And for such words, ye Wuqian will not take it to heart. After all, these are just flattering words, which have no effect on him.

Along the way, ye Wuqian didn't say much because he was always on guard.

Although the most powerful mountain bandits they have seen before is just the high-level strength of the martial arts master. After all, not all the mountain bandits come. Maybe there are more powerful mountain bandits in the mountain bandits' nest. Maybe they are masters at the level of Da Yuanman, or even exist beyond the level of martial arts. If they encounter such opponents, even ye Wuqian will Not sure to get things back.

However, ye Wuqian knows that even if there is such a master, he will not be in any danger. After all, he has a pair of boots that can fly, but he can run when he can't fight. Therefore, ye Wuque decides to come to the mountain bandit's nest to grab the goods.

Soon they came to the mountain bandits' nest. When they came here, the mountain bandits who had robbed their goods had just entered the stronghold. They had no idea that the guards would catch up with them.

Because they already knew that the strongest one in the guard team was a senior straw bag leader. The leader could not even beat one of them. What's more, they had so many senior martial arts masters, and there was also a strong one at the level of martial arts master in their Shanzhai, otherwise they would be What has been standing here, but no one dares to encircle and suppress.

Therefore, they have no fear and never worry that someone will not get along with them.

However, just when they were about to hold a celebration banquet, ye Wuqian and his guards had already come to their gate.

"Go, shout out the man for me!" Ye Wuqi knew that Zhou he's mouth was very smelly, so he said to Zhou He.

Zhou he had already known Ye Wuqian's strength. He would not object to Ye Wuqian's obedience, and did not dare to hesitate. He immediately ran to the gate of the mountain and scolded what was unpleasant, intending to make atonement.

After hearing the angry curse, Luo Wanshui, the leader of mountain bandits, was very angry.

He is an expert at the level of martial arts master. In this area, he is famous. No one dares to disrespect him. Moreover, he has several high-level subordinates of martial arts masters, which can be said to be strong and strong. No one dares to make trouble here.

But he never thought that he was chased to the Shanzhai and scolded just after he robbed something. This really made him lose face. He was just hitting his face, so Luo Wanshui was very angry at the moment.

"Come on, let's go out and have a look. Who has eaten the leopard gall and dare to make trouble here?" Luo Wan's angry opponents said.

Then all the mountain bandits came to the gate.

When they came to the mountain gate, almost all the mountain bandits who participated in the robbery laughed, because they could see that these people were the escort team that had just been robbed by them, and the leader was the coward leader.

In their eyes, these people are not afraid. They just come here to die. They will not pose any threat to them.

"Why, is it not enough just to be beaten? Are you going to die? I have given you a chance to live, but why don't you cherish it? Are you afraid of death At this time, the senior martial arts master who beat Zhou He fiercely came out again and questioned Zhou He.

Hearing this, Zhou he's face turned blue, which was a great insult to him, which he couldn't stand.

If it was before, he would have escaped, but now it is different. He knows that mountain bandits are only the strength of senior martial arts masters, but now he has the support of experts at the level of grand master, so he will not be polite now.

"Boy, listen to me. You just beat me, but you will pay for it. I will use your blood to wash away my shame, return our goods to us, and let me avenge. But we will spare you once, otherwise, I will burn your nest!" Zhou he said angrily to them.

After hearing Zhou he said this, they all thought that the boy was crazy. Let alone a captain who counseled the senior strength of the martial arts master, even if a strong man of the martial arts master's level came here, he would not be so presumptuous. After all, they also had a master at the level of Da Yuanman.

But the other side is so rude, which is really hateful, we must give them a lesson.

Thinking of this, the angry Luo Wanshui immediately put out his hand, picked up a big stone from the ground, and threw it hard in the direction of the convoy.

"Ah A scream.

A low-level guard of a martial arts teacher was smashed in the brain and died.

Zhou He, who had just scolded him, made a judgment almost immediately. The leader of the mountain bandit was not only a general martial arts master, but also an expert at the full level of martial arts.

After making this judgment, he was immediately stupefied. How could he have thought that there would be such a strong one among the mountain bandits.

The reason why he came with Ye Wuqian before was that he had never thought that there would be a martial arts master at dayuanman level among the mountain bandits. He thought that the strongest one among them was just a senior martial arts master. So they had a martial arts master at dayuanman level. They could not be afraid of anything and could wipe out the other party.But now it's not the same. The other side also has a martial arts master of the full level, and the number of the other side is more than them. Once they fight, they must suffer. So at the moment, he is a little afraid and has already planned to retreat.

"You people who don't know how to live or die dare to come to my Shanzhai to find trouble. Do you know that none of the people here can leave alive? If you don't want to die, get rid of me as soon as I'm in a good mood, or I'll kill you now Luo Wanshui roared at them.

Under the roar of Luo Wanshui, almost all the members of the guard team were scared to death. Just now, the corpse of that companion was not cold, and all of them had already seen his death. They all knew that Luo Wanshui was a demon who killed people without blinking an eye. If he angered such people, they would probably die here.

Now they all hate Ye Wuqian. If ye Wuqian didn't insist on coming here, they would not have come back to die. But now they have all come, and one person has died. The strength of the other party is so strong that they may not be able to resist it. Once they start to fight, they are likely to die here.

It can be said that no one is not afraid of death, and they are even more timid rats. So now they are all looking forward to Ye Wuqian, hoping Ye Wuqian can release his words as soon as possible, so that they can leave this ghost place as soon as possible, and they are not willing to be here.

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