At the moment, the battle is very fierce. The bearded group has the upper hand and is determined to kill all the enemies.

The other group knew that they had been cheated. At the beginning, the two martial arts masters had the idea of escaping. But after a while, their men had been killed and they were completely surrounded.

At the moment, they have no hope of escaping, so these two people also killed red eyes, and the bearded people tried their best.

"Kill them, kill them for me, I have a reward!" Cried the bearded man.

However, he didn't do it all the time, because he knew that there must be a martial arts master of Da Yuan man level hiding in the dark. After all, they just came here with Ye Wuxiang. After all, ye Wuque didn't show up, which made him feel strange. So he was worried that ye Wuque would attack them secretly and take precautions.

At the same time, he was very surprised. If the other side's three martial arts masters of dayuanman level fought together, they would not have won such a victory, and they might even retreat. After all, they only had three masters of Da Yuanman level.

But the other side is a person did not appear, in the end is why?

He can't think of it, but he knows that the other side has not appeared. There must be a conspiracy. Maybe it is a man who is greedy for life and afraid of death. He knows that their strength is strong, and he dare not fight against them. He runs away!

Under his command, his men were frantically attacking, and the other party knew that there was no possibility of escaping, so they fought to death.

In this way, both of them fought bitterly.

In front of the experts of the grand circle level, the senior strength of the martial arts master is not enough. Therefore, in less than an hour, the senior masters of both sides have been killed, only five people.

Two of them were wounded, but still fighting to death.

At this time, the big beard had already determined that ye Wuque had escaped, so he did not wait and see, but rushed up.

Originally, two of his opponents had been seriously injured, and after joining a martial arts master of the level of dayuanman, they were completely exhausted, and soon were beaten to have no strength to fight back.

"Boom!" In a hurry, one of the martial arts masters was forced to blow himself up.


Two successive screams came, two of the bearded men were injured in the opponent's self explosion, almost disabled, no longer able to fight again.

"It's so fierce. Go to hell!" Mustache was also completely angry. Two martial arts masters of Da Yuanman level suffered such losses, which was unacceptable to him. After all, such masters could not be bought with money, so he was so angry that he wanted the remaining enemies to rush to kill each other.

And that person also knew that now he had no chance to escape, so he made the same choice with his companion without hesitation at the moment, which also blew himself up.

Big beard didn't realize that the other side was such a lethargic person. Because he rushed too fast, even if he made a timely response to avoid, he was still affected, suffered some internal injuries, and the corners of his mouth spilled blood.

However, he wiped out the enemy, which was a victory for him. After all, he wiped out the enemy and wiped out all of them.

Ye Wumian is more and more proud of himself. His opponents are all dead, and his two subordinates have been blown up. Even the bearded himself has been hurt to a certain extent. His combat effectiveness must be greatly reduced. Now they are not their own opponents. As long as he makes a move, he can definitely eliminate the mustache.

So at the moment the leaf is not lack of politeness, immediately out of the dark.

"You Why are you still here? Didn't you run away Is it that the moment that ye Wuque appeared, the beard cried out in dismay.

Because he knew that ye Wuque didn't participate in the battle at all, so he didn't have any damage at all, but his two subordinates had no combat effectiveness, and his own combat effectiveness was less than 30%. So when ye Wuque appeared, he realized the danger. If ye Wuque wanted anything, it would be too easy.

"Yes, I did go just now, but I didn't go far away. It seems that your luck is not very good. It should be in my hands. Don't worry, I'm not good at torturing people. I'll let you die more happily." Ye Wuque sneered and said to moustache.

"You You are so treacherous that even two of your companions blew themselves up in order to deal with me. I won a fair loss! " Mustache sighed.

"No, you are wrong. I don't know these people at all. They are not my companions, but I can tell you that they are really here to deal with you, and I have brought you here on purpose." Ye Wuqian said to moustache.

After hearing this, the beard's face was blue, and he didn't expect it to be like this.

"You Since you're not with them, why do you fight me over and over again? " The mustache asked the leaf."I can tell you that the first time I fought against you was because you were too arrogant. At the auction, if you don't rob me, I won't pay any attention to you! Now that everything I need is in your hands, now I have to take it back, you know Ye Wumian explained to moustache.

At the moment, moustache realized that the root cause of his mouth was that he was too arrogant. If he was not so arrogant, he would not fall into this situation.

"You Can you not kill me? I'll give you what you need. I have a million spirit stones. If you need them, I can also bring them out! " He begged for the leaves.

Seeing him like this, ye Wuque looks down on such a person in the bottom of his heart. Before he was so arrogant, he didn't expect that when he faced the danger of death, he would be so counselled. Therefore, ye Wuque has no possibility of leaving him at this moment.

"I'm sorry, you can't stay!" Ye Wumian replied to him without expression.

"Why? Why do you have to kill me when we have no injustice in the past and no hatred in recent days? " Moustache didn't know why the other party had to kill him. Although he offended Ye Wuxiang in the auction house, he was willing to pay for it, even willing to pay a price several times higher than that of the auction house. Moreover, all the things he sold could be given to Ye Wuxiang, but ye Wuxiang still refused to let him go.

"I don't need money, so the terms you offer are not alluring to me at all. As for the things I get at the auction house, I just have to kill you. It's all mine, so I don't need to keep you.

Of course, this is not the main reason, because you are a person who doesn't take other people's lives seriously. In the auction house before, if I didn't do it in time, the ordinary waiter would be killed by your staff. In this case, you should be ready to be killed at any time!

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