Although Zhu ruosi already has the strength of martial arts master dayuanman level, if it was in the past, he would have thought that such strength would not have any danger, but now he dare not think so. Even in such a small town, there are two martial arts level masters, let alone other places.

The strength of the martial arts master's grand circle is not enough even if it is strong enough to meet a martial arts maniac level master.

Of course, in addition to worry, ye Wuque is also vaguely lost. After all, he has been together for such a long time and has already had feelings. Even ye Wuque has a little like Zhu Ruoshi, but she is missing at this time, leaving Ye Wuqian at a loss.

He sat quietly by the lake, lost in a daze, did not know what to do next.


At this time, he suddenly felt that something had fallen from the sky. He was very curious. He turned his head and suddenly found that it was a pheasant that had fallen to the ground.

After that, ye Wuqi was stunned because after the first pheasant fell from the sky, it could not be collected. There were more than 100 pheasants falling from the sky, just like it was raining.

When he saw these pheasants, ye Wuqian was a little bit stunned, but he soon understood that it must be the old madman who had come.

Because the last time in that village, ye Wuqian knew that the old madman was a beggar, so he loved to eat. He ate his pheasants for several days, and the last meal was as high as 100.

But now so many pheasants appear inexplicably, it must be the old madman who made him roast it.

"Since you are here, come out!" Ye Wuwei said helplessly.

"Boy, it seems that you have some eyesight. These pheasants will tell me that I am here!" The old madman came out of the dense forest and said to Ye Wuwei with a smile.

"Of course, who but you would eat so much at a meal!" Leaf does not lack white his one eye, did not have good gas to say.

Since the last time the old madman rescued him in that village, he never appeared again. Moreover, the old madman must come with a mission every time he appears. So he doesn't have to think about what to do next. The old madman will arrange it. What he has to do now is to deal with these pheasants, and let the old madman have a good meal. He is happy to eat And then it will.

As expected, the old madman did not say a word after he appeared. Like a stone man, he sat quietly by the water, as if waiting for ye Wuqian's Roasted pheasant.

Ye Wuxiang was helpless in his heart, but he also knew the character of the old madman, so he didn't say anything more. He picked up a lot of dry wood and began to barbecue pheasants.

Still the same as last time, the old Madman's stomach is like a bottomless hole. Before the second round of baking is finished, he has eaten up the first round of baking, and even has no bones left. He still looks at Ye Wuqian eagerly, which seems to urge him to speed up, but he is embarrassed to say it.

Ye Wuqi is helpless, reduced to the old Madman's private chef.

It's a great honor for a general chef to be a madman.

Soon, more than 100 pheasants were almost eaten, and the old madman patted his belly with satisfaction, saying that he was full.

This time, the old madman was still thick enough to eat up all of them, and left half of the leaves.

"What should I do next?" Since all the chickens have been eaten, the old madman will certainly say it, so ye Wuque asks the old madman.

"What do you think? Your current strength is not enough to purify the world, so what you need to do next is to improve your own strength. If your strength is enough, your task will be completed naturally! " The old madman said to the leaf without expression.

"I also know that only when I have enough strength can I improve my strength, but there is no Warcraft kernel I need to improve my strength. How easy is it to improve my strength? You've eaten so much roast chicken that you have to help me find a way! " Ye Wuqian said to the old madman.

"I've already thought of a way for you. Didn't I give you a copy of the four symbols? You can achieve the strength required by the task as long as you practice the "four elephant resolution" step by step The old madman said to Ye Wuwei.

"This How can this be possible? I have been practicing recently, and the "four elephant resolution" has never fallen behind. But I don't know why. It seems that there is some bottleneck. If there is no progress, I can only stop! " Ye Wuque said to the old madman with a bitter face.

"It seems that I'm still a little late. I didn't expect that your cultivation speed would be so fast. It seems that your talent is still good. You've reached the bottleneck so quickly. However, you don't have to worry. I've arranged the next thing for you. You have to find the spirit of the four elephants and refine it before you can continue to improve your strength. All you need to do now is to look for fire The essence of the spirit The old madman said to Ye Wuwei.

"The spirit of fire? Where can I look for such a big world? Isn't that like looking for a needle in the sea Ye Wuxiang complained to the old madman."There is the spirit of fire in the extremely hot desert in the south. As long as you get there, there will be clues!" After the old madman finished, he turned and left.

"You..." Ye Wuqi has not had time to ask others, the figure of the old madman has disappeared.

Ye Wumian is very depressed in his heart, and he would like to kill the old madman. But he knows that even if he is a hundred martial arts maniac, he may not be the opponent of the old madman, so he can only shake his head helplessly.

But fortunately, we already have the next task goal, and we won't be too confused. This is a good thing for ye Wuliang!

Now that he has known the next goal, ye Wuxiang does not hesitate. He immediately leaves Hengduan Mountain and goes to Xiaozhen.

Of course, he doesn't know anything about the so-called extreme burning desert, so before you go, you must have a certain understanding of this place.

Ye Wuqi has no friends in this small array. The only person he knows is Wang Ken. Wang Ken is a member of the exchange. He must be familiar with the terrain in the world. He may get the information he needs from Wang Ken.

He came to the door of the exchange and found that the guards were looking at him with adoring eyes.

He soon realized that it was he who killed all directions in the town. It was this time that the guards of the exchange looked at him with such eyes, which was a kind of worship for the strong.

Ye Wuqian soon found Wang Ken, and Wang Ken was more enthusiastic than ever before, and even had some flattering meaning.

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