Along the way, ye Wuque was drinking and occasionally singing. He seemed not to worry about the safety of the caravan at all, as if he were afraid that others would not know their course of action.

Although the guards were worried about ye Wuqian's self-confidence, they all knew Ye Wuqian's strength. Therefore, no one reminded them that since ye Wumian was full of confidence, there would be no problem. After all, ye Wuqian could kill two strong men in the town, which should be the top strength in the martial arts maniac.

So they all relaxed. Like ye Wuque, they should drink wine and sing songs. There is no tension in the past.

But just after a day's journey, they met mountain bandits near a forest.

These mountain bandits seem to have been hiding here for a long time. When ye Wuqian and others just took a rest, they surrounded them.

"Do you know who I am? You dare to rob me. Don't you want to live? " Ye Wuqi carefully sensed and found that among these mountain bandits, there were really martial arts level masters. Moreover, he could clearly feel that the martial crazy level master had more powerful energy than him. He should be a martial arts intermediate master, but he was not afraid. After all, he now has a sword and martial arts skills, even if he is a martial arts intermediate level master Strength may not be insurmountable, so he pretended to be careless and roared.

"Of course, isn't this the caravan of the exchange? It seems that you have a long memory this time. You even sent an expert of martial arts level to escort you. But you are just a boy with primary strength, which is not enough to fear! " The mountain bandit with intermediate strength says to Ye Wuwei.

"Who are you and why you can't get through with our exchange?" Ye Wuqi still asked without fear.

"My name is he Bing!" Said the mountain thief.

After hearing what he said, ye Wuqian understood that he must be targeted. After all, the first mountain bandit killed last time was surnamed he, and they should be related.

In this case, everything makes sense. It seems that the mountain bandit leader must be eliminated, otherwise Wang Ken will not have a good life.

"With me, no matter what kind of grudges you have with the exchange, you can't move the goods. This is my escort!" The leaf does not lack light to say.

"You Ha ha, he's just a martial arts maniac with intermediate strength. He's so arrogant that he doesn't even grow up. It seems that you don't know how powerful you are if you don't have a lesson. Give me a shot and kill them all. Don't leave any of them! " He Bing called out to the mountain bandits.

Then, the group of mountain bandits rushed to the caravan.

In addition to Ye Wuwei, the other guards were scared and withered. The battle was almost fatal, and the wine was full of energy.

They know that they are not rivals of mountain bandits. After all, they are not ye Wuqian, and they do not have such strong strength. The number of mountain bandits on the opposite side has an advantage. The only way to save their lives is to escape as soon as possible.

So the guards fled in an instant. In the blink of an eye, there was only one person left.

Of course, ye Wuxiang will not shrink back, because he has calculated all these things.

"Die!" Ye Wuqi didn't wave his sword or use his martial arts skills. He just used ordinary attack to kill some mountain bandits with high-level martial arts.

"Well, if you dare to kill my brother, you want to die!" The mountain bandit with intermediate strength saw that ye Wuque had killed his men, and immediately became angry. He rushed to ye Wuque and fought with him.

Ye Wuqian did not use all his strength or extreme speed. He only fought with him with the intermediate strength of ordinary martial arts maniac to test his opponent's real attack power.

As expected, ye Wuqian thinks that although the opponent's strength is stronger than him, it is not much better. If he really tries his best, ye Wuqian can kill him with weapons and martial skills.

"Ah When he Bing launches an attack, ye Wuqi intentionally bumps into the attack energy of the other party, pretends to shout, spurts a mouthful of blood, and falls to the ground.

"Hum, now you know how good I am The martial arts maniac level master didn't realize that ye Wuqian was deliberately defeated by him. He thought that it was natural for him to defeat the intermediate strength of Wu maniac and defeat the primary strength of Wu maniac. So he condescended and asked ye Wumian triumphantly.

"Well, I'm not your opponent, but I won't accept it. If I don't drink too much, you can't beat me at all!" Ye Wuqi deliberately yelled at him.

"Well, boy, it seems that you won't give up until you get to the Yellow River. In this case, I'll give you a chance. When you wake up, I'll fight with you again, and you'll be convinced if you lose! Brothers, take this boy back with the goods The mountain bandits under his triumphant rivals ordered.

Another big victory, the mountain bandits were naturally elated, one after another, bound Ye Wuxiang and took them to the mountain.

All this was seen by the people sent by Wang Ken to follow.

The stalker, seeing ye Wuque's indifference the day before yesterday, thought ye Wuque was really powerful, but he didn't expect that he was defeated by the mountain bandit leader with only a few moves. He could not help but secretly despise him. He felt that ye Wuque's arrogance had damaged the great event.All the guards ran away, ye Wuxiang was caught, and all the goods fell into the hands of mountain bandits. This was a big event. He had to report to Wang Ken at the first time, so the guard turned around and ran back.

Soon, he returned to the exchange and yelled as soon as he came in.

"What's the matter?" Seeing the guard running back in such a hurry, Wang Ken's heart was raised to his throat. He knew that something must have happened.

"Something happened to our goods. Ye Wuqian was caught by the mountain bandits, and our guards fled!" The guard said to Wang Ken.

When Wang Ken heard this, he almost fainted. This was the situation he was most afraid of, but such a situation happened.

However, he did not expect that there was still something wrong with his goods. He thought that Youye Wuwu, an expert of martial arts level, would never easily have an accident. Even if there was a problem, he would not lose all the goods.

But now, not only the goods were robbed by the mountain bandits, but even ye Wuqi also fell into the hands of the mountain bandits. What should we do?

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