After all, they did not reach this level, so they seldom saw the battle at this level. Today, it was an open eye, so these people were all staring at each other. It was also an opportunity for them to learn. After all, such a battle is not easy to contact.

However, Luo Wanshui was very depressed in the battle. At the beginning, he could clearly feel that although Ye Wuqian's speed and strength were very strong, he lacked certain combat skills. With his rich combat experience, he could still occupy a certain advantage, so that ye Wuque's attack hit the open space and consumed Ye Wuqian's energy with white.

But when he was fighting, he felt that something was wrong, because ye Wuqian's learning ability was too fast, and his combat experience was gradually improved. In addition, his speed and strength were originally stronger than Luo Wanshui, so Luo Wanshui had to confront Ye Wuqian.

What's more, ye Wuqian's energy in his body seems to be endless. Even though he has just consumed so much energy, he is still extremely domineering. Several hard hitting attacks have made him suffer a lot of losses. If he had not been experienced in combat, he might have been injured.

What's more, he can feel that ye Wuqian is improving his fighting skills in the fight with him, and the other party does not mean to kill him immediately. He is using him to hone his fighting skills, and he is simply a tool for training his hands.

This made him depressed, but there was no way. After all, the strength of the other side was too strong to deal with at all. He even regretted it. If he knew this, he would simply return those things to him. Otherwise, it would be very troublesome to get into such a person.

But after all, he is a fierce man, and in this area, he is a mountain bandit that everyone dares not to provoke. Now that they have already handed over the things to others, they will surely be regarded as unable to beat Ye Wuxiang and have to hand them over. His prestige will certainly be reduced. This is unacceptable to him, so now he is holding on The scalp fights in the leaf.

Of course, ye Wuqian doesn't know what he thinks. At the moment, he is totally immersed in the joy of fighting. He feels that his combat skills have been tempered to a certain extent. Such practical combat experience is what he needs. Therefore, he completely feels that fighting is a kind of happiness for him, and even has a feeling that he can't think of it.

"Ah All of a sudden, Luo Wanshui was hit hard by Ye Wuqian. He was beaten back a few steps, and the corners of his mouth were covered with blood. The pain made him cry out immediately.

At the moment, he finally realized the seriousness of the problem, and also knew that he was definitely not ye Wuqian's opponent. If he continued to fight, he would surely lose, and he might even die in the hands of this boy.

He was so depressed that he didn't expect that the boy would be such a monster. He clearly had the same strength as him, but he couldn't beat him.

"Come on, let's get this kid down!" He couldn't bear it. Now, in order to save his life, he didn't care about his face and immediately called out to his subordinates.

After hearing his cry, his subordinates realized that the boss was no longer the opponent of others. At this time, almost everyone launched an attack on ye Wuque and surrounded him.

After all, there are several senior martial arts masters among these people. In addition, ye Wuqian has been fighting with Luo Wanshui for a long time, and his physical strength and energy are greatly consumed. Therefore, Wan Wan can't beat so many people. All he can do now is to escape.

However, ye Wuxiang's escape was not a desperate escape, but a fight. Any mountain bandit caught up by Ye Wuque would be killed by a punch or a kick by Ye Wuque. Several lucky survivors were beaten to death and groaned bitterly on the ground. Even some of them did not know whether they were alive or dead, and could not even utter a groan.

This scene, let all mountain bandits have some fear, this man is too overbearing, even the boss is not his opponent, surrounded by so many people, they can even hurt a dozen of them, this is simply unimaginable, even in their eyes, ye Wuxiang is a god of killing, is the most terrifying existence.

Fortunately, they are so numerous that they dare not stay.

Ye Wuqi successfully escaped from the mountain bandits, and was not hurt at all.

After ye Wuqi fled, almost all the mountain bandits' Shanzhai were bombed, because they all realized that a batch of goods had made the mountain stronghold an enemy that should not be provoked. Moreover, he was an expert at the level of martial arts master. Even they didn't think it was any contribution any more. It was just a disaster. Naturally, the so-called celebration banquet did not go on It's necessary.

After ye Wuqian left the Shanzhai, he did not go far away, but hid in the dense forest not far away.

For him, the Shanzhai is not invincible, what is needed is just some tactics.

What's more, he must break the mountain stronghold, otherwise, the goods can't be taken back. Although these goods have nothing to do with him, after all, he has promised Wang's permission. He is a man of good faith and will certainly do what he has promised.He thought about it carefully. He thought that the strongest mountain bandit was just a martial arts master of dayuanman level. However, he had no threat to him now. If there was no help from other mountain bandits, Yiye Wuwu could kill him with his current strength.

However, there is not only one person in the stronghold, there are hundreds of minions, and more importantly, there are several martial arts masters with high-level strength. As a result, the pressure on him will be great. If all the people attack him together, he will have to escape. Otherwise, even if the energy in his body is exhausted, he will not be able to kill everyone.

Therefore, if you want to break this stronghold, you must kill the leader of the martial arts master Da Yuanman level.

He thought hard and thought for a long time before he finally came up with a good idea.

Since he can't fight openly, he'll do it secretly. Anyway, he attacks hundreds of people in a Shanzhai by himself. Even if he uses some Yin moves, he doesn't lose his share. What's more, in ye Wuque's eyes, it's not a Yin move at all, it's just a trick.

Day gradually dark down, ye Wuqian ran to the mountain quickly, and soon came to the gate of the Shanzhai.

He observed in the dark and found that the guard of the Shanzhai is very strict. I'm afraid the other party knows that he will not give up and worry about his sneak attack.

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