However, Zhu ruosi did not agree with him. He wanted to raise snakes.

Since Zhu ruosi insists on insisting, ye Wuwu is not saying anything.

After that, cuisi was still staring at the small snake with a strange look.

Seeing it like this, ye Wuqian wants to slap the snake to death, but Zhu ruosi has been blocking it.

In fact, ye Wuwu didn't know the reason why Zhu ruosi insisted on raising snakes.

Because I like the strength of troll Mang, if I can raise this snake, I will surely give full play to the strength of super Warcraft.

In Zhu ruosi's eyes, she has always been a burden. Every time she encounters danger, ye Wuqian gives up her life to rescue her. If it is not for ye Wuqian, she will not be free at all, and she may not even live to the present.

Every time ye Wuqi saved her, she saw the danger, but there was nothing she could do. Therefore, her desire for strength in her heart was unimaginable.

Because of this, she had to raise this little snake.

Now, however, something seems to be wrong with the little snake.

When the egg was just hatched, it was still very docile, but I didn't know why, but all of a sudden, he became violent and almost uncontrollable.

If it wasn't for ye Wuwu's hand, I'm afraid the snake would have hurt her.

And it is because of this, the little snake is particularly afraid of the leaves, dare not to move forward, but still with his small eyes locked zhuruosi, or a look to come.

Zhu ruosi is very strange. He can't figure out why this little snake is aiming at himself.

"By the way, is it hungry?" After a long time, Zhu ruosi suddenly thought of something like, said to ye Wuwu.

Hungry? I'll fight a Warcraft and give it to eat Ye Wumian said, and left, and then beat a Warcraft rabbit to bring back, and tear rabbit meat into a piece, ready to feed the snake.

To their dismay, the little snake just sniffed the rabbit meat, and then quickly avoided eating it.

Isn't he hungry?

Ye Wuqi was confused, but he looked at the snake and wanted to kill it with a slap.

Originally, I thought I got a powerful Warcraft, and I tried my best to help it kill the black backed tiger. But I didn't expect that this Warcraft was a difficult master to serve.

At this time, Zhu ruosi went to the snake's side, actually cut his finger, and then dropped blood to the snake.

Next, a strange scene happened. The little snake even looked up and opened its mouth, swallowing the blood of zhuruosi.

After swallowing Zhu ruosi's blood, the little snake finally extricated from the manic state, and gently wrapped it around zhuruosi's arm like a pet, and rubbed zhuruosi with the snake's head to show his intimacy.

"This It turns out that this thing should be fed with blood! " Ye Wuqi understood and said in shock.

"In fact, I just thought that, since it depends on our blood for egg formation, maybe blood has a certain effect on it, so I tried it, but I didn't expect it was really successful!" Zhu ruosi said with some embarrassment.

Now that the snake's problem has been solved, there won't be any more danger here, and ye Wuqian has looked at the time, almost two days have passed.

Before he left the exchange, he agreed with Wang Ken for three days. After three days, he would go to the exchange to help escort things.

From here, after going down the mountain, it was almost the appointed time, so ye Wuqian didn't stay any longer. After saying goodbye to Zhu ruosi, he went down the mountain.

Of course, the last time his dress was found by the mercenary regiment, so this time he can't use the last one. It can be changed into a fur suit, which looks like a savage.

When he came to the town, he found that the two mercenaries were searching for something as if they were enemies.

Ye Wumian knew that they must be looking for themselves, but now he looks like a savage, so the mercenaries did not see that, he came to the exchange smoothly.

"Who are you?" Exchange guard captain Yi Zhonghuang or that pair of dog's eyes look down on people's low appearance, from a commanding position to leaf without missing asked.

"Look who I am?" Ye Wuqi closes his messy hair and reveals his face for Yi Zhonghuang to see.

When he saw ye Wuque's face, the whole person was stupid. He never thought that ye Wuque, who was still wearing a beggar's costume last time, turned out to be a savage this time.

He had already known Ye Wuqian's power, but he didn't dare to be the enemy with ye Wuque any more. He hastened to report to the public.

At this time, Wang Ken is anxiously waiting for ye Wuqian. He and ye Wuque have agreed on a three-day time. However, the three-day time has come, but ye Wuqian has never appeared. It is almost noon, but he still does not see anyone. He is more and more anxious, thinking that ye Wuque will not come back.

Can also be in his anxious like the ant on the hot pot general, but someone told him that the leaf is not missing to come again.He did not dare to neglect, rushed out to meet, and will leave no lack of courtesy to the living room.

"Brother Ye is indeed a man of his word!" Wang Ken said happily to Ye Wuqian.

"Don't worry! Since I have promised you something, I will certainly do it, but you must be prepared for the reward you promised me! " Ye Wuqian replied to him.

"I've got everything ready. You can take it any time you want it!" Wang Ken said with a smile.

"I'm a man of my word. I won't ask for your things until I've done what I promised you!" Ye Wuwei said to Wang Ken.

After hearing this, Wang Ken had a better impression on ye Wuque. How could he not have thought that ye Wuque would make such a choice.

You know, even if ye Wuxiang wants to unseal the amulet now, he will not hesitate to give it to him. After all, the valuable stone is still in their exchange. He is not afraid that ye Wuque will run away.

But since ye Wumian has made such a choice, he is more at ease. He thinks that this time he is looking for the right person.

"Well, since brother Ye insists, I'll wait for brother Ye's triumph, and everything will be ready!" Wang Ken said happily to Ye Wuqian.

He just likes to cooperate with such happy people.

After that, Wang Ken came to the escort team with Ye Wuwei and gave him an introduction.

Ye Wuqi carefully looked at the members of the escort team. In addition to the captain Zhou He, who was a high-level martial arts teacher, the rest were all middle-level martial arts teachers, and even some junior members.

This kind of person escorts the general thing is also enough, but once meets the valuables, it is not enough to see, no wonder Wang Ken will ask him to help this time, because his escort team is really unbearable.

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