"Get out of here, you son of a bitch, in the whole North, you have the most sons of bitches. Now you want to ask me for women. Why don't you die?" Tiger was polite to Bai choufei, but not to ikov!

"Damn it, if I die, I don't know how many girls will be heartbroken. Can you bear to see them heartbroken?" Yi Kefu is very disdainful to say, it seems that he lives not for himself, but for the beauty of the world!

"Go away!" Tiger rolled his eyes directly, and ikov's shamelessness was something he had seen!

"Get out of here, motherfucker. Are you going to arrange it or not?" Ekov was angry too!

"These four girls are the best girls here. They have been arranged for Bai Shao. If you still need them, I can condescend to accompany you!" Seeing ikov's aggressive manner, tiger rolled his eyes and snorted coldly!

Yikov looked at tiger carefully at the moment, and finally snorted: "forget it, I'm not interested in human demons. You can arrange a bigger rest room for me. I want to have a carnival with my people!"

Seeing that Yi Kefu had to think about a demon for a long time, ye Xiao wiped a cold sweat secretly, and this guy really didn't change his color!

At present, tiger first let those women who can be called first-class body and appearance fly to the rest box with Bai Chou, while he personally takes yikov and others to another rest room. Ekov says that if you want a bigger one, he will have a carnival with his subordinates. Naturally, tiger will not be surprised that he knows Yi Kefu's temperament very well!

This guy not only likes women, but also wants to have some sex parties, which is famous in the northern dark world!

Because of the large number of people around yikov, in addition to more than 30 beautiful blood women's army, there are also eight fierce men including Ye Xiao. What tiger arranged for him was a hall with an area of more than 300 square meters. In addition to a big bed for 20 or 30 people, there were several huge sofas in the hall!

Moreover, the decoration was extremely luxurious. After a look at the decoration level of the whole room, ekov nodded with satisfaction. In front of tiger's face, he ordered the bloody women's army to carefully inspect the inside and outside the hall!

"You're smart, you don't have any monitoring equipment installed, otherwise I will make you a real woman!" After getting the report, ikov sneered at Tiger!

Tiger's face had been livid with anger. The son of a bitch even checked the layout of the room in front of his own face. He didn't believe himself?

“FAUK!” With a middle finger toward ikov, tiger turns around and leaves!

After tiger left, Yi Kefu didn't immediately have a party, but went directly to Ye Xiao, with a worried look on his face: "Ye, what should I do now? There are still hours to go before the party. Shall we wait here all the time? "

"You wait here. I'll go out and have a look." Ye Xiao shakes his head. They don't know anything about the castle, let alone where Xiao Feng is held. Now the most important thing is to find the place where Xiao Feng is held. Only after Xiao Feng is rescued can they behead bearded!

"Then be careful!" Yi Kefu knows Ye Xiao's skill, but after all, this is a place with a big beard. He is still worried!

"Well!" Ye Xiao nodded and went to the door. After confirming that there was no one outside, he quickly got out. As for Yi Kefu, after seeing ye Xiao leave, he immediately changed into a smiling face!

"Come on, my dear babies, it's still early. Let's show it together. Come on!" As he said this, ikov had already walked towards the huge bed with two gorgeous blondes in his arms, while the other women began to take off their leather armor and reveal their bloody body!

As for the remaining seven guards, they were standing around. Naturally, some women came forward and danced beside them. When yikov got to the bed, his clothes and trousers had been stripped off, and several women joined in and began to provide him with some special service!

In the room where Bai choufei is, Bai choufei, dressed in white, is sitting on the sofa with a smile on his face, holding two women in his arms. Another two women are kneeling in front of him, taking off his shoes or something!

No one noticed a faint fragrance wafting out of the room. When the two women took off their shoes and prepared to take off their pants for Bai choufei, they all felt that their heads were a little dizzy, especially Bai choufei. It only lasted for a while, and then she fainted and lay in the arms of a woman, and the woman was also in a state of panic. What's the matter with young master Bai Is it?

Have not yet exclaimed, but also feel a flower in front of me, so faint in the past, at the moment, several other women have also fallen on the ground!

After waiting for three minutes, Bai choufei, the first one who fainted, stood up slowly. After checking the room carefully, he confirmed that there was no monitoring equipment. Then he turned and walked towards the door!

Gently knocked on the door, the door also came with a very rhythmic knock, white Chou Fei smile, opened the door!At this time, ye Xiao is standing at the door, glancing at the four beauties fainting on the edge of the sofa. Ye Xiao says faintly: "all done?"

"It's done!" Bai choufei nods. It's not easy to get dizzy for four women because of the overpowering drug specially developed by the dragon people?

"Let's go." Ye Xiao said, and took the lead to walk towards the depth of the castle. Bai Chou Fei answered and carefully closed the door. After confirming that no one was following him, he followed Ye Xiao up!

The castle is very big, and they don't have a structure chart. Naturally, they dare not break into the castle, but it doesn't hinder them to explore the road of the castle!

It only took them more than an hour to find out the structure of the castle. Except for some places which are heavily guarded, they have visited other places. With their skills, ordinary people can't find out!

However, although they have visited many places in the castle, there is still no clue about Xiao Feng, which makes the two people somewhat disappointed. Looking at this posture, they can't find out Xiao Feng's whereabouts without asking someone. But once they ask, it's not easy to show flaws. If you arouse the vigilance of moustache, you should kill him extremely difficult!

This is what ye Xiao and Bai choufei do not want to see. When they have no choice, they can only return according to the original road. However, when they come to a quiet passage, they suddenly hear someone calling for help!

The sound of help was very subtle, but their hearing was different from that of ordinary people. They still heard the extremely subtle sound of help. They were stunned at the same time. Who would call for help in this castle? Is it the bearded man?

After listening carefully for a while, they came to a terrible conclusion at the same time. The sound was not in their ears, but in their minds!

Rao is with the courage of two people, at this time, even the whole body is full of goose bumps. Damn it, in the broad day, it can't be the ghost?

Not believing in evil, they walked forward carefully according to the feeling in their minds. Finally, they came to the door of a humble small room. Looking at the small room with rusty locks, ye Xiao and Bai choufei looked at each other, and they were all in a row

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