Under Ye Wuqian's hard persistence, the energy in the Warcraft kernel was absorbed by him a little bit, and he also felt that his strength was further improved.

Although it was an extremely painful process for him, he was also very happy to achieve it, because he knew that as long as he persisted, he would certainly gain great strength, and all the pain was worth it.

Moreover, he would like to bear such pain every day, which means that he is constantly improving his strength, and only when his strength is improved can he revenge before he can complete his task here.

However, all this is just his wishful thinking. Such a Warcraft kernel is a rare good thing. If it was not for his coincidence with Zhu ruosi, he would never get this level of Warcraft kernel.

Gradually, the energy in the core of Warcraft is less and less, and ye Wuxiang's feeling is not as painful as before. He knows that this training is coming to an end. After all, the energy in the Warcraft kernel is limited and has been absorbed by him.

After absorbing all the energy in the core of Warcraft, ye Wuwei clearly felt that his strength had been greatly improved. Now he is a real martial arts master at the level of dayuanman. Such strength can walk horizontally here, and no one will dare to do harm to them.

After feeling that his strength has been raised to such a level, ye Wuqian is very happy in his heart. He never thought that in a short period of one or two months, his strength will be improved to such a level. When he first came here, he could not beat a wild boar, but now even the king in the forest has died in his hands He didn't dare to think about the speed of promotion before, but now everything has become a reality, which is exactly what he wants.

"Well, your strength has been promoted to the great circle of martial arts master." at this time, Zhu ruosi asked him.

"Yes, I have been promoted successfully. From now on, I can protect you. No one dares to bully you any more!" Ye Wuwei said to Zhu ruosi with pride.

When Zhu ruosi heard this, her pretty face turned red, and she was a little angry and white.

And ye Wuwu realized that what he had just said was too ambiguous.

However, he was too happy in his heart and didn't care too much about such embarrassment.

"My strength has been improved. Now you can safely absorb the energy in the blood of Warcraft. I will protect the Dharma for you!" Ye Wuqian said to Zhu ruosi.

And Zhu ruosi is not polite. After getting the chengruo of Ye Wuqi, she immediately sits on the ground with her knees crossed, concentrating on her breath and starting to absorb the energy in the blood of Warcraft.

At the moment of absorbing energy from the blood, Zhu ruosi's pretty face immediately turned red, as if it was on fire. After a moment, not only her face was red, but also her skin became red, especially her eyes, which were like being stained with blood, which was frightening.

When it is important, ye Wuqian can feel that the energy in Zhu ruosi's body is very violent. Even now that he has reached the level of martial arts master's perfection, he is shocked by the violent energy in his body. He can be sure that if this energy bursts out, even he may not be able to suppress it, and then Zhu ruosi will surely die 。

Zhu ruosi's eyes are tightly closed, and her delicate body is constantly shaking. She is holding on just like ye Wuque, but ye Wuque knows that her pain is much more severe than her own.

At the beginning, even though Zhu Si could not bear the pain of his own, she could hardly bear it.

However, he sincerely hoped that Zhu ruosi could stick to it. As long as she persisted, she would be promoted to the level of martial arts master's great perfection.

By then, both of them will be masters of martial arts. Even if the two mercenaries attack at the same time, they can escape immediately.

Ye Wumian looks at the upgraded Zhu ruosi with hope. He even feels that he is more nervous than Zhu ruosi himself, and even more nervous than when he was just promoted. Because during the period of time with Zhu ruosi, he has already had certain feelings with Zhu ruosi, so he cares too much about Zhu ruosi, so he worries about Zhu ruosi's accident.

But the more you worry, the more accidents will happen.

At the moment, Zhu ruosi had an accident. He clearly felt that the violent energy was more and more terrible and almost uncontrollable. Meanwhile, Zhu ruosi's body was constantly twitching. He even saw blood stains on the corner of zhuruosi's mouth. It must be that he bit his teeth before blood flowed out.

He didn't know how long zhurosi could hold on, and he didn't know how to help her. Now he couldn't do anything, but prayed secretly in his heart that Zhu ruosi could survive.

But gradually, he found that things might not develop in the direction he imagined, because he felt that Zhu ruosi's consciousness was becoming more and more blurred, and he was sure to be unable to hold on.And that violent energy is still constantly erupting, let Ye Wuxiang feel frightened.

He knew that he could not go on like this. If he went on like this, Zhu ruosi would die. He had to find a way to help Zhu ruosi.

He thought hard, but he couldn't think of any way.

At this critical moment, he suddenly thought that when he was in danger, Zhu ruosi used her own blood to help him. Since Zhu ruosi's blood has a certain effect, it is not sure that his blood will also have a certain effect. If so, maybe his own blood can save Zhu ruosi.

He knew that all this was just a guess of his own. No one could guarantee whether his own blood had any effect.

But now, there is no other way, can only try.

Therefore, ye Wuxiang did not hesitate at the moment. He immediately went to Zhu ruosi's side, cut off his arm, and sprinkled blood on Zhu ruosi's mouth.

After Zhu ruosi drank the blood of Ye Wuqi, something he didn't expect happened, because he could clearly feel that Zhu ruosi's original violent breath gradually calmed down and returned to normal.

Soon, Zhu ruosi's state gradually stabilized, and she no longer took out.

Another hour or so later, Zhu ruosi slowly opened his eyes and looked at Ye Wuwei. Her eyes were full of gratitude.

Although the situation just now was very critical, she could feel that it was Ye Wuqian who was helping him. If ye Wuqian was not around her, she would have died under such circumstances. It was Ye Wuqian who saved her again, so she was more and more grateful to him.

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