"Come in!" A low voice came from the room, like a tiger lying in the forest, full of dignity!

Tiger, who was still majestic outside just now, calmed down like a frightened rabbit, pushed open the iron door respectfully and walked in!

From the outside, this room is just like a normal cell, with iron doors, walls and windows. But after pushing it open, it turns out that this room is not a presidential suite room!

The room is very large, with hundreds of square meters. The floor is covered with thick carpet, and the surrounding walls are also covered with that kind of gorgeous wall cloth. It looks much warmer. In the middle of the room, there is a huge round bed with thick snow-white fur. A beautiful woman with beautiful figure is lying on the bed!

Tiger didn't dare to look at the woman. He just bowed his head and went to a sofa in front of the bed. On both sides of the sofa, there were four charming women wearing gauze skirts and veils. Most of their skin was exposed, and even the most important parts were looming. They were holding a tray on their hands and kneeling quietly in the sand Hair, just because at this moment, there is a man sitting on the sofa!

A man in his forties, but with a beard!

A man is not handsome or even ugly, but he is full of strong masculinity. It is a temperament that makes you see that he will completely ignore his appearance. As long as he is a woman, he can't help but be attracted by this temperament!

This man is no one else. He is the overlord of the whole northern ice field, big beard!

No one knows what his real name is. Maybe even he has forgotten his name. His subordinates call him boss, while his friends or opponents call him moustache!

"Anything special?" Bearded is very loose, from the tray on the end of a cup of bright red spirits, gently tasted a mouthful, this just light mouth said!

"Boss, the third young master of the white family, Bai Chou is flying here. It's yikefu who brought him here!" Tiger didn't dare to hide it. He told the story of Bai choufei directly!

"Well?" As soon as mustache's eyes glared, two dazzling fine hairs shot out on tiger's body. Suddenly, tiger felt as if two mountains had come down. His body trembled involuntarily, and he knelt down directly!

"Do you know where he came from?" Big beard asked in a deep voice!

"He said he wanted to see the storm, but he didn't say much about the others!" The sweat on tiger's forehead came down one by one, and told the big beard some news that he got from Bai choufei directly!

"See the storm?" Moustache murmured to himself, as if he was telling the woman behind him, but after waiting for a long time, there was no other sound in the room!

"Tiger, tell him that I'm preparing for the grand event, and I can't see him immediately. Please wait for a while. I'll meet him in person at the party in the evening." At this time, beard thought for a moment and said again!

"Yes, boss!" Tiger answered, not daring to say anything more, turned and backed out!

"Get out of here, all of you!" When tiger's figure disappeared, moustache got up from the sofa and took a huge step to the huge round bed. Looking at the beautiful woman with a veil on the bed, he said faintly, "what do you think the third young master of the white family is here for at this time?"

In the face of the icy words of mustache, the woman lying on the bed slightly twisted her body, slowly sat up, a pair of indifferent eyes slowly lifted up and looked at the beard!

"What do you say?"

What do you think? Very cold tone, but the voice is so good to hear, even if the tone does not take a little emotion, but the beautiful voice is enough to make people intoxicated, even if it is with the strength of the mustache, suddenly also some trance!

"According to the news from Kyoto, Bai choufei and the boy named Ye Xiao are very concerned, and the boy has a good relationship with Xiao Zhentian's son. Maybe he came to save Xiao Feng this time?" Under the pressure of the heart of this throb, beard some not sure said!

The woman looked at the moustache, did not say anything more, and directly fell down, as if just sat up, has exhausted all her strength!

"You should rest more." Seeing the woman's tired appearance, mustache said to her and turned to walk outside. He had got the answer he wanted from the woman's eyes!

Inside the castle, in the reception hall where Bai choufei and others are located, Yi Kefu is leaning on the sofa. Two hot blondes stand behind him, gently kneading their shoulders for him, holding a huge cigar in one hand, smoking one mouthful after another!

The whole person looks very comfortable. If ye Xiao and Bai choufei were not in the reception hall, it is estimated that this guy would have taken off his pants and asked these women to provide some special service for him!

As for Bai Chou Fei, he also reclined on the sofa, quietly nurturing God!At this time, there was a slight footstep outside the door. Bai choufei slowly opened his eyes and looked at Ye Xiao who was not far away. They exchanged opinions quickly!

At this time, the door opened, and tiger, who had already changed into a black suit, appeared at the door. Following him, there were four black haired women in cheongsam. Judging from their gentle and submissive expressions, they should be Japanese women!

"Bai Shao, I'm really sorry. There will be a storm party tonight. The boss is so busy with the event that he can't find time to receive him. Please forgive him more!"

"Ha ha, it doesn't matter. It's just that I came here abruptly. I'll disturb you a lot." Bai choufei is also polite to stand up from the sofa!

"Where does Bai Shao talk? It's a great honor for all of us in iron and steel city to be able to come. However, please rest assured that although the boss can't get away for the time being, he has said that in the evening, he will have a few drinks with Bai Shao alone, and please come out on time at that time!" Tiger waved his hands and said with a smirk!

"Oh, don't worry. I'll be there on time." Bai Chou Fei also smiles and nods, and doesn't show any dissatisfaction!

To tell you the truth, he never thought that he would let the big beard, who has been in the north for many years, come to see him with the signboard of the third young master of the white family. It can be said that the power that big beard now controls is not under the white family!

He was very satisfied to be able to give a reception different from that of ordinary people. As for when to see the beard, it doesn't matter. At least, they won't do it easily until they find out the whereabouts of Xiao Feng!

"By the way, Bai Shao, as our boss said, we must treat Bai Shao well. It's still early for the grand event. Why don't you take Bai Shao to the guest room to have a rest?" Tiger laughed, pointing to the four women who came in with him, regardless of appearance or figure, and said!

Bai Chou Fei Zai Zai carefully looked at four women, flashed a touch of strange in his eyes, and gently nodded: "good!"

"Tiger, you corpse demon, I invited you all the time. Even if you don't arrange four beautiful girls for me, thank you, you should arrange one or two. How can you completely ignore me?" Seeing that tiger didn't mean to arrange for himself, ikov jumped up directly

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