Because it was not ye Wuque who was slapped in the face, but Yi Zhonghuang, the law enforcement captain.

This hit Ye Wuqian didn't use all his strength, but after all, he was an expert at the level of Da Yuanman, so he directly knocked out a row of teeth of Yi Zhonghuang.

Yi Zhonghuang's face suddenly swelled like a pig's head. He was stunned because he could not think of it. He thought of the attack launched by the beggars first, but he didn't expect that he was attacked by the beggars first, and he was seriously injured by a blow.

At the moment, he finally knew that he had offended a person who should not have been offended.

Although ye Wuque didn't release it, he could still clearly feel that the blow he had just made was one that could be delivered by a master at the level of Da Yuan man. There were few such masters in the whole town. All of them were worshipped by great forces as their ancestors. Unfortunately, he offended such a fierce one Character, this is too sad, such a big man, killing him is as simple as crushing an ant.

So he was a little scared, even his legs were shaking, and he was about to kneel down like ye Wumian.

All the people present were stupid. None of them thought that the beggar would be so powerful.

Originally, they wanted to see the excitement and see how Yi Zhonghuang, the law enforcement captain, humiliated a beggar, but now they have completely turned it over. It is the beggar who is repairing the law enforcement captain.

You know, as the law enforcement captain of the exchange, Yi Zhonghuang's strength is not small, and he can be regarded as a famous person in this area. However, he didn't expect to be hit by a beggar, and even his legs were shaking. Obviously, he was afraid of the beggar.

"You Who are you? " After a long time, Yi Zhonghuang responded and asked Ye Wuwei.

"What kind of person am I? Can I tell you that you are inferior to even a mole ant in my eyes, so you don't have to worry. I won't kill you, and you will never pose any threat to me. However, since you humiliated me before, I will definitely retaliate.

However, I am a fair person. I will never take advantage of others. I will give you a chance. As long as you kneel down and Han my grandfather, I will spare you a dog's life! " Ye Wuqian said in an unflinching response.

After hearing this, Yi Zhonghuang was a fool. He didn't expect that ye Wuque would make such a request.

You know, Yi Zhonghuang is also a famous figure in this area. If he really kneels down to call ye Wuqian's grandfather, I'm afraid he won't raise his head all his life.

But if you don't agree with the other party's conditions, he will certainly do it. Yi Zhonghuang knows that once the other party starts, he may not be able to take a move.

So at the moment, he is very tangled, do not know the choice of compromise, or gripping his teeth to save face.

But in fact, he did not know, in everyone's eyes, a beggar can clean him up, he really has no face, there is no need to retain any face.

Yi Zhonghuang was very embarrassed. He didn't know what to do. He knew that if he didn't kowtow, he would die. But after kowtow, he couldn't stay here.

"What? Did you kowtow to me and make my grandfather wronged you Ye Wuque asked Yi Zhonghuang coldly.

"No That's not what I mean Yi Zhonghuang hastily explained.

"Since it's not like this, don't be stunned and call Godfather quickly!" Ye Wuque's eyes are fixed on him. In his eyes, ye Wuque is a devil, the most terrible one.

"I..." Yi Zhonghuang stammered and couldn't say a word. He didn't know how to finish. In his impatience, he didn't come up with a mouthful of phlegm and almost fainted.

At this time, many people are watching the excitement, a time are chattering about what.

"Brother, I don't know what to call it!" At this time, a kind-hearted old man appeared in front of Ye Wuqian and others.

"There is no lack of leaves!" Ye Wumian replied without expression.

"It's brother Ye. I'm really sorry about what happened just now. It's my subordinates' lax discipline. Let me introduce myself. I'm the elder of the exchange. My name is Wang Ken!

I wonder if we can talk about it! " Wang Ken walks to ye Wuque and asks ye Wuque with a smile on his face.

Wang seemed to laugh at him, but he didn't blame him.

I can't figure out why Wang Ken is like this.

However, since the attitude of others is so good, there is no need to hurt the friendship for this matter.

Moreover, after Wang Ken came, Yi Zhonghuang and others have been respectful, which shows that Wang Ken has a certain position in the exchange and may be able to help himself.

"Yes!" Ye Wuzhi nodded and said to Wang Ken.

"OK, please talk to me in the VIP room." Wang Ken said politely to Ye Wuqian.And it is because Wang Ken said so that everyone was surprised. We did not expect that Wang Ken would invite him to the VIP room.

You should know that the VIP room of the exchange is not something that ordinary people can enjoy. Even the leaders of the major mercenary regiments may not have this treatment. Wang Ken even invited a beggar to their VIP room. More importantly, the beggar just beat the people of the exchange.

This matter everybody realizes, this beggar is not a simple person, otherwise certainly won't have such treatment.

But they can't figure out why they have to dress like beggars since they are not ordinary people.

At this time, ye Wuqian and Wang Ken came to the so-called VIP room.

On the way, ye Wuqian was also worried. He thought that Wang Ken was a smiling tiger who wanted to deceive him into a trap. Therefore, he was very vigilant all the way. The reason why he dared to follow in was because he had a pair of boots that could be emptied. Even if it was a trap, he was sure that he could escape.

But when he really came to the VIP room, ye Wuqi was stunned. It seemed that he thought too much, and the other party didn't mean to deal with himself. Instead, he really wanted to talk to himself.

In this case, he has nothing to worry about, so he is relaxed at this time.

"Brother ye, I don't know why you came here?" Wang Ken asked for the first time.

Ye Wuqian looks at Wang Ken. He has realized that Wang Ken has no malice towards him, and he must have asked for him to come in. However, the other party does not explain what he wants to do. Instead, he asks ye Wuque first.

Ye Wumian has already understood the other party's mind. When asking for help, he may not get anything. Only when he knows what the other party wants and helps each other, can he express his sincerity. Wang Ken is sure that since he asked him, he has a plan to help in a certain Chengdu, but he doesn't know whether he can help him.

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