Since he saw through Wang Ken's idea, ye Wuxiang was not polite. However, he did not immediately say about the box. Instead, he did not say what happened to the box. On the contrary, he found a black stone, the kind of stone with cold breath, which he got from the snake hole. Before, ye Wuqian had always thought that the stone was not simple, but he did not know and did not know what role it had. Since this is an exchange, it must be one of the people here There are many opinions and wide knowledge that can be recognized.

"You see what this is?" Ye Wuqian gives the black stone to Wang Ken.

At the moment of seeing the stone, Wang Ken was excited immediately, even his hands trembled. He looked at Ye Wuxiang in disbelief.

According to his expression, ye Wuqian can be sure that the stone must not be simple. However, Wang Ken did not say it because it was not confirmed. This made ye Wuque a little excited. The more this is, the more it shows that the stone has a high price, which is exactly what he hopes.

"This It's a black stone. It's a nurse's stone! And it's still such a big piece! It's too precious! " Wang Ken murmured.

"Heisha stone? What is it? What's the use? " Ye asked.

When he heard Ye Wuqian say this, Wang Ken was a little stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that ye Wuque was so powerful that he didn't even know the black evil stone.

However, Wang Ken is not a greedy villain. He has no intention to cheat Ye Wuqian. Therefore, he gives Ye Wuqian the effect of Heisha stone.

It is suggested that ye Wuqian auction this black stone, and only in this way can the interests of Heisha stone be maximized.

After listening to Wang Ken's explanation and suggestions, ye Wuqian has increased a little favor for Wang Ken. Through this small incident, ye Wuqian can see that Wang Ken is a real person, and such a person is worth communicating with.

"In this case, elder Wang is in trouble to deal with this stone!" Ye Wuwei said.

"You Since you gave me the stone like this Wang Ken is shocked. Although he is an elder of the exchange, he often takes out the valuable things like Heisha stone at the moment before the auction starts, and there are a lot of complicated procedures in the process.

However, ye Wuque didn't go through any procedures, so he put the black evil stone here. He trusted him completely, which made him a little shocked and even silly.

"You are the elder of the exchange. Who will you not give it to?" Ye Wuke frowned and said.

In fact, ye Wuqian doesn't know the procedures of the exchange at all. Moreover, the black stone, which is extremely precious to others, is nothing to him. After all, he has not only one such stone in his hand, but also a pile of them, so he doesn't care much at all.

"Don't worry, since brother Ye trusts me so much, I will handle it properly and sell you a satisfactory price." After hearing the positive answer from ye Wuwu, Wang Ken said in a hurry and excited way.

"Thank you so much." The leaf does not lack light to say.

"In this case, I'll go through the formalities!" Wang Ken can't wait to go through the auction procedures and arrange the auction of this stone.

"Wait, elder Wang, there's something I want to ask you. Do you have something to unlock or seal?" Ye Wuqian tentatively tells his true purpose.

In his opinion, the black stone was not a treasure, but the box in his hand was what he expected.

Since Wang Ken has determined the value of the black stone, he can use it as a cover, and take the search for the things to open the box as an additional condition, so that no one will pay attention to it.

"Yes, the unsealing symbol. There will be an auction in the near future." Wang Ken said without thinking.

Wang Ken is the elder of the exchange. He is very familiar with the items to be auctioned, so he answers so happily.

"In this case, please ask elder Wang to buy it for me. The cost will be deducted from this stone." Ye Wuque certainly didn't bring money, so he said to Wang Ken.

However, he never thought that it was because of this sentence that Wang Ken, a man of ordinary talent, realized Ye Wuqian's real intention. It seems that this man selling stones is false, but it is true that he wants to release the seal.

But for him, it doesn't matter what the other party wants. The important thing is whether he is willing to help himself or not.

As an elder of the exchange, Wang Ken was very polite to Ye Wuxiang at the beginning. He even ignored the wounded subordinates. Instead, he invited Ye Wuqian to the VIP room. It was because he took a fancy to Ye Wuqian's strength and wanted to ask him to help.

Now that he has understood Ye Wuwei's real intention, the next thing is easy to do!

"Brother ye, unsealing is not a problem. If brother Ye really wants it, I can make the decision and give you one!" Wang Ken smiles and says to Ye Wuwei.

Ye Wuqi is also a smart man. When he heard Wang Ken say this, he was a little surprised. He didn't expect to be so careful. He also saw his intention.

But now that they have seen it and have not shown any malice, they must have something to ask him for, so that's why.Since you know that the other party has something to ask for, you may as well listen to it.

"Elder Wang, there is no free lunch in the world, and the unsealing amulet is not a common thing. How can I ask for it casually? Since elder Wang is willing to send it away, I can't take it for nothing. If you have anything, you can say it. If I can do it, I won't refuse it!" Ye Wuqi went straight to the theme and said to Wang Ken.

Wang Ken is not used to Ye Wuxiang's intelligence, but he is not a person who is willing to hide. Since the other party has already known that he has something to ask for, and he is willing to say it directly, it shows that he has not had any antipathy and is hopeful.

"Well, I'll tell you the truth, brother Ye. The reason why I invited you here is because I know that you must be an expert at the level of Da Yuan man, but I'm really busy here. Recently, we have a lot of valuable goods to be shipped out, but there is no such master in our exchange, so I need your help!" Wang Ken sincerely said to Ye Wuwei.

When ye Wuqian heard what he said, he laughed. He knew that the experts in the town were in the mercenary regiment, and the most powerful one in the exchange was probably the 50 middle level masters.

"Well, I promise you!" Ye wuhui nodded and agreed.

In fact, the reason why he agreed to him is because ye Wuxiang has absolute assurance. Since the other party only wants to make the goods arrive at the destination safely, it is difficult for others. However, ye Wuqian also said that it is not a matter for him. Even if he is alone carrying goods and encountering the siege of experts, he can also use his boots to escape and take away the goods safely, which is not a problem.

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