"Good Well, I'll do what you say Seeing ye Wuqian's resolute look, he had already made a decision, so he didn't dare to say anything more, so he could only do what ye Wuque said.

Soon, only one of he Bing's confidants was left to deliver the letter. The other mountain bandits had been concentrated in a cave.

The reason why Ye Wuqian is like this is to conceal this information, so that other mountain bandits will not be aware of anything.

After that, ye Wuqian asked the people brought by Wang Ken to change into the clothes of mountain bandits and pretend to be mountain bandits.

Although the strength of these people under Wang Ken is not very good, they work in the exchange after all, and they have seen all kinds of people. Therefore, they still have some models when they pretend to be mountain bandits. Basically, they have no clue.

This also makes Ye Wuxiang secretly glad that if Wang Ken had not brought these people, he might not have succeeded, but Wang Ken had brought some people he could trust, and ye Wuque was fully confident that he could succeed.

Everything is ready. All ye Wuqian has to do is wait for other mountain bandits to die here.

As expected, almost all the mountain bandits were greedy. After he Bing's invitation, they all came in a hurry. According to he Bing's account, all the leaders of each mountain have arrived, and there is no less.

This makes Ye Wuqian more and more happy. As long as these people come, he has absolute assurance that he can wipe out these people. After all, they will not be fortified when they come here. They don't know ye Wuque will deal with them, so they are careless and feel like they have arrived at their own home.

Ye Wuqian can easily feel that the leader of these mountain bandits is very strong. The strongest one of them has reached the advanced level of martial arts. If you fight head-on, you can be sure that ye Wuque will not be the opponent of this person. Moreover, such masters are not only one person, but also a group. Therefore, ye Wuque will never fight with these people.

Under the instruction of Ye Wuwei, he Bing arranged a banquet to entertain these leaders.

Of course, the so-called banquet is just a plan of Ye Wumian, in which all the food and wine are added by Ye Wuqian, and they will die if they eat it.

However, no one knows about the mountain bandit leader here. They all eat and drink like they haven't eaten in their lives.

Seeing that they eat and drink their own food, ye knows that his plan has been successful, and these mountain bandits will never survive.

"Ah All of a sudden, a mountain bandit of intermediate strength screamed and fell to the ground and died.

When other mountain bandits saw such things, they immediately realized that the food and wine were poisonous, but they knew it too late. After all, everyone ate a lot.



After all, the so-called binghe people are not able to eat poison in order to avoid eating too much poison So they didn't even have time to say swearing words. They all went to the yama to report.

After seeing that all the mountain bandit leaders he invited were poisoned to death, he Bing gradually felt relieved. Even if they were all dead, no one would know that it had something to do with him, so he could stay out of it.

"You have done everything you told me. Now let me go?" He asked ye Wuque.

"Of course I want to let you go, but you won't let go of yourself!" Let him did not think of is, at the moment ye Wuque but cold face said to him.

"You What do you mean? I have done all the things you asked me to do. The leaders of these mountain bandits have died in your hands. Isn't it enough? " He was in a hurry and couldn't help but say to ye Wuwu.

"You have done too many evil things, so you have no chance to live. Of course, I have never said that you can continue to live, but I am a man of faith. Since you have helped me, I will not treat you badly, I will let you die more happily!" Ye Wuqi said, and waved his sword. Before he Bing could react, he cut his head with a sword.

His head, which rolled on the ground, was still staring, as if he were dying.

Of course, ye Wuque didn't feel any sympathy for him. After all, he was the leader of a mountain bandit. He had done too many bad things. Even if he had killed him 100 times, he would not have felt guilty at all. Instead, he felt that he would have wiped out all the mountain bandits, which made him feel very relaxed.

Of course, there is another person who is more happy than him, that is, Wang Ken. He never thought that ye Wuqian even designed to eliminate all the mountain bandits around him.

Although they just killed their leader, it was enough. After all, their leader was the most powerful one among the mountain bandits.Now all the mountain bandits at the level of martial arts maniac have been killed. The most powerful mountain bandits left is the strength of martial arts master dayuanman. As long as this batch of goods is OK, I believe he will make a lot of money. In the end, he can recruit experts of martial arts dayuanman level. Even it is not impossible to recruit experts of martial arts maniac level.

When he fell, he would not be afraid of mountain bandits if he had a master.

"Thank you Thank you so much. If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid I wouldn't have solved the problem so thoroughly. I don't know how to thank you! " Wang Ken said to Ye Wuwei.

"After all, we are friends. It's right to help each other. After all, when I left, you gave me something. I didn't do it for nothing!" Ye Wuwei replied to him.

Hearing this, Wang Ken's heart is full of gratitude. He knows that he is looking for the right person.

He knew Ye Wuqian was not a person who liked to listen to polite words, so he did not say those words of gratitude without nutrition.

"Brother, I know you will leave. No matter what difficulties you may encounter in the future, as long as you come here and find me Wang Ken, I will help you, even if you pay your life!" Wang kenzhengzhong's promise to ye Wumian said.

And ye Wuque didn't say anything, just laughed.

Because ye Wuqian is very clear, after he left this time, he still doesn't know whether he has a chance to come back here, and even if he comes back here, his strength will be greatly improved. Even if Wang Ken has the heart to help him, he may not be able to help him.

However, ye Wuqian is not a person who is good at calculating. For him, a friend with a sincere heart is priceless and more important than anything. Therefore, the reason why he helped Wang Ken so much was not for the so-called reward.

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