Ye Wuque was close to him, and he clearly felt that the bandit who appeared this time was not simple, because the strength of the leading robber had reached the level of martial madness, which was very unusual!

Ye Wuqian's strength is already very strong, and he has martial arts skills and magic weapons in hand. It is not a problem to deal with a martial arts maniac intermediate master, but after all, he is an expert with high-level martial arts strength. Even ye Wuqian has no absolute assurance to deal with him.

However, ye Wuqian is not a man who can't help the dying. He knows that if he doesn't, the caravan people will surely die. So he decided to fight with the powerful man of high-level martial arts in any case.

But he didn't do it immediately, and he was watching in the dark.

"Who are you? Is it a robber At this time, Jia Heshan stepped forward and asked the robbers.

In fact, compared with the bandits, Jia Heshan's strength at the moment is too weak, so he can't feel the energy of these robbers at all. He thinks that this is a group of ordinary bandits. If he knew that there was a strong man with high-level martial arts, he would not talk like this, and even beg for mercy at the first time.

"Yes, we are robbers. Of course, I'm not here to rob. I want to ask, where are the robbers who robbed you before?" The bandit with high-level military strength asked Jia Heshan.

"It seems that you are a group. I can tell you clearly that they have been killed by us!" Jia Heshan still did not feel the strength of the other side, so he said confidently.

"Killed by you? As for you, a mole ant with intermediate strength, how can you kill my brother, a robber with high-level martial arts skills? I think you are lying, but I can't feel my brother's breath. If you can provide me with information about my brother, I can consider letting you go once! " The head of the bandit with high-level military strength said to Jia Heshan.

"It's impossible. The bandits who have just come to deal with us are just bandits with primary strength of a martial arts master. How can they be a person with high-level martial arts?" He denied to the bandit leader.

"He came to rob you, but you have nothing to do now, but my brother is gone. Where is he? If you don't, I'll be rude to you! " The bandit leader fiercely threatened Jia Heshan.

But Jia Heshan did not know that these people had been killed by Ye Wuqi, so he was at a loss at the moment, but he still did not feel that there was a little energy and breath fluctuation on the bandit leader, so he was not afraid of the bandit leader at all.

"Well, in this case, I will tell you the truth. All the robbers who come here have died in our hands. Your brother should also be killed by our people. If you want revenge, I will accompany you to the end!" He is very domineering to say.

"Well, you deserve it He slapped the robber in a hurry.


Just one attack, Jia Heshan was beaten to vomit blood and fly away. This is because the bandit leader wanted to find out the whereabouts of his brother, so he did not directly kill him. If it was not for this reason, I am afraid that the bandit leader's power of 10% would be enough to kill Jia Heshan in seconds.

At the moment, Jia Heshan and his subordinates were stupefied. They didn't expect that the captured leader would be so powerful.

You know, the strongest among them is Jia Heshan, but Jia Heshan is in the hands of others, and he can't even move. How can they be the opponents of the bandit leader? At the moment, they are all desperate and realize that the immortal can't save them this time.

"Say, where is my brother? If you don't, I want all of you to die! " In order to find his brother as soon as possible, the bandit leader threatened to the caravan.

But the people in the caravan never saw his brother. How could they know where his brother was?

"Kill, I'll kill all of them, none of them will stay!" Said the chief robber to his men.

"Don't you really want to know where your brother is?" Also in all robbers to start, ye Wuque suddenly went to, and looked at the bandit leader, light said.

At the moment of Ye Wuqian's appearance, almost all the people in the caravan were stupid. They didn't think that this greedy villain would step forward at such a dangerous time. But such a thing has happened after all.

They just know that this time they met an expert. The strength of the robbers is really too strong. Even if ye Wuqian appears, he is certainly not the opponent of the robbers. He is just killed. Therefore, they are still very desperate.

"You know? Are you a member of the caravan The bandit leader with high-level military strength asked Ye Wuwei.

"It was an hour ago, but not now. I have been driven out by them!" Ye Wuwei looks at Jia Fangfang and says.

"Since you are not a member of the caravan, get out of here quickly. I don't want to hear your ink marks!" The bandit leader said to Ye Wuxiang very impatiently.

"I know where your brother is!" Ye Wuqi is still calm, and even he is calm. It seems that he doesn't pay attention to the bandit leader with high-level military strength!"Now that you know it, say it!" The bandit leader urged Ye Wuxiang.

"He has been killed by me!" Ye Wuqi said calmly.

But after hearing ye Wuque's answer, the robber's forehead burst with blue veins. He never thought that his brother was killed.

No wonder he couldn't feel his brother's breath. He had already died.

This is his only brother. He can't bear to be killed by a boy like this.

And he thought Ye Wuqian didn't lie, because he felt the energy fluctuation that only minkuang possessed from ye Wuqian's body, so at the moment, he decided that ye Wuque killed his brother.

"Well, since you killed my brother, go to hell!" He said, to the leaves without lack of rushed over, and leaves without lack of desperately.

Ye Wuque knew that he was a martial arts maniac with high-level strength. He knew that he was definitely not the opponent of the other side. Therefore, he had no intention to fight hard at the moment, so he immediately dodged at a very fast speed.

Seeing ye Wuque fight with the bandit leader with high-level martial arts, all the members of the caravan were stupefied. They didn't expect that the cowards who were nothing in their eyes would have such strength. Fortunately, he didn't argue with them, otherwise they would be in danger. So at the moment, they were all congratulating in secret.

The strength of the bandit leader with high-level military strength is indeed stronger than ye Wuqian. Ye Wuque can clearly feel that every attack of his is accompanied by the wind, which shows that he has exerted his strength to the utmost.

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