"Tiger, the banshee, the steward of this iron castle, is also the man beard trusts most!" Yi Kefu introduced a simple sentence, then pushed open the door and walked up with a smile on his face!

"Tiger, you demon of the dead, your Lord ekov has brought a distinguished guest here this time!" Ekov laughed, went straight up to Tigger and hugged him. He rubbed tiger's almost explosive chest with his hands!

As soon as you see here, ye Xiao is a black line. This Yi Kefu, he is really not changing his fuckin 'color, even the cheap price of the demon!

"Distinguished guest? Who is your guest? " Tiger was stunned and turned his eyes to the car. He saw Ye Xiao at the first sight. However, he quickly moved to the car. He was just a good guard. Where could he be regarded as a VIP?

"The third son of the white family, young master Bai choufei!" Yikov whispered in tiger's ear!

"Ah On hearing this sentence, tiger was stunned on the spot, and then immediately changed into a more brilliant smile, and ran directly to the cross-country chariot. At this time, Bai choufei was slowly walking down from the car, and the young master of Bai family was doing a good job!

"Master choufei, I have heard of your name for a long time. I didn't expect to see you here!" When he contacted Yi Kefu, tiger was still a man of lofty sentiments. However, when he talked with Bai choufei, he immediately became a gentle and charming woman. This contrast only made Ye Xiao gape. As for Bai choufei, he had not yet regained his mind, and one hand had been grasped by tiger!

To tell you the truth, if you don't know that she is a demon in advance, Bai choufei will not feel greasy and crooked even if she is not close to the female. How to say that the appearance of this person in front of her is pretty good, but he has already known that he is a human demon, and then hearing her deliberately pretending to be very sweet voice, Bai choufei's whole body is up!

When he grabs his hand, Bai choufei's first reaction is to kick it out. But this is the territory of others. If he does, he will be torn to pieces even if he is the third young master of the white family!

Holding back the goose bumps, Bai choufei's face showed a smile as ugly as it should be. He opened his mouth and said, "ha ha, I've heard about the storm party for a long time, and I've always wanted to come and see. I'm lucky to follow boss Yi here. I don't know whether to disturb you or not."

Seeing Bai choufei's ugly smile, ye Xiao's belly was crooked with laughter. He was still admiring young master Bai just now. Now he suddenly feels that it's good to be a guard!

"Hee hee, young master Bai, what's this? If other people come, the boss may not be happy, but young master Bai comes, it's our honor of iron and steel city. Young master Bai, hurry up, please come inside. I'll inform the boss right away. The boss will be very happy!" Tiger's smile on his face, pulling Bai Chou Fei to the castle, and ye Xiao's eyebrows frown a little, steel city? Is this really a steel city?

At present, in the ugly smile of Bai choufei, ye Xiao also walked in!

The castle was covered with snow, so it is not clear what the material is, but once you enter the castle, I immediately understand the meaning of iron and steel!

This is really a castle made of steel. Although I dare not say that it is made of steel, there is no gap between the ground and the wall. The connection is very good. The ground is also made of steel, but it is covered with thick carpet. Stepping on it is very comfortable. At least, it makes the cold Castle more warm!

There are still some oil paintings hanging on the steel walls as decoration. However, ye Xiao and Bai choufei don't think that they are really decoration. There must be some mechanism hidden in them, and even there are very strong guns inside!

If you think about it, such a big wall is made of steel. Who can believe it if you just hang a few oil paintings on it?

However, no matter whether ye Xiao and Bai choufei believe it or not, they did not study the meaning of those oil paintings at this time. They are not trying to attack here, even if there are many organs here?

After tiger through a long steel corridor, into the castle, came to a huge hall, yes, this is an extremely huge hall, but also a near open hall!

It is open-air because above the hall is a huge sky, a huge sky made of reinforced glass. Standing in the hall, you can see the snowflakes falling one after another. As soon as the snowflakes fall on the sky, they are immediately melted and turned into bursts of water flowing down. It looks very psychedelic!

Such a big pen only makes Ye Xiao wonder in his heart. How much money does a castle like this cost? How much more manpower is needed? Over the years, how many earth shaking cases have he done to accumulate such wealth?

Because of the transparent sky above, the hall is full of light and does not need special lighting. The whole hall looks like a square, but now there are no people in the hall. The huge hall seems empty!

"Young master Bai, the storm event will be held here tonight. Please come and watch it at that time." Tiger while leading Bai choufei and others to go forward, while flattering to white choufei introduction way!"Well, I'll come by then." A pair of efforts, a bit of reserved white fly! I have been scolded for a long time in my heart. I came here to attend the storm event. Even if you don't invite me, I will come!

After passing through the hall, I turned several passages in succession and came to a luxurious reception hall. "Young master Bai, please wait here. I'll inform the boss immediately!" Baichoufei is invited to sit on a big sofa with bear skin in the reception hall. Tiger is very gentle!

"Thank you Bai choufei smiles faintly and sits directly on the sofa. As for Yi Kefu, he doesn't need tiger's greeting at all. He has already sat on it. He reaches out to grab a box of cigarettes on the tea table, pulls out a cigar and smokes it slowly!

As for the guards, including Ye Xiao, they stood respectfully to the side. The castle is very large, and it is nothing to accommodate dozens of them!

Tiger took a greedy look at ekov's bloody women's army, turned around and went out, and ran quickly to the depth of the castle!

Damn yikefu, this son of a bitch, the third young master of the white family came to such a big thing in person. He didn't inform me in advance. What a fucker!

It's just the hell. What's the third young master of the white family doing here in this cold day? It's not what the white family wants to do, right?

As the steward of the iron castle, tiger was very good at thinking about the purpose of Bai Chou's coming here as he headed for the place where the beard lived!

After a while, tiger had passed through an electronic door and entered a room. Then he came to the position of the bed. Pressing a button, he heard a crackle. The whole bed began to sink. Tiger just sat on the bed and let the big bed fall. Finally, he dropped more than 30 meters. Here, he had reached the depth of the castle !

Tiger Miaoman's body jumped out of bed and went through a corridor. Then he came to the door of a closed iron room and knocked on the door gently

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