"Yes, I am a arrogant person. Let her go. Today, we will not violate the river. Otherwise, all of you will pay for your stupid behavior and die here." Ye Wuque threatened them fiercely.

In fact, ye Wuque is really not sure to leave these people. After all, the other side is a mercenary team, and there are not a few experts. If it was not for the boots, he would not have been sure to escape.

But now he has to show some strength. Only when he is strong, the other side will be afraid of him, will he be timid when attacking, and create opportunities for escape.

"Damn it, you are too arrogant. I don't know how much I have. In this case, don't blame me. This will be your burial place!" He Linyi said, then fiercely launched an attack to ye Wuque.

He made up his mind to kill ye Wumian, so he used 100% of his power to attack. His fist suddenly increased several times. It looked like he was waving a huge hammer, which made people tremble.

"Boom!" By virtue of speed, ye Wuqi escaped the fatal blow.

But this attack hit on the ground, even the hard rock ground smashed out a three meter deep pit.

Seeing that the other side can even play such a strong attack, ye Wuxiang's brain is sweating. He really didn't expect that there would be such a gap between the senior martial arts master and the great master of martial arts.

Such a big gap is almost irreparable.

However, ye Wuque is not afraid. After all, his speed is very fast. Even if the other side's attack is strong, as long as the opponent does not face confrontation and dodge with speed, there will be no danger.

Therefore, ye Wuque does not fight with each other, but blindly avoids.


Boom... "

The hard rock ground was constantly broken open, and deep pits appeared.

He Linyi is like a pile driver who tells the operation that every blow will leave a deep hole in the ground.

But he is a waste of energy, in his eyes, leaves without lack than loach also slippery, simply can not hit.

"Boy, do you know how to avoid?" He said viciously to Ye Wuwei.

"Of course, if you don't dodge, do you want me to fight with you? You are the master of martial arts. I'm not stupid. How can I fight with you Ye Wuqian said to him in a sarcastic tone.

After hearing this, he Linyi's eyes were red. He didn't expect that ye Wuque would say such shameless words.

It is true that although the boy's strength is not as good as him, he is too fast to catch up.

"Attack together, we don't believe it. We have so many people, we can't catch him!" He Linyi was so angry that he did not care about the dignity of the master. He immediately called out to his subordinates.

Then, almost all the mercenaries rushed to Ye Wuqian, trying to catch him.

But ye Wuwu's speed is not even better than he Linyi, not to mention them.

In their eyes, ye Wuwei's figure is a virtual shadow, visible, but not touched. They tried their best to suckle, but they had no choice.

What makes he Linyi more depressed is that because his subordinates are entangled with Ye Wuqi, if he starts, he can hurt his own people. So he is extremely depressed at the moment, and he doesn't know what to do.

It is precisely because of this, ye Wuqian's heart is not worried at all. He clearly knows that with his own strength, he can easily kill some of he Linyi's subordinates, but he does not kill any of them, because these people are his umbrella. To kill these people, he has to face a martial arts master at the level of Da Yuanman, but he has no full hand Yes, it's better to entangle and wait for an opportunity to escape from here than to fight an uncertain battle.

It can be said that ye Wuque's method is very scoundrel, but this kind of scoundrel's fighting method is the most effective.

He Linyi's face is blue because of Ye Wu's lack of Qi, but there is no way. After all, he can't even kill his own men, so now he has to gnash his teeth to hate ye Wuque.

He wanted to do it himself, but just now he had a fight with ye Wuque. He couldn't catch up with ye Wuque. Even if he did it by himself, he would be played like a monkey.

No, absolutely can't go on like this, otherwise his face will be lost, he must find a way to kill Ye Wuqian.

At this time, he turned his eyes to Zhu ruosi.

All of a sudden, he wanted a very insidious idea.

At the moment, he didn't put his mind on ye Wuque, because he knew that ye was born invincible, and Zhu ruosi was his only weakness. As long as he attacked Zhu Ruoshi, ye Wuque would definitely fight against him.

So he no longer hesitated, and immediately launched a fatal blow to Zhu ruosi.

This blow he locked in Zhu ruosi, and played very slowly, was deliberately let ye Wuque see, want to lead ye Wuque over.Zhu ruosi is a smart girl. He can see he Linyi's intention naturally, so she tries her best to avoid it.

Strangely enough, she felt locked in, unable to move.

He knew that it must be he Linyi's martial art, but she had no way to avoid the fatal blow. All she could do was to wait for her death.

"How shameless After feeling the powerful energy fluctuation, ye Wuqi immediately sees he Linyi's attack on Zhu ruosi. He scolds him secretly and rushes to zhuruosi as quickly as possible to help him resist this attack.

What he didn't expect was that when he quickly arrived at Zhu ruosi's side, he was surprised to find that the fatal attack had changed the direction, not to Zhu ruosi, but to him!

He originally wanted to dodge, but the other side accelerated the speed and didn't give him a chance to dodge.

Helpless, he can only quickly turn around, all the energy concentrated in the back, with the back hard to connect this fatal blow.

"Boom!" Ye Wuqi felt that the punch hit him on the back, just like a heavy hammer on his back, which almost made him faint.

He forced a bite on the tip of his tongue. Under the stimulation of sharp pain, he finally regained his senses.

He clearly felt that, even like a kite with a broken string, he was uncontrollable and fell down a cliff.

"You You killed him! I'll fight with you Zhu ruosi could feel the strength of the blow. Ye Wuqian, however, was hard hit and suffered a blow. If he did not die, he would be seriously injured. What's more, if he fell into the cliff, he would surely die. Therefore, Zhu ruosi went mad and cursed he Linyi.

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