After hearing the mysterious old man say this, ye Wuqian frowns more and more. In only three days, how can he find the powerful Warcraft? After all, all the powerful Warcraft here have been killed by him, so this is almost impossible.

Ye Wuxiang was more and more depressed. He thought he had found the treasure, but now it seems that it is a pit of goods. Within three days, he can not lay the foundation for Warcraft, so he has given up the idea which is not in line with reality.

"What? Don't you want to have a powerful Warcraft The mysterious old man asked ye Wuque.

"Of course, but where can I find the blood of powerful Warcraft?" Ye Wuhua, a little lost, replied to the mysterious old man.

"You don't have a way. Of course, I have a way. I sensed the existence of a powerful Warcraft. It should be a black backed tiger. With your strength, you should be able to deal with it, and its blood is just suitable for small snake to upgrade!" The mysterious old man replied to Ye Wuqian.

Hearing the mysterious old man say so, ye Wuqian's face suddenly became strange, because they had not found that there was a powerful Warcraft in the mountain before, but now the mysterious old man said yes, which is really incredible.

But since the mysterious old man said that to him, he would never cheat him.

"This This little snake looks very weak And at this time, did not hear ye Wuque and mysterious old man talk to Zhu ruosi said to ye Wuque.

"It will certainly become a super Warcraft, but it has not been upgraded yet. What we need to do next is to find a powerful Warcraft, let the snake absorb the blood of Warcraft, so as to lay the foundation for future upgrading!" Ye Wuqian said to Zhu ruosi.

"This How do you know that? " When Zhu Ruoxi heard this, he looked at ye Wuque with a strange look. After all, he had seen ye Wuque lose his face before. How could he change his view in a few minutes? This is really incredible. So he asked ye Wuque.

"I I did not understand it until I observed it carefully! " Ye Wuque lied and said.

For him, the existence of the mysterious old man is a secret that no one can know. Even Zhu ruosi can never tell.

This is not because he does not trust Zhu ruosi, but because the mysterious old man is in his body. This matter is too important. Once he speaks it out, it is likely to cause disaster. If he conceals it, it is also for Zhu ruosi's consideration.

Under the guidance of the mysterious old man, ye Wuqian and Zhu ruosi walked to the deep forest. After a full day's walking, they felt the strong breath.

After feeling the strong breath, ye Wumian left and concluded that this was definitely a powerful Warcraft beyond the martial arts level. He was more and more worried about such a Warcraft. How could they get the blood of Warcraft?

"Don't worry, hide in the dark first, there will be a chance!" The mysterious old man told ye Wuqian.

After that, ye Wuxiang took zhuruosi to hide in the dark and observed the Warcraft carefully.

It was a strong tiger like a cow. The whole body was white. Only a black mark on its back, like a whip, separated the body from the middle. It will be accompanied by a strong wind in the West.

"Roar!" All of a sudden, the black backed tiger roared in a loud voice, mixed with anger.

After hearing this sound, ye Wumian's heart was tight. Did he say that he was found by the black backed tiger?

He was so anxious that he was about to run away when he heard another roar of tiger.

Similarly, the roaring sound of the tiger makes Ye Wuqian realize that it is not the black backed tiger that has found it, but another black backed tiger appears. They are robbing the territory.

I didn't expect to encounter such a thing. It was definitely an opportunity for him.

Originally thought it was not the opponent of this black backed tiger, but if there was another one, they would fight and fight each other, and there would be a chance for him.

As expected, another tiger appeared in front of them.

The tiger was also a black backed tiger, which was similar in size to this one. Two black backed tigers roared up to the sky with deafening sound.

Ye Wumian stares at the two tigers, expecting them to fight.


Sure enough, after a roar of tiger, two black backed tigers fought together and attacked each other desperately.

These two black backed tigers are the kings in the forest. Their fighting capacity is equal to that of the other two tigers. The big trees around them are almost crushed by them, and even a hill is hit into a big pit.

Seeing the two black backed tigers fighting so hard, ye Wuqian is more and more excited. He sees hope and can be sure that any one of them is not an opponent. However, no matter which one wins, he will be injured. At that time, it will be their chance.

Two black backed tigers are fighting desperately, while ye Wuqian and Zhu ruosi look forward to it. They hope that the two tigers will die together. At that time, they can not only get the blood of the black backed tiger, but also get their core, so that they can improve their strength.However, things did not go as they expected. After two or three hours of fighting, the black backed tiger turned around and ran.

The battle has been divided, and the black backed tiger they first found won.

This makes Ye Wuqian and Zhu ruosi slightly disappointed. After all, they can not get the kernel and blood of two black backed tigers.

However, ye Wuqian carefully observed and found that the originally violent black backed tiger was no longer violent, and some of it was wilting. Its body was covered with blood, and it limped along, as if seriously injured.

Sure enough, the two tigers fight, there must be one injury, although this black backed tiger won the final victory, but it was still seriously injured.

In the face of such a strong black backed tiger, they had no chance to win, but now it is different. This black backed tiger has been injured, and they have a certain chance.

However, they did not dare to do it immediately. After all, the strength of the black backed tiger is too strong, and the wounded beast is often the most dangerous. They must have a detailed plan. Only in this way can they have the possibility of success. Otherwise, both of them will probably die in the mouth of this black backed tiger.

So ye Wuque followed the black backed tiger carefully and observed it carefully.

He found that the black backed tiger's internal energy was not as sufficient as before. Moreover, it did not seem willing to walk any more. It actually climbed on the ground, narrowed its eyes, and seemed to be sleeping. It seems that it has been seriously injured.

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