Ye Wuque laughs. Seeing this lady who has been fighting against him, he feels very happy, just like drinking ice water in summer.

Hearty laughter continued for a long time, until no longer visible, white lotus figure, ye Wuqi, this slowly sat down, waved a palm wind, closed the door again.

The mood is incomparably joyful leaf has no lack, very comfortable took a bath.

In particular, when I recall that Bai Lian, who looked like a ghost, was sitting in the hot water, she couldn't help laughing again.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Happy laughter, in the silent night, natural incomparable obvious.

Let the white lotus not far from the room can not help but gnash her teeth.

In fact, although Bai Lian left with shame before, she did not go far away. After all, how could she give up so easily after being hit so hard.

In addition to the previous experience, Bai Lian's hatred for ye Wuwu has reached the point where the river and sea can't be washed away.

You should know that Bailian is the apple of Bai Wanliu's eye. In ordinary times, it can be said that Bailian is not a kind of delicate young lady. She has always been an unreasonable little pepper.

But there is Bai Wanliu's love, in this square circle, no one can be so bold to provoke her.

It can be said that from small to large, ye Wuque was the first person who dared to bully her like this.

Two people from the encounter to now, white lotus can be said not to occupy a bit of the upper hand, whether it is hands or mouth, white lotus is ye Wuque mercilessly suppressed.

Even Gang just's sneak attack was startled back by Ye Wuque's naked body. At this time, in Bai Lian's heart, ye Wuque's performance was clearly intentional. She had already known that she would go.

You can imagine the depression of Bailian at this time.

The most important point and the most irritating thing for Bailian is that Bai Wanliu, who has always been obedient to her, didn't help her this time. Instead, she stood on the side of the hateful ye Wumian and scolded her for the first time in her life.

It can be said that from small to large, Bailian has never been so angry. Naturally, she can understand her hatred for ye Wuwu.

Therefore, after running out of the door, Bailian never thought of leaving, but nailed to death not far from the door.

For her, she can't give up if she doesn't give up this tone and teach Ye Wuwei a hard lesson.

Therefore, at this time, the sound of Ye Wuque's laughter, which can be said to have been introduced into her ears, naturally poured a handful of oil on her already not light anger.

Clenching her teeth, Bai Lian looks at the door in the distance. Her anger is fierce, even the cold wind around her doesn't make her feel cold.

"Damn ye Wumian, you have the seed to stay in the pool all your life. As long as you dare to come out, I will rush in and tear you apart! You wait for me Bai Lian said to herself.

And leaves in the room, naturally do not know that at this time, the lady is shivering in the grass cursing him.

After a comfortable bath, ye Wuqi whistled and lay down on the bed, and soon fell asleep!

In this way, time passed slowly, and two hours passed slowly in the voice curse of white lotus.

Ye Wuqi quietly fell into a dream, and the white lotus outside also launched an action.

Gently open the door of leaves, white lotus slowly from the outside.

See lying on the bed sleeping leaves without missing, white lotus mouth emerged a trace of sneer.

Originally at this time, ye Wumian's sleep is in fact the most normal behavior, but seeing such a scene at this time makes Bailian quickly think of the crime she suffered from hiding in the grass before.

She is frozen outside, and ye Wuqi lies in a warm room to rest. The contrast of this difference naturally makes Bai Lian's heart incomparably unbalanced.

In addition to the grievances suffered by Ye Wuqian before, after they broke out together, Bailian couldn't stand it any longer, so she immediately pushed her feet towards Ye Wuqian.

Soon, Bailian was close to ye Wumian's bed, sneered at Ye Wuqian. Bai Lian quickly raised her right hand and stabbed ye Wuque fiercely.

At this time, lying on the bed, ye Wuqian, who was in a deep sleep state, suddenly opened his eyes. A cold light flashed in his eyes. His right hand reached out like a lightning bolt and grabbed the right wrist of Bailian.

Then, the left hand stretched forward and directly held Bai Lian's collar. He threw her to the bed, and then rolled over and pressed the other side.

At this time, ye Wuqian just settled down and looked at the opponent who attacked him. After seeing that it was Bailian, he was stunned, but then there was a sneer.

In fact, before, although Ye Wuqi seemed to be asleep, but in such a strange environment, how could he not keep a trace of vigilance?

Originally, it was just in case, but he didn't expect that someone would attack him, or Bailian, the city Lord's daughter.

"Damn it, ye Wuqian, you let me go, you dare to be rude to me!" Bai Lian's face turned red and roared.At this time, her condition is really not good, the right hand is held by Ye Wuqi, and the whole body is pressed under the body by the other party. The bodies of both sides are tightly stuck together, and she can feel the heat from the other party's body.

"Hum!" Ye Wuxiang smelled speech but sneered. The big lady broke into the room at night to attack him. It seems that he hated him to the extreme.

For the enemy, ye Wuqi has always been extremely cold.

However, when ye Wuhuo's eyes move up, they are momentarily stunned in place, because what Bai Lian holds in her right hand is not a sharp weapon, but a black brush.

Obviously, the other party broke in, not with any evil mind, but just want to revenge him a little bit.

This tiny one thought, the cold color in Ye Wuqian's eyes also instantly dispersed, and looked at the white lotus with a smile again.

As soon as the mind is loose, ye Wuqian's body suddenly feels strange. At this time, the two people's bodies are completely attached to each other. Because he has just taken a bath before, he doesn't wear many clothes at this time. Therefore, he can clearly feel the hot body of the other party with concave convex.

And at this time, his left hand also straight grasp in the white lotus collar, can clearly experience the palm from the heart of that let the heart crisp soft.

"There is no lack of leaves! You must let go of me At this time, Bai Lian's pretty face is already red, and it will drip out of the water.

"A smile Although Ye Wuqi put down the original mind, but not ready to easily let go of this big lady.

After all, the other party continuously gives him trouble, even if there is no danger, it will be very troublesome, so we must give the other party a lesson.

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