Bailian was hurt in the heart, and failed. Knowing that the guard came to report, the guard came in and said to her maid, "tell Miss, ye Wuqian is going to the garden path." Bai Lian's hearing is better than that. She hears it before she hears it.

She had an idea, and then came up with a way that she thought was better, or would she stand behind Ye Wuqian and tease him? So he ran down, turned around and ran to the little garden that the bodyguard said. He watched Ye Wuqian walk to a path suitable for ambush. This path is very suitable for ambush. He didn't bully the children he didn't like. Of course, it's normal for children to fight and make noises. He never goes too far. That's why Bai Wanliu has been spoiling this naughty daughter The reason is that he is known to be a troublemaker, but bullying is never enough.

Bailian hid in the alley, let the bodyguard to entangle Ye Wuwei, for him to see the small attic time.

"Great Xia ye, the master asked you to find him on this side of the road. Let us tell you that there may be motorcycles coming back from outside in a short time. I'm afraid that Xiaosi of the motorcade will collide with you." The boy buried his head, and after reporting, he would leave, but he was stopped by Ye Wuque to ask questions.

"Since you are going this way, it is up to you to lead the way." Ye Wumian calmly said

but he didn't expect that the boy who came to deliver the message trembled inexplicably, so he said with a trembling voice: "normally speaking, it's my honor to show you the way today, but there's something else to do in the study. I'm afraid the villain doesn't have this blessing." The boy's words are reasonable, but ye Wuqian can always hear the smell of conspiracy, so he flew to the roof from the ground with luck

Bai Lian originally planned to attack him from the back and scare him. When he hid in the alley and covered his head with a white silk scarf, he was about to stand up to scare him, but he had already deviated from the route, so he started quietly His little tail.

Looking at the little tail behind, to tell the truth, sometimes he just indulges a little. On bullying people, he is very sure and proper. He sees a girl in a light green shirt, covered with a veil, and walks out of the attic quickly. However, her eyebrows are bent, her small nose is slightly upturned, her face is like white jade and her face is like Chaohua. Her dress is not so luxurious A string of pearls hung in the neck of her neck, giving off a faint halo, which reflected her to be more of a whitewash.

I don't know what this little guy wants to do now? Hiding in front of him, he must pass through an alley. OK, he can play with him. I don't know that a little girl's family doesn't embroider in her boudoir. Instead, Xuannu goes out and out like a boy every day. Punish him and save him trouble every day.

Bai LIANGANG is ready to hold him from behind, but unexpectedly, ye Wuqian's one over shoulder falls to the front and holds her up. Bai Lian just reflects that the apprentice has taken advantage of her, and just prepares to fight. Unexpectedly, ye Wuque presses his hands on the wall.

So Bailian stretched out her straight thin legs and kicked Ye Wuxiang at full speed. Ye Wuque dodged and fixed her on the wall with his legs.

"Well, what are you going to do, you son of a bitch?" Bai Lian is not weak in momentum. Although he can only be a lamb to be slaughtered, he has built a super confident backstage for himself. This is in their home. He's afraid to bully him.

"I'm going to ask Miss Bai Da" about this sentence. Do you have a lot of leisure every day? I come to ask ye for trouble. When I'm ok, I don't like other girls to learn embroidery and virtue. I'm like a boy here every day. It's too wild! " Ye Wuque's voice pierced through the current situation.

"I'll tell you, don't fool around. This is our house. If I shout, you will be expelled from our house." At this time, Bailian was trembling with fear, because she knew that the servants in the house were not his rivals. When his father came to save him, he would have become a day lily.

"If you have the ability, shout! A girl's family was going to hold me from my back. I just thought there was an assassin in the house. I didn't expect it was Miss Bai! It's not good to say it. It's detrimental to Miss Bai's reputation. Miss Bai has a forthright personality. If you don't know how to do this, you can't find your mother-in-law. " Ye Wuque sneered, thinking that you will never come to me again.

"Anyone who saw me holding you from behind, I will tell them that you bullied me. If you dare to do anything wrong now, don't let me survive. I will not forgive you if I survive." Bai Lian is very angry and says that he hates servants and servants most. He often says that because she is a daughter, she will find her husband-in-law in the future. Why should he decide his life by them? He will always accompany his father, just don't marry, marry people will not see their own father! Father for her has been his own person for 10 years as a day to take care of her.

Ye Wuqi saw the emotion in her eyes. She was really sorry for Miss Bai. It was all ye's fault, so she let go of Bai Lian. Bai Lian didn't expect him to let her go so soon.

When she finished, she wanted to close her eyes. However, what she didn't expect was that ye Wuqian released her and helped her to help her with his hair

"a little girl has to fight every day, and she wants to kill her. You are a wonderful character. Don't always trouble me in the future. If you have the ability to make trouble for me, we can fight against it. One day, we have no real ability to kill ourselves. We are bullied after we know each other I'll see where you cry Ye Wuqian finished and then played her head, helped him to correct the clothes, turned away.Bai Lian was angry and wanted to refute him, but she couldn't say a word. He was right. He was belittled for the first time. Before that, those people were afraid of him, hiding from him and obeying his orders. But today, the lack of business said so much, go and he is not right. Let white lotus. Very angry, but also very frustrated, I have no way to prove to him that she is strong, the future is long, I must let you know, I am also very tough.

Bai Wanliu has been waiting in the guest room for a long time. His daughter has never let him worry, but he cares for her very much. His purpose of finding ye Wumian today is also for the sake of her daughter's impoliteness recently.

When ye Wuhei arrived, he heard the sound of equipment placed in the room. His guest room was used for office work. People came and went in an endless stream. Such a large white family could only rely on one person to support it. It was not easy to think of it. He knew that people outside had passed in saying that Mr. Ye had arrived.

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