"It's very kind of you to do so! In this way, we will meet here in three days. As long as the goods arrive, I will give you the unsealing symbol in both hands. " Wang is also willing to say.

I'll see you in three days! I'm leaving now Ye Wuqian said, turning to leave.

And Wang Ken also rushed to send leaves to the outside.

After saying goodbye to Wang Ken and leaving the exchange, ye Wuqian wants to go back to the mountains. After all, he is just a simple make-up. In three days, he can never be found in the town, or he may be found at any time!

"Boy, we're finally waiting for you!" But let did not expect is, just when he was about to walk out of the town, he was suddenly stopped, and said to Ye Wuwei in a gloomy tone.

After hearing this sentence, ye Wuwei clearly felt that a group of people surrounded him and looked at him fiercely.

Ye Wuqi is very depressed in his heart. He is afraid that he will be found here, so he is careful all the way. After finishing his work, he wants to leave here as soon as possible, but he is still found.

He carefully sensed and found that the people surrounding him were only some middle-level martial arts masters. Among them, the two strongest ones were only high-level martial arts masters. Even if the number of such opponents was too large, they could not pose any threat to him. Therefore, even if they were surrounded by others, ye Wuwei did not show any panic, but played a little more The smile of taste.

Although he can't kill all the enemies, and he doesn't have the strength to revenge, he can ask for some interest and kill those who besiege him first!

"Boy, you hurt our people in the Hengduan Mountains, shouldn't you give us an explanation?" One of the mercenaries said to Ye Wuqian.

Ye Wuqi observes carefully. He has a little impression on this mercenary. It seems that he is a force on the side of the hospital.

"What do you want to say?" Ye Wuque asked coldly.

"Of course, it's time to pay for your life if you killed some of our experts." The mercenary said to Ye Wuqian.

At the moment, the mercenary was very happy. After all, he found Ye Wuqian here. If he was in the mountains, he might have no way to do it, because he had already seen that ye Wuqian was a real strength, a senior martial arts master, and his speed was amazing. Now he is in the town, in his own territory, and there are no trees, He can't have a hiding place. It's the best time to kill him.

Moreover, this man has been hated by their boss. As long as he is killed, his boss will treat him with great respect, and then his status will be promoted by rocket. This is a rare opportunity for him. It is a credit that has been sent to his door. Therefore, he has decided in his heart that ye Wuqian must be killed in any case today.

"Well, since you want to kill me, come on!" Ye Wuqi is still expressionless to him.

But seeing ye Wuque's attitude, he was a little angry. He was surrounded by his people. He didn't know how to beg for mercy. This boy is too arrogant.

"What a arrogant boy, in this case, I'm not polite. Today next year will be your death day!" The mercenary said this and launched a fatal attack on ye Wuque.

He almost concentrated all his strength on this attack. He believed that the strong men of the same level would be seriously injured even if they did not die. Moreover, he attacked so fast that he did not give ye Wuqi the chance to escape.

However, he never thought that ye Wuqian was no longer the former Ye Wuqian, and was not the strength of the senior level of the martial arts master, but the strength of the martial arts master's great circle level. Therefore, ye Wuque had no intention of avoiding.

"Die!" Ye Wu lacks a cold drink. At the moment when the other side's attack is coming, he also fiercely launches the attack, and suddenly blows out a fist and yells at him.

"Ah A heartrending scream rang out, and the mercenary flew back and forth at a very fast speed. He hit a big tree and broke it.

He kept spraying blood, with the eyes of death looking at ye Wuwu.

Because up to now, he didn't believe that ye Wuque had been promoted to the level of martial arts master's great perfection in such a short time. It was just too evil.

He thought he could do meritorious deeds, but he didn't expect that the other side would kill him with just one blow.

But his thought just came to an end, because he was already a corpse and had no ability to think at all.

At the moment, all the mercenaries present were dumbfounded. They didn't expect ye Wuque to be so powerful. Because of their eyesight, the middle-level strength of their team leader's martial arts master was already very powerful. To them, it was an insurmountable mountain. However, it was such an insurmountable mountain that it was killed by a single blow, and it was still a positive attack Kill, there is no chance to resist. What strength is this man?

They all looked at ye Wuque stupidly. Even the only senior mercenary of the martial arts master, he was also stupid. He knew that ye Wuque was already a master at the full level of martial arts. Even if he made his own moves against such an expert, he would be killed in seconds. He did not have any hope to capture ye Wuque. Now he started with ye Wuque, and he was looking for death So now he has no idea to capture ye Wumian. His only idea is to leave here as soon as possible for his life."Run, everybody run, he's a man eating devil!" I don't know which mercenary was scared out of his wits and yelled.

It is also because of this, almost all the mercenaries around Ye Wuqian are running away quickly and want to leave here.

Since they just dare to do it by themselves, ye Wuqian will never be polite. He wants to kill all the people here.

Therefore, it is not possible for him to come here at any time, but to kill all of them.

Therefore, ye Wuqian fixed his eyes on the senior mercenary of the martial arts master. Only by killing such an expert would he make the hospital's flesh ache.

So ye Wuque immediately chased the master, and before the other side reacted, he hit the other side's back heart.

"Poof!" The mercenary, who was hit by Ye Wuque, spat out a mouthful of blood and died.

The senior mercenaries of the martial arts division have been killed. The rest are just some mole ants. Ye Wuqian has no time to kill them all. So he immediately drives to the dense forest.

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