"Wang Ken, we are old friends. You don't have to be like this. Since we are friends, no matter how strong we are, we are always friends. I am always the same to friends!" Ye Wuqi thinks that Wang Ken makes him a little uncomfortable, so he says to Wang Ken.

"Well, since you take Wang Ken as your friend, I will recognize you as a brother. I know that you must have reached the level of martial arts maniac. I'm afraid you will not stay here any more. I don't know where brother Ye wants to go next?" Wang Ken asked Ye Wuqian.

"I want to go to the extremely hot desert in the south, but I don't know anything about it. You're from the exchange. Do you know anything about it?" Ye Wuqi did not polite to Wang Ken, but asked Wang Ken.

"This To be honest, I don't know much about that, but Since you are going, I have something to give you. I'll say goodbye to my brother! " Wang Ken said, and gave a storage ring to Ye Wuxiang.

Since he knew a lot of things carefully, he didn't want to know a lot of other things, so he didn't want to know them.

"Wang Ken, do you have anything to do? If I can do it, I'll help you! " Ye Wuwei asked Wang Ken.

Although Wang Ken didn't say it clearly, ye Wuqian is a smart man. No one can give people things without any reason. Even if he is strong, he is also the person who is going to leave here. As a businessman, Wang Ken has no need to please him, so Wang Ken must ask him for something.

What's more, his own impression of Wang Ken is not bad. He knows that Wang Ken is not a greedy person, so he can help him if he can. Maybe he can still use other people's places. Maybe he has many friends and many roads!

"This Since brother ye said that, I'm not polite. I just heard that brother Ye wants to go to the extremely hot desert in the south, so I want you to escort a batch of things for me. This batch of things is more important than the previous batch.

As you know, the captain of the guard who escorted things last time was the best one I could find. But he was a pickpocket. I dismissed him, but after I dismissed him, I couldn't find a strong guard any more. However, the others in the guard were not only intermediate strength of some martial arts masters, but could not bear the heavy responsibilities. I was making a decision about this I didn't expect you to go to the south Wang Ken said to Ye Wuqian with some embarrassment.

After all, he asked people to help him as soon as he had finished delivering things. People with a clear eye could see that he was looking for talents to send things.

"That's OK. It's on my way anyway." Ye Wuque agreed happily.

Although Ye Wuxiang agreed with him very happily, Wang Ken frowned all the time. It seemed that there was something difficult to say!

"Do you have anything else to do? If you have something to say, I leave this time, I don't know when I can come back. If I have any trouble, I will help you solve it together! " Ye Wuqian said boldly to Wang Ken.

"Brother, since you said that, I'll tell you the truth. In fact, the reason why I asked you to escort the goods was that our exchange was in trouble.

Last time, when you delivered the goods, you offended the mountain bandits. Recently, mountain bandits have been looking for our troubles. Many goods have been robbed and suffered heavy losses. If not for the generosity of beards at the last auction, I'm afraid my exchange would have closed down! " Wang Ken said with a bitter face.

"No way. Last time I burned the mountain bandit's stronghold, and I killed the leader. The rest of the small minions, the most powerful ones, should not exceed the intermediate level of the martial arts master. Even if your escort team escorts goods, there should be no problem!" Ye Wuqi frowned and said.

"Yes, I think it's strange, but in fact, our goods were robbed. It's said that the strongest mountain bandits among them have already got the level of martial arts maniac. I'm just not enough to see!" Wang Ken said to Ye Wuwei.

After hearing Wang Ken's words, ye Wu has no lack of letter. It's right to have a martial arts expert. Maybe the last time he robbed was just a fenzhai. This is the Revenge of others.

"Well, in that case, I'll help you get rid of this trouble! But you have to do everything I say Ye Wuqian said solemnly to Wang Ken.

"Of course, since I have used you, I will believe you. Tell me, as long as I can do it, I will do as you say. No matter whether it can be done or not, I will thank you!" Wang Ken said to Ye Wuxiang sincerely.

"Well, the goods will leave the day after tomorrow. Your main task tomorrow is to put all the guards out for drinking. There should be one or two of them in the major restaurants and restaurants. Let them say as much as possible that the goods will start the day after tomorrow, and the route should be clearly stated. Publicize it widely. The more people you know, the better!" Ye Wuwei said to Wang Ken.

After hearing this, Wang Ken was stunned. He never thought that ye Wuque would let him do it.

You should know that the goods he delivered this time are more precious than any other time in the past, so there should be no mistake.

But now they have been watched by mountain bandits. If you want to hide the delivery time and route of the goods, they still can't hide them. He even let them publicize it. Isn't it for death?"This Once something goes wrong... " Wang Ken said to ye Wuwu, somewhat tangled.

"If something goes wrong, I'll pay for the goods at the price!" Ye Wuwu said to Wang Ken in an unquestionable tone.

"This You are here to help me. How can I ask you to make compensation? I will do as you say. If you lose something, I will lose it. It's a big deal that I will not do business! " Wang Ken's case was ruthless and decided to believe ye Wuque once, so he said to ye Wuque.

"Well, you can arrange it." Ye Wuzhi nodded and said to Wang Ken.

Wang Ken didn't dare to neglect him. Of course, he did what ye Wuqian said. He went out to drink according to many guards. He waited for more than a day. In the morning of the third day, ye Wuqian took the caravan with him.

Ye Wumian naturally has his plan. All plans are ready. He has a plan in mind. So when the caravan moves, he is full of confidence and shows a look of indifference.

However, it is precisely because of his attitude that Wang Ken feels very unreliable. Although he knows that ye Wuque is very strong and has reached the level of martial arts maniac, there are also some martial arts level masters among the mountain bandits. Once they meet, ye Wuqian will surely lose something if he is so careless.

Of course, Wang Ken knows the importance of this batch of goods. If something goes wrong, it is related to his life and family. Therefore, he can not afford to miss anything. Under all kinds of helplessness, he can only send people to follow the caravan. Once there is a problem, he can go out immediately to minimize the loss.

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