With this geomantic treasure land, ye Wuqian is sure that he can wipe out the iron ridged monster, so he laughs more and more happily.

"You Are you okay? Are you all right? " When Zhu ruosi saw Ye Wuxiang, he would laugh and ask foolishly.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. I've got a way to deal with the iron ridgepole. We'll be able to promote our strength soon." Ye Wuque said excitedly to Zhu ruosi.

As for ye Wuqian, Zhu ruosi is very confident that he can kill the iron ridged monster since he said this, so she is also happy.

"Let's go and find the iron ridged monster again. I don't believe it. This time it won't die!" Ye Wuwei said confidently to Zhu ruosi.

Then the two of them returned to the domain of the iron ridgepole again.

And the first time they came to the iron ridge monster's territory, they were found by the iron ridge monster.

The iron ridged monster looked at Ye Wuqian and Zhu ruosi in a daze, and thought that these two little human beings were insane. Knowing that they were not their opponents, they dared to come here to die. It was crazy.

In fact, the iron ridged monster now wants to ask what they are here for. Unfortunately, it's just a Warcraft, and won't speak. Otherwise, he has to interview them.

And ye Wuqian, after coming here, has no nonsense. He even concentrates his whole body's strength on a point, and blows at the iron ridge monster with a fist.

"Boom..." With a loud noise, the fist hit the iron ridge monster's forehead.

But in fact, his hard punch did not cause any damage to the iron ridged monster, not even enough itching.

But that's what he did. His purpose was very simple. He wanted to enrage the iron ridged monster. As long as the iron ridged monster was angered, it would certainly chase them, and he would have a chance to shade the iron ridge monster into the swamp.

"Oh..." The iron ridge monster screamed and stood up and looked at ye Wuque and Zhu ruosi with angry eyes.

As expected, ye Wuwei did not expect that his attack successfully angered the iron ridged monster.

"Big guy, you're not our match!" Ye Wuqi deliberately pretends to be very virtuous and shouts to the iron ridge monster.

Since it became the king of the forest, no human has dared to challenge his majesty. Even if it is as powerful as a mercenary regiment, it has been eaten by him. However, it has never thought that these two little human beings dare to offend it. It seems that it has a good temper recently There's a killing spree.


The iron ridge monster roars again and chases ye wumi.

Seeing that the iron ridged monster has been successfully angered and chased after him, ye Wuwei can no longer keep calm. He carries zhuruosi on his back at the first time and runs quickly. The direction he escapes from is the swamp he just left. If he sticks to the swamp, he has full assurance that he can eliminate the iron ridge monster.

Ye Wuxiang and Zhu ruosi are running fast. They dare not stay or even look back. After all, the speed of the iron ridged monster is not slower than that of Ye Wuque. Even if it is a little bit slow, they will be caught up. Once caught up by the angry iron ridged monster, their lives can not be saved, so they will never use their lives to joke.

The iron ridge monster chased quickly. The last time it just chased for a distance, it gave up the chase. After all, in its eyes, these two small aims could not pose any threat to him, but now it is different. Those two small human beings have harassed it, and also challenged its dignity as the king of the forest. It is absolutely not allowed to let go, even if the two small human beings have harassed it It is the ends of the earth. We must kill these two little human beings and eat them in their stomachs. Only in this way can we calm down their anger.

The farther and farther he chased, ye Wuqian ran as hard as he could, while the iron ridged monster was struggling to catch up. Their speed was almost the same, keeping the same distance.

Soon, ye wubu saw the swamp, and had come to the edge of the swamp, but his speed did not stop, still running fast, straight to the swamp.

When he came to the swamp area, he immediately injected energy into his boots. After the energy injection, he did not control the boots to fly, but still kept close to the ground and moved fast.

The angry iron ridged monster did not find the clue of Ye Wuwei, so he quickly followed them.

"Poo Tong!" When the ironback ran into the swamp, its huge body fell into the swamp and sank quickly.

After hearing this sound, ye Wuwei immediately controlled the boots to fly up and flew back to the edge of the swamp.

He clearly saw that the iron ridged monster was already in the mire, struggling and roaring desperately.

But the more it struggled, the deeper it sank, and it soon passed through its waist.

The iron ridged monster, which had been swamped by the mud, did not dare to struggle any more, but its huge body was still falling and could not be controlled at all.Fortunately, the depth of the swamp is limited. When it sinks near the neck, it doesn't sink any more.

At the moment, the iron ridge monster couldn't move any more. No matter how strong his strength was, he couldn't play his part even after he fell into the mire.

It finally realized that he had been cheated by this cunning human being and was tricked by others. It roared desperately. It could be regarded as the king in the forest. Its roar was so frightening. Whether it was the Warcraft around or the mercenaries who came here for hunting, after hearing the earth shaking cry, it could only stay away from the place. No one or Warcraft dared to come here.

"Great, we made it!" Zhu ruosi said excitedly to ye Wuwu.

"Yes, we succeeded. Now it is no longer dangerous to us. It has been slaughtered." Ye Wuqi is also extremely excited in his heart. After all, as long as he gets the core of iron ridge monster, he can improve his strength.

When their strength has reached the point of great perfection of martial arts, no one can threaten their safety in this area. How can we not be happy.

"Late will change, I will solve it first, we will improve the strength as soon as possible!" Ye Wuqian said to Zhu ruosi.

Zhu ruosi nods, and ye Wuqian starts his boots again and flies to the iron ridged monster. After flying to the head of the iron ridged monster, a sharp dagger appears in his hand and stabs at the iron ridge monster's eyes.

No matter how fierce the defense of Warcraft is, its eyes are also a fatal weakness. Ye Wuqi runs through his head and dies in the howl.

The iron ridged monster is dead, but its body is deep into the mud and can't be pulled out at all. Therefore, ye Wuqi can only step on the head of the iron ridged monster, dig out the core, and then find a container to collect the blood of the iron ridged monster for Zhu ruosi's cultivation.

The iron ridge monster's core and blood have already been obtained. Next, they should practice, but this is not the place to practice. After all, the iron ridge monster's voice is too loud. I believe that people will hear it from a long distance. It will be dangerous if they can't complete the promotion. So they immediately leave here and find a secret one In the cave, it absorbs energy from the blood and the core.

In the past, it was Ye Wuqian who first absorbed the core energy and Zhu ruosi protected the Dharma. However, this time, it was different. After all, Zhu ruosi absorbed too much energy and was not strong enough to protect Dharma. Therefore, he must first enhance his own strength to the great perfection of his martial arts master before he can protect the Dharma for zhuruosi.

Therefore, ye Wuwei took the lead in absorbing the kernel of Warcraft.

At the moment of absorbing the inner power of Warcraft, ye Wuqian felt a surge of pure energy into his body. The energy was too violent, and almost burst his meridians. Fortunately, he was strong in character and supported by hardship.

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