Under the strong momentum of the leaf without lack of force, several people even have no strength to speak, can only be constantly shaking his head in fear.

Especially the fat boss, at this time has been completely in a state of no control.

Just as they said before, they have done this line of work for many times. They are absolutely familiar.

Nothing went wrong.

For one thing, because they always only seek property and do not harm people's lives, so they will not attract much revenge.

Second, the most important thing is that these people's brains are not very good.

An important factor for them to distinguish whether they have money or not is to raise the cost to ten taels of gold.

Then, those who can afford to live are rich people, those who can't afford to have no money.

In this way, naturally, few people will come to live in the shop. Even if there are people, they will rarely accept the price directly, and most of them will bargain.

Therefore, in fact, the gang of several people has not really done many cases from the beginning to the present, and has not caused too much sensation.

But today, a few people really kick to the iron plate, even if ye Wuxiang didn't start to them, but just the momentum from him has already made these people tremble.

"Childe, childe, I really didn't lie. No matter who it is, you can't know the news of extremely hot desert. You must believe me!"

Fat boss, fat Dudu's face has been all wrinkled together, constantly roaring.

From ye Wuqian's momentum, he knew that the man in front of him was not an ordinary man, but a man of cultivation.

Although a fat boss is an ordinary person, he can be a boss for so many years. Naturally, he can't be an ignorant person.

He also knew the existence of friars and knew that in the eyes of those people, they would not care about human life.

From the eyes of the fat boss, ye Wuqian also saw that the other side did not lie.

For the fat boss in front of him, ye Wuqian does not intend to kill the other party, because the crime of the other party is not heinous.

"Well, tell me the location of the Lord's house!" Ye Wuqi asked calmly.

Hearing ye Wuque's question, the fat boss didn't dare to hesitate and quickly said an address.

"Well!" Ye Wuwei nodded slowly, and then in a few people's eager eyes, he said two words that made them happy: "go away!"

Several people, such as the amnesty, left the room of Ye Wuque.


The next day, ye Wuqian stepped out of the inn slowly in the awe of the boss and the man.

Ye Wuqi also ignored the look of several people behind, and directly strode toward the direction the boss said last night.

Since only the city Lord knows the news about the extremely hot desert in this city, there is no need for ye Wuqian to inquire about it any more. He goes directly to the city Lord's house.

Soon, in the eyes of Ye Wuque, you can see a door with luxurious style.

Just looking at it, ye Wuqian knows that the fat boss didn't cheat himself, because in this city, apart from the city master, no one else can own it and has the courage to build such a house.

Corner of the mouth a smile, ye Wuqian quickly walked forward, but in his approach to the door, just ready to knock, the front door is suddenly opened.

Then, a black horse, directly jump out, vaguely you can see, on the back of the horse, sitting a woman of extraordinary appearance.

But at this time, ye Wuwu has no mind. To observe the people on horseback, it is impossible to see the girl's appearance.

Because, the door opened too suddenly, not to mention, the coming horse.

Suddenly in the face of such a change, Rao is leaf without lack also can't help but face a change.

But at this time, he did not have time to curse. Even if it was dodging, it was too late.

Eyes a squint, leaves without lack of body suddenly rise a powerful momentum, fierce head, right hand straight forward out.

A huge roar, you can clearly see that ye Wuque's right fist directly hit Jun Ma's head.

At this time, it's the girl's turn to scream on the horse's back. How powerful is Ye Wuqi's fist power? How can a horse be able to stop it under a punch.

In the girl's scream, the black horse roared to the end and made a huge noise.

However, in the middle of the way, the girl had already jumped from the horse's back and jumped to the ground beside her.

Obviously, the girl's body also has spiritual power fluctuations. From the other side's body, ye Wuqian knows the other side's realm, senior martial arts master.

"You, how dare you hit my little black!" After the girl stood still, her eyes filled with fire looked at the leaves without missing.

Hearing the girl's question, ye Wuwu couldn't help frowning and said in a cold voice: "Miss, you should ask yourself why you want to ride a horse to run rampant?"

"Well, it's you. If you didn't stand at the door first, how could this happen? Who are you and why are you standing here stealthily?" As soon as the girl raised her eyebrows, she continued to question.At this time, ye Wuque's heart also had some anger, he did not think that the girl was so unreasonable.

"I don't know!" Ye Wuque snorted coldly, and did not pay attention to the man any more. Instead, he walked forward, just because the girl came out, and the gate of the city Lord's mansion in front of him was also opened.

However, ye Wuque doesn't want to pay attention, but it doesn't mean that this girl is also like this. Seeing ye Wuque disdains to leave, the girl instantly becomes more angry.

"Stop, hurt my horse and try to run away." The girl drank loudly, stomped her feet fiercely, and there was a violent roar. Then the girl jumped up directly and punched Ye Wuqi fiercely.

With such a fierce momentum, ye Wuqi naturally couldn't have no response. Instead, he didn't look back. Instead, he directly returned to his legs and raised his feet to kick back.

Random kicking, but after the first, accurate hit in the girl's fist.

Fist and foot intersection, the girl directly back, but this situation, but no doubt let her become more angry, Jiao drink, again fly forward.

See each other so indomitable, ye Wuwei's heart is also raised a trace of anger, fierce back.

Ye Wumian's turn back is to make the girl happy. In her heart, this is better, just let her face down ye Wuque.

As soon as he turned around, ye Wuqian's cold eyes were straight out. Then he didn't wait much. He took a step directly, and his right hand flashed forward. He grabbed the opponent and kicked him to the wrist. Then he turned up directly.

Opposite, immediately spread a scream, ye Wuqi also ignored, the right hand did not let go of the ankle, but the left foot was fierce forward kick, a kick in the girl's support foot.

In a long scream, the girl's body hit the ground with a bang.

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