"I'm not here alone, of course, but my companion has not come yet." Ye Wuwei said to moustache.

"No matter how many of you come here, since you dare to deal with me, you must die here!" The big beard is very domineering to leaf without missing to say.

"I'm enough to deal with people like you. I don't need the help of others at all!" Ye Wuwei said to the beard.

The reason why he said this is to infuriate moustache. In this way, the other party will definitely hate him to the bone, and there will be no prevention, and his plan will have the possibility of success.

"Well, since you are so confident, let me experience your skill!" The big beard said, and rushed to Ye Wuxiang!

At this time, ye Wuxiang also immediately took action, but he did not use all his strength, because he knew that what he wanted to do now was not to fight with moustache, but to find a way to lead him and those people together. Therefore, when he made the move, ye Wuque deliberately used a few points of strength.

It seems that he didn't use much strength when he was fighting, but he didn't use much strength when he was fighting.

Ye Wuxiang soon understood that the reason for moustache's behavior was that he wanted to let Ye Wuqian escape. He wanted to follow Ye Wuqian to find Ye Wuqian's accomplice.

Although ye Wuque Ming knew that he had no accomplice, he was more and more happy since he saw the idea of big beard. After all, he thought that it was not a simple thing to lead him there, but now he has to take the bait. This is an unexpected surprise for him, which is exactly what he wants to see 。

Therefore, after ye Wuxiang and moustache had a fight for a while, he immediately turned around and was ready to flee.

As expected, as ye Wuqian imagined, when ye Wuqian was ready to flee, the bearded man did not stop Ye Wuqian, but just symbolically blocked him.

Then, ye Wuwu quickly ran to the place where he came, and the bearded man followed closely.

In order to be able to lead people smoothly in the past, ye Wuqian did not play the speed to the extreme, so he walked and stopped all the way.

According to the law, his behavior, as long as the other party uses his brain, will certainly see the problem, but the big beard is very confident, even if he can see that ye Wuxiang is deliberately leading him, he never stops.

In fact, as far as bearded's status and status are concerned, he has long known that there will be people against him. He is also a cruel man. Knowing that someone is secretly targeting him, he has always wanted to find and kill these people.

Even after the auction house, he felt that ye Wuqian must be the bait sent by the other party, so in his heart, ye Wuque and his opponent are together.

But he didn't know that ye Wuqian had no accomplices. He was just a person. Moreover, ye Wuqian's purpose was very simple, that is, to get the ten thousand beast pill.

If mustache had known the purpose of leaf, he would not have done so.

But he didn't know anything about it.

Under the leadership of Ye Wumian, the bearded party soon arrived at the camp of those who had followed him before.

After coming here, ye Wumian quickly ran to their camp. This time, ye Wuqian gave full play to the feed and died in the camp.

When mustache saw Ye Wuqian enter the camp, he knew that all the people here were his enemies. He had found the enemy's nest.

After feeling such a thing, he was very happy in his heart. He felt that this time, he could wipe out all the enemies, and he would be able to rest assured from now on.

And the people behind the camp, obviously also felt Ye Wuwei's figure. They subconsciously thought that it must be the Dahu people who followed his men to find here.

So at the moment, they did not dare to neglect, one by one took up weapons and rushed out from the barracks.

"I finally found you. Do you want to kill me all the time? Since I'm here, please don't mention it. Do it!" 'cried the bearded, triumphant.

And the other party saw that it was really a bearded man. Although he was a little surprised, he didn't think much about it.

They didn't panic because they were found by beards. They looked at his beard with fierce eyes.

The martial arts master Da Yuanman level master carefully sensed that among these people brought by beard, the most powerful one was himself. It was the strength of martial arts master Da Yuanman level, while others were just some senior martial arts masters.

However, they have two masters of the great circle level. In this way, even if they fight, they will not suffer losses. Therefore, there is no need for them to escape. Maybe now is the best chance to kill moustache.

"You came to die on your own. Don't blame us for your impoliteness. Brothers, make a quick decision. Don't be polite!" The martial arts master's great circle level master's opponents yelled.Since his men also knew the strength of the bearded party, they did not flinch at this time, but rushed to the bearded people.

In particular, the two martial arts masters of the level of Da Yuanman, they directly approached the big beard and wanted to kill him.

But when they rushed past, something unexpected happened to them. Among the bearded people, two people suddenly rushed out and stopped them. These two people, like their strength, are the strength of the martial master's great circle.

Obviously, it was the other side who deliberately concealed its strength in order to deal with them.

Now there are two masters at the level of Da Yuanman. In addition, moustache himself is also a master at the level of Da Yuanman. There are three strong players on the other side, but there are only two of them. In this way, they can't take advantage of it.

So at this time, they all realized a problem. They were cheated. They didn't realize that the moustache was so treacherous.

Don't mention them. Even ye Wuxiang, who led the beard here, didn't realize that such a thing would happen. He thought that the strength of beards was not as good as those who wanted to destroy him, but he didn't realize that beard was pretending, and his strength was far beyond his imagination.

Ye Wumian's heart secretly congratulates that if it wasn't for moustache that he didn't know he was a person, he was as bold as before to deal with him, and the dead person must be him. Fortunately, moustache misunderstood him and didn't know that he was the only one, he would be lucky to avoid a robbery.

He carefully observed the battle between the two sides. In fact, he already knew that the bearded side would surely win, but he really hoped that the other side's people could fight hard. In this way, even if the bearded man won, he would be injured. In this way, he would have a chance. If the bearded man was not injured, he would have no chance, So he waited anxiously in the dark.

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