However, what makes them depressed is that ye Wuqian doesn't say a word now. Instead, his eyes are fixed on Luo Wanshui. They can see that ye Wuqian has no intention to leave at all, but wants to fight against Luo Wanshui.

Since they can't see any hope here, they turn their eyes to their team leader, because they all know that their team leader is the same as them. They are greedy and afraid of death. So their team leader must want to leave this ghost place. Only in him can they see the hope of leaving.

"Captain, say something quickly, or we'll all die here!" At this time, a guard said to Zhou He.

"This..." The words of the guard completely broke Zhou he's psychological defense line. He knew that if they didn't leave here, they might die. Even if they fled from the battlefield, they would be severely punished after returning, but after all, they might not die, but they would certainly die here.

"Wait, chief Luo, this matter has nothing to do with us. We are just errands. We don't want to come. We don't want to come. Please let us leave here." Zhou he immediately knelt down and said to Luo Wanshui.

Seeing Zhou he's advice, ye Wu's face is blue. However, he also knows that this is a villain who is greedy for life and afraid of death, so he doesn't pay attention to Zhou He any more. His eyes are still focused on Luo Wanshui.

Under the guidance of Zhou He, Luo Wanshui soon discovered Ye Wuqian, especially Ye Wuqian's deep eyes, which made him feel very dangerous.

He can feel that ye Wuqian is a dangerous person, and he can even feel that ye Wuqian has the energy fluctuation that he thinks about. It can be determined that ye Wuque is also a master at the level of martial arts master. Facing such a master, he has to be alert.

But he is not afraid. He is also the strength of the martial master dayuanman level. The other side has no full grasp of killing him. What's more, this is in his stronghold. Many brothers are willing to sacrifice their lives to help him. He doesn't believe that an expert at the level of Da Yuanman can kill all the people here. So now he has no fear, I didn't care too much.

"Well, since he forced you, you can go. I'm a man of credit. Since I said I won't embarrass you, you can go!" Luo Wanshui said to Zhou he and others.

And Zhou he and Luo Wanshui heard this, immediately kowtow like garlic, and left with their tails.

In fact, if he didn't feel the strong breath of Ye Wumian, Luo Wanshui would not let these people go. After all, they have provoked the dignity of the Shanzhai, and he himself is a murderous mountain bandit.

But it was because he felt Ye Wuqian's power that he didn't have the absolute assurance to deal with Ye Wuqian. As long as the guards left, there would be no one to help him. At that time, ye Wuque, no matter how powerful he was, would never be able to withstand the siege.

His wishful thinking was right. After getting his promise, those guards left without looking back, leaving Ye Wuwei alone.

For Luo Wanshui's mind, ye Wuqian naturally can see, but he did not stop, because he knew that these guards were more afraid of death than others, and they were all villains. Even if such people stayed, they would not help him. Instead of letting them stay, let them go.

The reason why Ye Wuqian is not worried is that those boots are his life-saving capital, let alone a martial arts master at the level of great Yuanman. If there is another one, he is absolutely sure that he can leave here.

Moreover, since he was promoted to the level of martial arts master Da Yuanman, he has not fought against people, but only with Warcraft. There is no skill to speak of, but just wisdom. Therefore, ye Wuqian knows at this moment that he lacks certain combat experience, which is also a good opportunity for him to experience, and naturally he will not miss it.

"I know that you are an expert at the level of Da Yuanman, but you should also feel that I am also the strength of martial arts master Da Yuanman level. Therefore, you have no full control against me, and I have so many subordinates, so you are not our opponent at all. Don't you leave and wait to die?" Luo Wanshui asked ye Wuwu.

"I have promised Wang Ken of the exchange to escort these things. If you are willing to hand over the things, I will not embarrass you. But if you do not hand them in, there will be a war between us!" The leaf does not lack facial expression to Luo Wanshui to say.

After hearing this, Luo Wanshui knew that there must be a war between him and ye Wuqian, which was inevitable.

But this must be his territory, so he has nothing to fear.

"Well, since there must be a war between us, let's start! If the battle is settled as soon as possible, I will hold a celebration banquet for my brothers Luo Wanshui is very heroic to ye Wuque, because he doesn't think ye Wuque has the ability to defeat him, and he doesn't think that ye Wuque can challenge his whole Shanzhai.Since both sides can't give in, it's time to fight.

A moment later, ye Wuqian and Luo Wanshui fight together. When the two people really fight, Luo Wanshui feels the power of Ye Wuqian.

Because ye Wuqian is better than him both in strength and speed, and it's not even a little bit. Although both of them are martial arts master's great circle level strength, he is not enough in front of Ye Wuqian. After all, ye Wuqian's fighting in this period of time is all facing the top Warcraft. In that case, he survived, not to mention It's the luowanshui.

However, compared with Luo Wanshui, he is superior in strength and speed, but he is not as experienced as Luo Wanshui in combat, and the other side can always resolve the crisis at the critical moment, resulting in ye Wuque's attacks often hitting the open ground, which can not play a killing effect.

However, for ye Wumian, this opportunity is just the opportunity for him to hone his fighting skills, which is exactly what he needs. Moreover, he is sure of escaping, so he is not in a hurry.

In this way, two people you come and I go to fight, fight in the dark.

The countless trees around were uprooted because of the fighting between them, and even the mountain gate was destroyed by Ye Wuqi's powerful energy attack.

All the people on the scene were shocked. They did not expect that the strength of the martial arts master Da Yuanman level could play such a powerful attack. If they had not seen it with their own eyes, they would not have believed it.

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