"Don't listen to this girl's nonsense. She is spoiled by me at ordinary times. The quota of this competition is only three a year. It's a comparison between castles and castles. It's a friendly competition. But this opportunity is really hard to get. I think ye has the strength. I don't know if ye is interested in it." Bai Wanliu looks at his daughter. He knows her daughter too well. He thinks Ye Wuqian is in the same position with her. He doesn't know when lianer will grow up? Really let her learn from him.

Ye Wuqian finished his last bite of rice and put his chopsticks flat on the corner of the table. He said, "I think it's a great honor for you to invite me this time. I think Miss Bai is right. To go there with my strength will add trouble to our family. It's better not to go there." Ye Wuqi only knows that he is for an activity that can be held in a few days. I don't know whether Baijia's invitation is sincere or not, whether to let him go or not.

"Little brother Ye is too modest to say this. Bailian is fond of it. Since ye Wuqian came, she has fallen out of favor with her father. Her father always cares about him for all good things. You should know that the opportunity of this competition is really hard won. How can it be given to such people?

If you don't have this ability, there is no one in my white family that can match you. Don't listen to my child's nonsense. I really want you to participate in such activities. " Bai Wanliu warmly invited him, "since people don't want to go, what do you want them to do? Is it difficult to drive the ducks to the shelves? " Bai Lian said to her father in a coquettish tone, looking at his father innocently.

But looking at Bai Lian's actions, ye Wuqian understands all this. He thought that they were just in the way of affection, so he asked him for his opinion, so he grinned a little. With a smile, he said, "since the castle master can look up to ye, it's better to be respectful than obedient." Although Bai Lianhui is angry at the decision he made, he regards it as a kind of kindness to repay the Bai family. After all, he has to ask others for help, so this matter is also helpless.

He did not know why the white lotus stopped him from participating in this activity. At first, he thought it was their father and daughter. They asked each other just because they were polite. But looking at Bai Wanliu's warm invitation, since they sincerely invited themselves to participate in the competition, and since they looked up to themselves, after all, they had to ask for help from others.

Looking at Bai Wanliu, he put down his chopsticks. Ye Wuqian said, "the castle master, I've finished eating. You can eat slowly. Ye someone will go back and prepare well."

Bai Wanliu said with a happy smile: "if you need anything, just talk to the housekeeper. Let the housekeeper take you to the warehouse. If you encounter anything that can't be solved, come to me at any time." Then he patted the shoulder of Ye wuflawless, and followed her with expectant eyes until her figure left his sight.

"You don't know who to learn from for a day. Can you get married? Don't always look for ye Wuwu when you have nothing to do. When you have time to improve yourself, you will not be looked down upon by others. If you lose your identity, go back to the pond to punish you and kneel down. Do it all the time. Are you childish or not? Can people look up to you? I don't know what you think every day. I think we should take good care of you. " Bai Wanliu said solemnly

"Daddy, it's because after this person comes, you don't treat me as you did before. You're partial to you, and lianer doesn't want to pay attention to you anymore. You are the worst father in the world." then he cried and went to the ancestral hall, where all kinds of spiritual tablets were worshipped. These spiritual places are all the deities before the white family. They know that there is his mother's spirit throne in the corner nearby.

"Aung, I'm so miserable, Dad, don't pay attention to me? It's because after that man came. I don't want him to take part in the hunting competition, because his excellence reflects my poor performance. I'm so sad that I don't think I'm dad's best child any more Bai Lian kneels in the ancestral hall. He knows that his father can only be in the ancestral hall.

She felt that she was the loneliest child in the world, without the care of her parents. She only had her willful impulse to make trouble, so that adults could pay attention to him and others could pay attention to her. Therefore, she developed such a rebellious and willful character.

"The child is old. Sometimes it's even more difficult to manage. Alas, my son's mother, I didn't take good care of him. Always think he wants to do what he wants to do. But now his character must be well controlled. Will you blame me for teaching him like this? I just gave him the best. But now lian'er, like a boy, is not as gentle and virtuous as you are. Thinking of me in my temper. After that, the child will have to suffer a lot. "

When Bai Lian was tired, she returned to her boudoir. He felt that it was because of his appearance that he suddenly fell out of favor. No, he has to find something to do, do something to punish him, do what he can.

Ye Wuqian knows that this is to instruct him to talk to him when he has nothing to do. He looks at the hand on his shoulder and laughs with his heart, and then leaves with resignation.

watching ye Wuque leave, Bailian turns around and asks Guo'an to leave. Bai Lian thinks all morning, but she doesn't know how to think of something special Good way to make her soft for him. I don't know how to deal with Ye Wuqian. If other people face him, as long as they give up early? I didn't expect that his bone was so hard to chew, so he sent people to keep an eye on him every day to understand his whereabouts.Today, the first move was to fish in troubled water. The maid in charge of tea was asked to change the tea into white vinegar juice and put some toads in it to let him know what a real toad was. Ye Wuqian was going to turn around to pour tea and drink some water. Seeing that the tea in the pot was cold, he happened to meet the newly released tea. However, all the vinegar jars were pouring down all over the room, and ye Wuqian understood it immediately, There are a few evil little frogs here and there.

Ye Wuwu did not want to help his forehead. It was the first time for him to see such a bad and clumsy way of fixing people. So he asked the maid to send the pot of tea to Bai Lian, and told her that he asked him to tell her: "Miss Bai's taste is really unique, but ye still doesn't like this taste. Thank him for his kindness."

Bai Lian watched the maid bring back the teapot with other special ingredients. She thought the maid would turn around and walk away. But she didn't expect that the maid came to him and said, "Miss, ye Wuqian said that Miss Bai's taste is really unique, but ye still doesn't like it. Thank you for your kindness."

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