Moreover, ye Wuqian confirmed through the battle between the two tigers that although the black backed tiger is very powerful, his speed is not very fast. If the function of boots is used, his speed will be greatly improved, and the black backed tiger can not catch up with his speed.

"Well, I have a way. In this way, I will attack the black backed tiger and lead it to chase me. You wait for the opportunity to attack and fight for the fatal place!" Ye Wuqian said to Zhu ruosi.

After thinking for a moment, Zhu ruosi thinks that ye Wumian's method is feasible. After all, the tiger has been injured, and its original speed is not as fast as ye Wumian. As long as ye Wumian is more careful, there should be no danger.

"Well, in that case, be careful yourself!" Zhu ruosi agreed to Ye's plan.

After obtaining Zhu ruosi's consent, ye Wuqian immediately took action and ran to the injured black backed tiger.

When running in front of the black backed tiger, ye Wuqian suddenly made a force and gave a punch to the black backed tiger's eyes.

As soon as the black backed tiger closed its eyes, it was hit hard and jumped up in pain.

It stares at the fierce big eyes, stares at the leaf not to lack, its inner anger cannot hide.

Today, he was challenged by the same kind. He was hurt and was in a bad mood. Unexpectedly, he was attacked by a small human being. This is an insult to the king of the forest, which he can't bear.

It has secretly decided that the leaves must be torn up, and only in this way can the anger in its heart be calmed down.

"Oh The black backed tiger sent out a thunderous roar, and chased Ye Wudao.

Ye Wuqian saw that the black backed tiger's attention had been successfully attracted by him. At this time, he did not hesitate, and immediately ran to the distance at the fastest speed.

Seeing that the humans who attacked it were fleeing, the black backed tiger of course would not let Ye Wudao go easily and immediately caught up with him.

Boom! Boom!

The huge black tiger's back was broken by the huge trees, which caused the huge running.

Although the speed of the black backed tiger can't catch up with ye Wumian, it is also extremely fast. Moreover, its eyes have been focused on ye Wuque's body, and it has never noticed that someone will ambush it.

"Kill!" At this time, Zhu ruosi, who was hiding in the dark, felt the opportunity. When the black backed tiger passed by, he quickly attacked and stabbed the black backed tiger's stomach with his sword.

The black backed tiger, which had been scratched by the same kind of wound, got a sword again. The black backed tiger was convulsed with pain. It only found out that there was a sneak attacker hidden.

However, it did not chase Zhu ruosi, because in its view, all these disasters were caused by the human who first attacked it. Therefore, the person it hated most was Ye Wuxiang, who was still chasing Ye Wuxiang quickly.

And ye Wuque did not stop, of course, he did not run to the distance, always with the black backed tiger around the circle.

The black backed tiger concentrated all his anger on ye Wumian's body. Of course, he ignored Zhu ruosi, who also took the opportunity to stab the wound on the black backed tiger's stomach.

The black backed tiger, which was hit hard one after another, roared angrily, but because it ran too fast, the speed of blood loss also accelerated. Soon it had a feeling of dizziness and swelling, and it was a little unstable when walking.

Ye Wuqian and Zhu ruosi see that the black backed tiger is at the end of their tether, and they will not be polite any more. They attack together and attack the weak black backed tiger.

There was no doubt that the black backed tiger died under the joint attack of two people.

After killing the black backed tiger, ye Wuqian immediately dissected the corpse, and then took the core in his hand, carefully sensing the energy in the core.

However, he was somewhat depressed that the energy in the core was not enough. After all, the black backed tiger had been fighting against each other, consuming all the energy in the core. What's more, it was consumed by the leaves, so the energy would not be saved much.

Ye Wumian knows that this kernel is not enough to support his upgrade, but can only make his strength slightly enhanced, but this is also an unexpected harvest for him.

Zhu ruosi began to collect the blood of the black backed tiger. After all, there was a lot of blood flowing before. Even if the black backed tiger was huge, there was not much left now, which was not enough to upgrade Zhu ruosi.

However, when she collected the blood together, the little snake actually climbed out and began to suck the blood of the black backed tiger.

After sucking the blood of the black backed tiger, the little snake's body is like blowing a balloon, constantly expanding, and ye Wuqian and Zhu ruosi can feel it. While the snake's body is growing, its breath is also climbing like a rocket. In less than a quarter of an hour, it has reached the strength of a martial arts master, and its body has been stretched to the size of its arms Fine.

Of course, as the body and breath became bigger and stronger, the little snake finally had a fierce posture. It even opened two sharp fangs, protruding out of its mouth, shining in the sun. It was emerald green, and seemed to be highly poisonous.At the moment of seeing the little snake, ye Wuqian felt worried. After all, the appearance of the little snake was too eye-catching. At a glance, he knew that it was a fierce beast and could hurt people at any time.

This is what he worries about. Once a girl is attacked by this fierce beast, she may lose her life. What's more, if she keeps this snake, she will be with the snake at any time, and she will be in danger of being attacked at any time.

"I don't think this snake should be kept. It's too dangerous!" Ye Wuwei said to Zhu ruosi with worry.

"Don't worry, there won't be any danger. I can tame it. Besides, it absorbs our blood and won't attack us!" Zhu ruosi said to ye wumi positively and confidently.

Since Zhu ruosi has already said so, ye Wuqian has not said anything more.

After all, this Troll mang is not a general Warcraft, but a super Warcraft. If it can be tamed, it will definitely be a great help to Zhu ruosi. Even if ye Wuque is not around her one day, and with the protection of troll Mang, her safety will be a little more guaranteed.

"Come on, let's go back." Ye Wuqian said to Zhu ruosi.

Then the two of them returned to the cave with the body and core of the tiger.


But not long after they returned to the cave, ye Wuqian suddenly found that the little snake seemed to have been stimulated and became abnormal. The scarlet letter of the snake was spitting out vigorously, and the front half of the snake was also raised high, which seemed to be ready to attack at any time.

Seeing that the little snake has become like this, ye Wuqi's heart is very surprised. He also knows that something must have happened, which makes the little snake be stimulated and go mad.

What ye Wuxiang didn't think of was that Zhu ruosi didn't retreat at this time. Instead, he went to the snake and stretched out his white hand to touch the snake, trying to comfort it and stabilize its mood.

"Hiss!" But at the moment when Zhu ruosi's hand was about to touch the snake, the snake opened its mouth and bit Zhu ruosi.

Zhu ruosi had no chance to dodge at all. He was about to bite him. He knew that the snake's teeth were extremely poisonous, and he was even ready to die.

But at this time, ye Wuqi again activated the flying ability of the boots, and came to Zhu ruosi and the little snake at a very fast speed. He grabbed the snake's neck and threw it hard against the wall.

"Pa!" Although the little snake has reached the level of martial arts, ye Wuqian is the strong one of the martial arts master's great circle level. He will throw the little snake to seven meat and eight vegetables.

"It! Is it OK? " What makes ye Wuque depressed is that instead of blaming the snake, Zhu ruosi is very concerned and asks ye Wuque.

"Don't worry, I didn't kill my hand. I just knocked it out. I said for a long time that this thing is too dangerous. As a girl, don't keep snakes. It's too dangerous!" Ye Wuqian said to Zhu ruosi.

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