"The fire explodes Ye Wuque roared, and suddenly used the first form of flame resolution!

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the old man was beaten to vomit blood and fly upside down by Ye Wuque, and four walls were collapsed in succession!

After all, he was an expert at the level of martial arts maniac several decades ago. Naturally, he was more knowledgeable than he Linyi. He knew that ye Wuqian's attack was launched with martial arts skills.

At the moment, he has scolded he Linyi a thousand times in his heart. It's this useless thing that offends such a demon like existence. It's really killing.

In just one round, he was wounded by the other side, and he knew that he was definitely not the opponent.

"You You let me go. As long as you are willing to let me go, all my things are yours. I will give you my storage, OK He took off the storage ring on his hand and said to ye Wuque.

"No, you must die today!" Ye Wuwei replied decisively.

After that, ye Wuxiang did not talk nonsense, nor did he use weapons. He walked to the old man step by step.

When the old man heard the footsteps of Ye Wuwu, he felt like the steps of death. His face was green and he was about to cry.

He knew that this time he must not live. Ye Wuqian did not want to let go of his idea. So now he can only wait for death.

The old man closed his eyes and waited for death.

And ye Wuqian was not polite. When he got to the old man's side, he immediately threw his fist at the old man's head.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the old man's head was smashed like a watermelon by Ye Wushi.

After killing the old man, there were no strong people in the hospital. After realizing the danger and being punished, the guards were worried that ye Wuqian would kill them at any time, and they all ran for their lives.

Now, there is no one in the hospital, but ye Wumian takes the old man's storage and sets a fire to burn the hospital clean.

When people in this town saw that the power of the hospital was destroyed by Ye Wuxiang, it was unbelievable. Even many people even thought it was a dream. After all, this hospital is one of the most powerful forces in this town. They didn't expect to be destroyed by one person. If they hadn't witnessed the miracle today, they would have Will believe it.

Of course, they didn't think there was anything wrong with Ye Wuqian's practice. After all, most people in this town hate this hospital and have long hoped that someone will destroy them.

But now, the hospital has been destroyed by Ye Wuque. It's too late for them to be happy!

Of course, in addition to this hospital, another mercenary regiment is Ye Wuqian's enemy, so ye Wuqian and Zhu ruosi rush to another mercenary group after dealing with the affairs of the hospital. When he came here, he found that there were not many people, and they were almost running.

Because they all know ye Wuqian. When ye Wuqian killed he Linyi, they knew that he was definitely not ye Wuqian's opponent. He would be killed by Ye Wuqian sooner or later. So they did not even have time to clean up the valuable things, so they ran away without a shadow.

Of course, ye Wuque didn't look for it. After all, he was running for his life. He ran in any direction. Even if he was looking for it, it was impossible to find everyone.

What's more, these people are just some martial arts masters. Among them, the strongest is the strength of the martial arts master's dayuanman level. Even a martial arts maniac level master doesn't have any need to chase. Therefore, ye Wuqian doesn't have to find the trouble of the mercenary group at the moment, and takes Zhu ruosi to the mountain forest.

Zhu ruosi, who is walking with Ye Wuqian, is full of joy, because now she finds that ye Wuque has grown to a point she can't imagine. Moreover, ye Wuqian has fulfilled her promise, and the revenge that they were forced to take at the beginning is revenge.

"Where are you going next?" Zhu ruosi suddenly asked ye Wuwu.

"I'm not sure. I came here with a task. I haven't finished this task, and I can't finish it. So the next step is to improve my strength as soon as possible! But I don't know where else I can improve my strength! " Ye Wuxiang said to Zhu ruosi helplessly.

After all, ye Wuqian still remembers the bloody world. Although he is now a martial arts maniac, he still has nothing to do in the face of such a bloody world. Only by improving his strength can he purify the world.

However, the Warcraft in Hengduan Mountains has no help for him to improve his strength. If he wants to improve his strength, he must think of some other ways. However, he is not familiar with the world, and he doesn't know where he can improve his strength, and he doesn't know what else to do.

He wanted to ask the mysterious old man, but the mysterious old man never said a word, which made him more depressed.

After returning to the cave, ye Wuqian was alone by the lake outside the cave, thinking about what he should do next. The whole night passed.But at noon, he found that Zhu ruosi didn't come to him, which made him a little surprised. According to the past experience, the first thing that Zhu ruosi wakes up every day should be to come to chat with him, but why didn't he appear today?

He walked suspiciously to the cave, while he was still shouting the name of zhuruosi, but no one answered.

Ye Wuqi has a bad feeling, speeds up the speed, and a few breaths come to the interior of the cave.

When he came here, he found that Zhu ruosi was not in the cave at all. However, on the cliff of the cave, he saw a very striking line of words: "good bye

At the moment of seeing this line, ye Wuqian knew that Zhu ruosi must have left alone.

When Zhu ruosi was with him, he didn't show the intention of leaving. Why did he leave suddenly?

She is a girl. Where will she go?

In his heart, ye Wuqian is worried about zhuruosi, even worried that he will encounter danger.

In a hurry, he searched the cave carefully to find the trace of zhuruosi. To his disappointment, the whole day passed, but he did not find any trace of zhuruosi. She seemed to evaporate from the world.

In the face of such a situation, ye Wuque is helpless, but there is no way. After all, people have left, and they can't find him. So now he is desperate to find Zhu ruosi.

He knew that even if he was dying of anxiety, he did not know how to find Zhu ruosi. Although he understood this, he was still worried about Zhu ruosi.

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