Ye Wuqian can understand the hatred in Zhu ruosi's heart. If he had not got the boots in advance, they would have been forced to die by he Linyi. It was accidental that they could escape this time.

Therefore, this kind of revenge is equal to the Revenge of killing one's body, which must be revenged.

Even if Zhu ruosi doesn't want revenge, he will never let go of he Linyi.

But now he knows that revenge is not so simple. After all, the strength of that dog has reached the level of martial arts master's great perfection. Even if the two of them join hands, they may not be the opponent of the dog. What's more, he Linyi also has a mercenary group around him. In that mercenary group, there are several opponents with the same strength as them When they meet or are besieged by them, it will not be he Linyi who will die, but the two of them. Therefore, ye Wuqian knows that if they want to revenge, they must improve their strength, at least reach the level of martial arts master's great perfection. Then one person will fight he Linyi, and the other will fight his minions.

Although Hengduan Mountain is the fastest place to improve the strength, it depends on killing Warcraft to gain the core to enhance the strength here. They have seen the powerful Warcraft here, and their role in improving their strength has been small. So if you want to improve the strength as soon as possible, you must find a more powerful Warcraft.

"It seems that we have to change a place to practice, otherwise we can't find a powerful Warcraft here and get the energy we need to improve our strength!" Ye Wuqian said to Zhu ruosi.

"No, we must not leave here. Although he Linyi thinks that we are all dead and will not defend us, the other mercenary regiment will not give up the search on us. As long as we leave here, we will certainly pass by the town. Once they find out, we will be attacked by the two mercenary regiments There is no chance, so we have to improve our strength here! " Zhu ruosi said to ye Wuwu.

Ye Wuqi is depressed. Zhu ruosi is right. Their enemies are not only one mercenary group, but also two mercenary regiments. Therefore, it is almost impossible for them to leave here, so they must improve their strength here.

"But there is no more powerful Warcraft here!" Ye Wuwei said helplessly.

"That's not necessarily. I already feel a powerful Warcraft, but I'm afraid that you are not his opponents. You can't kill Warcraft, or you may die under the attack of Warcraft!" At this time, the mysterious old man in Ye Wuqian's mind spoke again and said to ye Wuque.

"Where, I must kill it!" After hearing the mysterious old man say this, ye Wuqian's heart is more and more excited. Originally, he thought that there was no powerful Warcraft here, but now it seems that his idea is completely wrong. There is a powerful Warcraft here. If so, they may improve their strength. If they are promoted to the level of great perfection of martial arts master, then It's not a problem to deal with those two mercenary regiments. Even if they can't get revenge, at least they won't be in danger any more. The possibility of escaping is very great. Therefore, ye Wuxiang is eager to know where the powerful Warcraft is.

"Don't worry, I'll guide you there!" The mysterious old man promised ye wumi.

After getting the promise of the mysterious old man, ye Wuqian's face showed a proud smile.

"What's the matter? Have you come up with a solution? " After seeing the smile on Ye Wuqian's face, Zhu ruosi looked at him strangely, and he couldn't understand why he was still frowning. How could he smile so quickly? Since he laughed, it showed that he had thought of a way. Maybe they could improve their strength soon. Therefore, in the face of the desire for strength improvement, Zhu ruosi was also very excited Move.

Ye Wumian knew that the conversation between him and the old man could not be heard by outsiders. Therefore, Zhu ruosi did not know that he had already known where there was a powerful Warcraft.

"Let's look for such a big Hengduan Mountain range. I don't believe there are only these Warcraft. There must be more powerful Warcraft. As long as we don't give up, I believe we can find it!" Ye Wuwei said confidently to Zhu ruosi.

But when Zhu ruosi heard Ye Wuqian say this, although he didn't get the most affirmative answer, he suddenly felt confident and felt that he saw hope.

And then, under the guidance of the mysterious old man, ye Wuwu takes the place of zhuruosi and advances rapidly in the forest.

Soon, ye Wuxiang felt a strong breath. He could be sure that it should be the powerful Warcraft that the mysterious old man said. He couldn't be happy at all. At the moment, he already felt the powerful breath of this Warcraft, which was many times stronger than he Linyi. I'm sure its strength has exceeded the martial arts level The strength of.

Such a Warcraft, if they had met before, would surely escape at the first time, but now they can't escape. They must kill this powerful Warcraft to gain its core and blood to enhance its strength.

Of course, ye Wuqian has already felt the power of Warcraft, but he is not sure that he can deal with this beast. Maybe both of them will die in the mouth of Warcraft."I found a powerful Warcraft, maybe we are not its opponents..." Ye Wuxiang said to Zhu ruosi very worried.

"We haven't tried yet. How can we know that it is not its opponent. Even if we are not, we must fight for it. Otherwise, we have no chance to leave here. Do you want to be trapped here for a lifetime?" Zhu ruosi said firmly to ye Wuwu.

What she said made ye Wuque astonished. He never thought that Zhu ruosi, a girl, would have such a determination. Since she was a girl, he would not shrink back as a man.

So the two of them approached the beast together.

Soon, they found the Warcraft.

"Ridge iron!" At the first sight of the Warcraft, Zhu ruosi's face changed color and said slightly surprised.

"Iron ridge monster? Do you know it? " Ye Wuwei asked in surprise.

"Of course I have heard that this beast is so famous in Hengduan Mountains that there are no less than ten mercenaries in its mouth. It is a very domineering and powerful Warcraft, known as the skeleton and iron skeleton, and the devil of mercenaries!" Zhu ruosi said worried.

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