When he saw Ye Wuqian appear, both Wang Ken and the mountain bandits were stunned. They did not expect Ye Wuqian to appear here.

Wang Ken clearly got the news that ye Wuxiang had fallen into the hands of mountain bandits, but how could he come out? Is it possible that these mountain bandits let them go?

"You How did you get out? " He Bing also asked Ye Wuqian.

Just when they left, it was clear that the leaves had been bound firmly. How could it take a while for people to appear here?

He suddenly had a bad consciousness, especially when he recalled that ye Wuqian had told him that he could not be killed at all.

At the moment, he realized the seriousness of the problem. It was very likely that ye Wuxiang was caught by a trap. He might have been cheated by others. So he was even more angry, staring at Ye Wuqian, hoping to devour ye Wuque alive.

"Do you think you can really take me? I'm just teasing you. You're so naive! " Ye Wuque sneered at him coldly.

After hearing ye Wuque's sarcasm, he Bing's whole face turned red. He didn't expect that he was not as powerful as his martial crazy junior boy. He was so hard to deal with!

At this time, Wang Ken was more and more happy. When he Bing gave the order, he was already in despair. He felt that he would not live this time. Even all the employees would die here with him. He had the consciousness of death.

But how also did not expect, the leaf does not lack to be able to appear at this time, is simply the Savior.

What's more, he can tell from the tone of Ye Wuqian that ye Wuqian was defeated not by he Bing's opponent, but by intention. It seems that he had thought too much at the beginning.

This is no doubt a surprise to him. It can be said that if there are leaves, they will be safe and there will be no more danger.

"Even if everything is your strategy, what can you do? After all, you are just a boy of martial arts maniac's primary strength, and I am already a martial arts maniac's intermediate strength. Do you think you will be my opponent? I said, all of you are going to die here, and it will be realized. Now I give you a chance. If you are caught with your bare hands, I will let you die more happily. Otherwise, I will let you live and die! " He said viciously to ye Wuque.

"He Bing, you are too confident. What about the intermediate strength of Wu maniac? Do you really think I'm not your opponent? You are too arrogant, doomed to face the pain of failure Ye Wuqi said to he Bing.

"Boy, take your life!" At this time, he Bingshi couldn't help it. He immediately rushed to ye Wuque and wanted to kill him.

His speed is very fast, but also the power to run to the extreme, want to kill ye Wumian.

The fire blows the palm!

Ye Wuqi also rushed at a very fast speed and used his martial arts skills at the first time!

Now ye Wuqi can play four times his own strength by using the flame to burst his palm. Even if he is a martial arts maniac intermediate strength master, he may not be able to resist it.


With a loud noise, he Bing's body was like a kite with a broken line. He flew upside down and broke several big trees!

His mouth overflowed with blood, and the whole person was in a daze. He never thought that he, a strong man of intermediate strength, would be injured by a junior martial arts crazy boy, and the other side only used one move. This is really humiliating.

"You You want to die He spurted blood foam and said to Ye Wuwei.

"It's you who are looking for death!" Ye Wuqi said, just like a white rainbow appeared in front of he Bing. Even before he could react, a sword had been put on his neck.

He was stunned. He didn't expect that ye Wumian's strength was not enough. Even his speed was so fast, he didn't give him a chance to react. This young man was too evil and terrible.

At this time, he Bing was afraid, and had no desire to fight at all, because his fighting consciousness had been defeated by Ye Wuque. He knew that even if he used his own strength to feed, he was definitely not ye Wuque's opponent.

What's more, ye Wuqian didn't kill him immediately. Instead, he forced him with his sword. He certainly didn't intend to kill him. Otherwise, he would not live to this day!

Now that he knows the power of Ye Wuqian, he no longer has the confidence to fight with ye Wuque at the moment. At this time, he has only one idea, that is, he hopes ye Wuque can keep his life.

"You What do you want? As long as you say it, I will do as you say. I just want to live! " He looked at ye Wuque with a pitiful look, and asked ye Wuque.

When ye Wuqian saw him like this, he knew that he was a villain who was greedy for life and afraid of death. Such a person did not pose any threat to him. However, since he said that, it was exactly what ye wanted. After all, ye Wuque also needed to know how many mountain bandits there were here, so as to kill all the mountain bandits.

"Well, since you are so knowledgeable, I'll give you a chance to tell me how many mountain bandits there are around here and how their strength is. Tell me word by word. If you deliberately hide it, I will let you live or die. You should believe it. I can do it!" Ye Wuqi threatened him.After hearing this, he Bing gradually felt relieved. He knew that at least ye Wuque would not kill him. Of course, he didn't intend to deceive him. After all, ye Wuque was too terrible. At his age, he could reach the intermediate level of martial arts maniac, and he also had such fighting power. He was a monster He said he couldn't offend.

"This There are more than 20 mountain bandits in the neighborhood. The rest of them are small and noisy. Even senior martial arts masters don't have the strength! " He replied to Ye Wuwei in a hurry.

"Well, do you have any way to reach them?" Ye Wuwei asked he Bing.

"Yes, there are But once they come here, there will be more than 20 martial arts level experts. You are not their opponent at all! " He saw the killing intention in ye Wuque's eyes, and knew ye Wuque was going to fight these mountain bandits, so he said to ye Wuque.

"How to deal with him is my business. You don't have to worry about it. Since I have the courage to ask you to invite them, I am absolutely sure that I can deal with them. You don't need to worry about it. Now, you have your subordinates gather together and find a cave nearby to hide them. No one can leave without my command. Besides, send someone to all the mountains When the boss delivers the letter, he says you have got a treasure for them to enjoy Ye Wumian did not conceal his intention from he Bing, because he knew that he Bing was a man who was greedy for life and was afraid of death. Such a person would never act rashly in order to save his life, let alone report to other mountain bandits. Therefore, he had no need to hide at this moment, and only he could contact other mountain bandits. Sooner or later, he would know about this Yes.

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