At the moment, Wang Ken's heart is like a mess, which is undoubtedly a huge blow to him, but it has already happened. As the elder of the exchange and the direct person in charge, he must make a choice.

For him, no matter the goods or the leaves are not missing, so he secretly decides to fight with the mountain bandits. If the goods can't be found, he will have nothing, and he will be fearless.

"Call all the people together immediately. We must get the goods back!" Wang Ken said to his subordinates.

Wang Ken is a man of his word in the exchange. No one dares to listen to his words. Soon, almost all the people in the exchange gathered together, even the etiquette Miss and the waiter.

The people who were summoned were confused and didn't know what had happened. But when they saw Wang Ken's black face, they knew that something bad must have happened. Did they have problems in their work? But everyone on the scene did not know what they had done wrong, they were very confused!

"You are all from our exchange. However, some important goods in our exchange have been stolen by mountain bandits. If we lose these goods, our exchange will not exist. What do we do?" Wang Ken asked.

At this time, we finally know what happened and why Wang Ken's face was so black.

Don't mention these ordinary waiters and Miss etiquette. Even the guards who stayed behind, their strength is not very good. So after hearing Wang Ken's words, these people were all very surprised, because even though they knew that the exchange was in unprecedented trouble, they didn't know how to deal with it. After all, they lived in a world of strength 。

It is precisely because of this that the work of the exchange is the foundation for them to settle down. Therefore, everyone does not want to abandon this job, especially the etiquette ladies and waiters. Their desire for this job is much greater than that of the armed guards. After all, these guards have certain strength, even if there is no exchange You can eat in other places, but those ordinary people are not the same.

If they leave the exchange, they will become slaves or even playthings, which is not the life they want.

"We can't live without an exchange. Since the mountain bandits have robbed our goods, we must take them back. Even if we have to fight for our lives, we can't live without the work of the exchange. Anyway, it's a death. We'd better fight with the mountain bandits!" Said one of the waiters.

"Yes, fight them!" At this time, other people are also responding.

"Yes, I am waiting for your words. I have made the same choice with you. Even if we die in the hands of mountain bandits, we must not let them succeed easily. We still have a chance. Even if it is very slim, we must not give up!" Wang Ken said to everyone.

After that, almost everyone roared, and the momentum was raised to the limit, and they all looked desperate.

Although his people have such fighting spirit, Wang Ken knows that the enemy he is facing is not ordinary people, but mountain bandits. Among them, there is an expert at martial arts level. Even ye Wuqian is not the opponent of the other party. If they go, they can only die, but even so, he must go.

Therefore, after making a decision, Wang Ken immediately set out with his men.

In fact, Wang Ken's worry is superfluous. He doesn't know that it's not ye Wuqian who can't beat that martial arts maniac level master, and all this is within ye Wuque's calculation.

He learned the lesson from the last time. After all, he burned all the mountain bandits' nests, but he still failed to wipe out all the mountain bandits. After he left, Wang Ken was still retaliated. This time he left, he did not know when he would be able to come back, or even might not come back again. After all, he did not belong to the people in this world, which was just his executive duty Business is just a place, so he wants to eliminate all the mountain bandits and solve the problem completely before he leaves.

Of course, he is not familiar with this place, so he has no idea where the mountain bandits are hiding and how many people there are. The only way is to be caught by the mountain bandits, so that all the mountain bandits have no protection against him. In this way, the strength of mountain bandits will be exposed in front of him, and he can do all the mountain bandits It's gone.

Of course, he was the only one who knew his idea. Wang Ken didn't know. The thieves who caught him did not know that he would have such a plan. If they knew, they would certainly not take ye Wumian away.

He Binggen, the current mountain bandit boss, didn't know ye Wuqian had such an idea. He was still full of joy in celebrating. He even felt that he could easily hold ye Wuque because he was stronger than ye Wuque. He didn't think it was ye Wuque who deliberately let him.

And this time, he not only took ye Wuque down, but more importantly, he took all the goods back.

Because he knew that this batch of goods was escorted by a martial arts level master. It was definitely not ordinary goods. He must have made a lot of money.

But when he returned to the Shanzhai and asked his men to open the boxes, all of them were dumbfounded because the boxes contained ordinary stones instead of precious goods.This time, he Bing realized the problem and felt that this matter seemed to be something wrong. Why did he say that all the good goods were turned into stones? Do you think you've been cheated by others?

Of course, he didn't know that everything was done by Ye Wuqian. The goods originally contained in the box are now in Ye Wuqian's storage fingers. He had already replaced them. Even the guards escorting the goods with him did not know when he changed them.

"Take that boy up, I want to ask why it is a stone!" He Bing's angry opponents yelled.

Within a short time, ye Wuque was taken up.

At the moment, he Bing sees that ye Wuqian is still keeping calm, and feels a little strange. Is it the boy who made the ghost?

"Why there is no goods in the box, but there are only some stones. Please tell me clearly, or I will kill you!" He Bing fiercely threatened ye Wuwu.

"Of course, there are only stones. The real goods have been hidden by me for a long time. You can't find them!" Ye Wuwei said triumphantly.

"Boy, you are really too arrogant. Now you have fallen into my hands. If you see you, I will not fear that I will kill you!" He Bing glared at ye Wuque and threatened him.

"You? If you want to kill me with your strength, are you not dreaming? " Ye Wuwei said with a sneer.

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