After hearing this, Jia Heshan knew that ye Wuque didn't want to go with them, so he didn't say anything at the moment.

Now he has some regrets. If he didn't match ye Wuque before, maybe they would make friends with a super strong person, which is good for the development of their caravan in the future. But now, even if ye Wuqian doesn't pursue them, he will not become friends with them after all. Therefore, they have lost the chance to make friends with a super strong person.

But fortunately, their lives have been saved, which is also a matter of celebration for them, so they all put their hearts in their stomachs.

What's more, when ye Wuqian killed the bandits before, they all saw that almost all the bandits above the martial arts level had been killed by Ye Wuque. Therefore, their caravan would not be in any danger, and there would be no robbers to harass them.

When they had just passed through the grove, almost all of them were dumbfounded, because there were dozens of corpses lying here, all of them were robbers in their clothes.

At this moment, all of them knew that ye Wuqian had nothing to do before, and killed all the bandits who were ambushed here. If ye Wuque had not killed these bandits, let alone later bandit reinforcements, these bandits would have killed them dozens of times.

They finally knew why the bandit leader said he was looking for his brother as soon as he saw them. His brother must be among the dead.

But now they know it's too late. After all, ye Wuxiang has left.

After leaving the caravan, ye Wuqian walked southward alone. He still maintained the speed of ordinary people's road, because it was also a kind of cultivation and a process of precipitation for him, and he was also tireless.

After walking forward for more than half a month, he finally got close to the nearest city in Jiyan desert. After seeing this city, he knew that he had arrived at his destination. What he had to do next was to collect information about Jiyan desert. After all this was ready, he could enter.

So he had already walked to the city, but as soon as he got to the gate of the city, he was stopped by the soldiers guarding the city.

"If you want to enter the city, you need to pay ten taels of gold!" The soldier said to Ye Wuqian.

"Why?" Ye Wuqi asked in a puzzled way.

After all, he was not a merchant. He was just a man. There was no need to pay taxes. Moreover, ten taels of gold were astronomical for an ordinary person, so he asked.

"This is the rule of our city master, and ten taels of gold can save lives at a critical moment. After all, this is the only city near the desert!" The soldier is very impatient to ye Wumian said.

With a smile, ye Wuqian took out ten taels of gold and handed it to the soldier. After all, there was no more than ten taels of gold. To him, it was only a drop in the bucket. There was no need to attract people's attention because of this small amount of money, thus causing unnecessary trouble.

However, he never thought that it was because he paid the gold happily, but it attracted other people's attention. In the eyes of ordinary people, those who can easily take out ten taels of gold must be local tyrants.

So when ye Wuqian just entered the city, he was targeted.

However, ye Wuqian, most of his attention will be focused on the induction of martial arts cultivation. He doesn't care much about ordinary people, so he doesn't find anyone staring at him.

After arriving in the city, ye Wuqian decides to find an inn to have a good meal, and then to freshen up. After all, he has been on the road for several months, but he has not had a good meal. He is sticky and uncomfortable.

He soon came to a shop. He thought the inn was quiet and decided to stay here.

"Boss, open a room for me Ye Wuwei shouts carelessly as soon as he enters the door.

"Room? No problem, of course. But my shop is not cheap. I need ten taels of gold a day That boss also does not lift to leaf without missing to say.

Ye Wuqi is a misty face. He never expected that the city's consumption would be so high that he would need ten taels of gold to enter the city and ten taels of gold a day to live in an inn. It seems that this city is not something ordinary people can afford.

However, ye Wuxiang didn't care much about it. Not to mention ten taels of gold, that is, one million taels or ten million taels, he would not pay attention to it. After all, for Wu Xiu, gold is the most worthless thing, which is similar to dung. A spirit stone can be exchanged for ten thousand taels. He is a super local tyrant with millions of spirit stones. How can he care about the twelve taels of gold I paid for it in a good way.

"Oh, gold, that's great. Come with me and make sure that you can live comfortably. If you need anything, just tell me!" When the boss saw the gold, his eyes flashed green, and he became more and more enthusiastic about the leaf. It felt like meeting his father.

Soon, ye Wuqian was taken to a clean and tidy room. After arriving at the room, ye Wuqian looked carefully and found that the room was transparent from north to south, the lighting was good, and all kinds of living facilities were quite perfect, which could be regarded as worthy of the ten taels of gold. He nodded with satisfaction."My guest, these are some small dishes presented by our shop. They are all the specialty dishes of our shop." After a while, the innkeeper brought in a few dishes and said to Ye Wuqian.

Ye Wuqi smiles slightly. He never thought that the innkeeper who is open to money even gives away small dishes.

Soon, he felt that something was wrong, because the innkeeper's eyes flickered when he brought the food in. He even didn't dare to look at Ye Wuqi as if he had done something wrong.

After feeling this kind of situation, the leaf does not lack the heart to understand, oneself may have entered a black shop.

"OK, let's put it. You can go back. I'll call you if you have something to do." Ye Wuwei said to him.

"Would you like to try our food? It's not to your taste. If it doesn't, I'll send someone to cook it! " The innkeeper said to ye Wuque, and looked at ye Wuque eagerly.

Ye Wumian immediately understood that it must be the seasoning in the dish, and he hoped to eat it himself.

Ye Wuqi still kept smiling, picked up a piece of meat in his mouth and chewed it gently.

"Yes, it's delicious. You go. I don't like to be watched when I eat!" Ye Wuwei said to him.

He saw that the leaves had eaten, and left happily.

And also in the moment that he left, ye wubu spits out the vegetables in his mouth.

As a self-made food and chef, ye Wuwu tasted the food with one bite, which was problematic. He must have taken the medicine.

But he didn't know what the boss of the inn was up to, so he didn't tell the truth.

He could feel that there was no energy fluctuation in the owner of the inn. To be sure, he was an ordinary man.

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