of the same level of Warcraft, she did not have such a sense of oppression.

He Linyi's attack is very domineering, but he also has a glimmer of hope for Zhu ruosi, unlike killing her, so the attack is not a fatal position, just to subdue Zhu ruosi.

Just like this, she gave Zhu ruosi a chance. She quickly dodged, and could even escape the attacks of he Linyi.

However, there is a big gap between the senior martial arts master and the great perfection of the martial arts master. Zhu ruosi has exerted all his strength, but he Linyi is still very relaxed. If it is not for the sake of saving Zhu ruosi's life, I believe that he can kill Zhu ruosi without ten moves.

Zhu ruosi, who was forced to step back by step by he Linyi, now miss ye Wuwu. If ye Wuwu was around him, she would not have been forced to be like this.

Although Ye Wuqian is equal to her strength, she knows that ye Wuque's attack means emerge in endlessly, and she can fight beyond the level. Even if she can't deal with he Linyi, it's no problem to take her to escape.

"Damn it, a group of big men, bullying a woman, what kind of ability, give me stop!" Also in the bamboo if thought to ye Wuwu, a familiar voice sounded like thunder.After hearing this sound, Zhu ruosi's tense mood finally relaxed, because she recognized that this was Ye Wuxiang's voice. Since ye Wuqian has come, she is saved.

She stopped the action in her hands and looked at Ye Wuqian from a distance. Her eyes were full of attachment and gratitude. She really didn't expect that ye Wuque had been following her all the time, and even stood up at the critical moment.

"Who are you?" He Linyi naturally saw that there was no lack of leaves and asked him coldly.

"I'm the one who killed your mercenary. Haven't you been looking for me all the time?" Ye Wumian said in response.

He can feel that he Linyi's strength is very strong, stronger than him by a level, and there are many people around him who are similar in strength, but he is not afraid. After all, his experience in these days is not in vain, and he has the cards to protect his life, so he is full of confidence.

"Boy, are you too arrogant?" He Linyi frowned. He didn't expect that the boy would be so arrogant.

Because he has already felt Ye Wuqian's strength, he is just a senior martial arts teacher's strength. He can't stand a blow in front of his master's great circle level master. How dare he dare to challenge him like this? Is he not going to die.

He is full of depression. Although he is reluctant to kill Zhu ruosi, he will not be polite to this boy!

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