Then the two of them worked together to inject energy into the eggs.

In the one that touches the snake egg, ye Wuqi is a little surprised, because there is no need for them to inject energy into it. As long as their hands just touch the surface of the egg, the strange snake egg will actively absorb the energy in their body.

And the speed of this absorption is extremely fast, almost comparable to the continuous amplification attack, which shocked Ye Wuqi.

He obviously felt that the energy in his body was losing rapidly, and even some of it was out of control. The terrible snake egg was like a bottomless pit, as if it could never be fed.

However, ye Wuxiang can also clearly feel that with the energy injection of the two of them, the vitality of the snake egg is more and more powerful, and even makes him feel that the vitality is stronger than that of an intermediate martial arts master.

However, he didn't expect that the life in the snake egg would have such strong strength as soon as he was born. After all, all he could feel was vitality. Vitality and strength were not the same thing. After all, the vitality of Warcraft was always stronger than that of human beings, and only by constantly enhancing their strength could human beings enhance their vitality.

About half an hour later, ye Wuqian and Zhu ruosi felt that there was little energy left in their bodies, but the snake eggs still showed no signs of egg formation, which made Ye Wuqian and Zhu ruosi more and more depressed.

They never thought that a snake egg would consume so much energy.

However, the more they expected, the more energy the snake eggs needed to egg, the more powerful the spawned Warcraft would be.

So they are still holding on.

But when both of them have exhausted their energy, the snake egg is still not satisfied, which makes them feel helpless.

Did it fail like this?

If they fail, the energy they've consumed before will be wasted.

Moreover, even if the energy is restored again, with their current strength, there is no possibility of oozing at all, so they almost give up at the moment.

But at this time, ye Wuqian suddenly remembered one thing. When he helped Zhu ruosi upgrade, he used his own blood, indicating that his blood also contains huge energy. Since it is also energy, it may play a certain role in the egg formation of snake.

So ye Wuwei no longer hesitated. He immediately cut his wrist with a knife and dropped blood into the snake egg.

At the moment the blood dripped in, something unexpected happened to them.

The life in the snake egg, more and more excited, seems to be cheering, even emerged a joy mood.

It seems that the egg of snake needs the aid of blood!

After drawing this conclusion, Zhu ruosi also cut his wrist and let the blood flow to the snake egg!

Kaka Kaka

A moment later, to their surprise, the shell of the snake egg broke.

It seems that the egg is successful. After feeling this situation, both ye Wuxiang and Zhu ruosi are excited. They are looking at the snake eggs eagerly, waiting for the emergence of new life.

For them, the Warcraft in the snake's egg absorbs its own blood and feels like its own child.

Soon, a small black snake climbed out of the egg.

This little snake is not as big as the troll mang. It's just a thick finger. It looks very cute.

As soon as it got out of the snake's egg, it climbed up to zhuruosi's arm and licked zhuruosi's finger with his little tongue, which was very clever.

This disappoints Ye Wuxiang. Originally, when the little snake was not born, they were full of expectations, thinking that they needed so much energy and even blood. The egg must be a powerful Troll Mang, a super Warcraft. But now, it seems that it is totally different. From this little snake, they don't feel any strong breath, even He can't even feel the energy. He seems to be an ordinary snake. Even he has a sense of loss for no reason. He is extremely congested. If he knew this way, he would not have to egg at all.

After all, the energy in the snake egg has been upgraded and used up by Zhu ruosi before. Even if the life inside is saved successfully, it will not become a powerful Warcraft. This is a congenital deficiency.

"Boy, congratulations on getting a powerful Warcraft! What's more, the little guy is very dependent on you. He's making a lot of money this time But at this time, the mysterious old man in his body unexpectedly said to him like this.

"What? Big money? Are you sure you didn't lose money? " Ye Wuwei asked the old man in surprise.

"Of course, when this little snake was born, it absorbed the energy of two masters at the level of Tianshi dayuanman, and absorbed your blood essence. It has a bright future The mysterious old man said with emotion.

"But But I don't feel any strong breath from it Ye Wuqi said gloomily.

"Yes, you really don't feel any strong breath from it. This is normal. Can you say that you are the strength of martial arts master Da Yuanman when you speak out?" The mysterious old man asked Ye Wuwei.He said this will leave no lack of asked stunned, indeed, the new born baby, how can have a strong energy breath?

Is this a Warcraft that will upgrade?

"You mean, it can improve its own strength through cultivation company?" Ye Wuqi asked the mysterious old man nervously.

If this is the case, it will be a Warcraft with unlimited potential. As long as it has sufficient cultivation resources, it will be incredibly powerful. Moreover, this Warcraft is hatched by the blood of him and zhuruosi. Therefore, there is no way to change their loyalty, and they will certainly maintain absolute trust in them. Therefore, they are absolutely Yes.

"Yes, it can improve the strength infinitely, so I said, you are making a lot of money this time!" Said the mysterious old man.

Although all Warcraft can enhance their strength, Warcraft is different from people. There is no big limit for people to improve their strength. But Warcraft is different. Any kind of Warcraft has its own limits. For example, boar, even the most powerful boar, is just the lowest level of Warcraft. There is no way to change it.

And this little snake can be upgraded infinitely. It's just the pride of heaven!

"How can I upgrade it?" Ye asked the mysterious old man.

"If you want to upgrade him, you must absorb the blood of Warcraft within the first three days. Only in this way can we lay a solid foundation for it and provide unlimited possibilities for future promotion." The mysterious old man replied to Ye Wuqian.

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