Oh, how can I suddenly think of so many memories about him? Oh, my God! I couldn't have liked him anyway. I'm not fit to talk about him. I like him, and he may not like me. I used to be every day! He has learned how to make trouble for himself. Always find some justifiable defense reasons to help themselves do some bad things. oh He is really good at this. I really appreciate him. I'm not a girl. I'd rather not tell him. I must be reserved.

Bai Lian shakes her head vigorously. What is she thinking? She even imagines that ye Wuqian becomes the object of life that he can entrust. God, is he crazy or others crazy? A servant just passed by her, listening to their conversation, as if to say that ye Wuqian is their new uncle and young lady. They want to marry each other and let them treat him. At least after the cervical gland, he is the master of the white family.

Bailian collapsed and supported her forehead. How could he feel right now? But the first time in front of him to show some things, did not expect to be wonderful tension, good eyesight!

Ye Wuqi returned to Bai Wanliu's side, then don't be silent, don't talk. He is not as quiet as a mature face at his age. The more Bai Wanliu looks at this leaf, the more he likes today's event. However, it gives the Bai family a full face, so he smiles and talks about it with the people beside him.

Zhou family in power face fog light with this colored eyes, must open to support the end of the game, this is also the responsibility of a festival. Although the game lost, and the beginning of the Jiaojiao cry is bigger than anyone else, but he also smile face all the people around him, since Tong Hao came, he must learn well. You and I don't need to talk to me.

Looking at the current form of the competition, ye Wuqian said, "Uncle Bai, Wuquan has an unfeeling request. I hope you can forgive me. This competition was originally the same. In order to have a drop of competition second, can we go to these people today? We all have a little rest, waiting for tomorrow when all the people come to play? It's not that it's unfair to some people. "

Bai Wanliu said with a cheerful look: "it's still ye xiaobrother who is simple and has everything he wants. He is much stronger than me, an old guy. Today, there are some Xiaojia. Before they arrive, we'll all burn them. I'll have a good rest for three days. Three days later, how to compete strength, these days I white axe good play, rest. If you are really in a hurry, you can find a team of PK tomorrow. You can talk about promotion when you are promoted. Then we set the time of our first outing here, and we will treat them in special circumstances. If you have something you don't understand, please come to Bai at any time. "

Now the form on the field does not mean anything, only shows whether there is a lack of outstanding personal ability. For the game tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, it is not necessarily what it will be like. The worst result may be that other companies will join forces to work together for the whole business. But it doesn't matter if a person's ability to carry out these things. Now all we can see is to wait for tomorrow's game.

Everyone said that this situation is tentatively supported. Originally, everything is relatively fresh at this time, so it is very good to carry out hunting competitions, and now special treatment for special events is also very good. In the past few days, everyone in my brother's house sang songs at night, which was very lively and lively. Ye Wuqian has connected all the students around his brother's competition in these days. He has heard a sentence that his master gave him when he had drawn: "know yourself and know the enemy, so as to be invincible in a hundred battles."

He knows what other people's actual situation is like. He will come here today to have a game. The tense situation before the game must be urgent. Since the hunting contest is said, it is not that he plays alone. Two teams and two teams have competition and communication, but that the whole family goes to participate in this kind of activity and competition together.

When Zhou Tianran wakes up, he thinks he has had a nightmare. However, seeing Zhou Jia's authorities taking care of him at the bedside without answering these days, he finds that it turned out to be a real nightmare. Now he wakes up and everything is gone. But the only thing is that I can take part in the current competition again after three days of college, if the word competition can't. If you steal him, you'll get second. If it's not really ugly.

There are unexpected storms and misfortunes. There is no general who always wins, so it is a common thing for soldiers to win or lose in the competition field. He tries to comfort himself and create a relaxed atmosphere for himself. On the day of the competition, no matter in the streets or all around us, it was just her. Being defeated by a strong one, how powerful that one is.

He really can't stand it. The people in charge of Zhu's family chatted with her and spent the most difficult time with her. However, he wanted to take part in the competition more quickly, because he didn't think so much about it. Every day, someone took some of the lacco's small Yan Xiaoyu. She really couldn't stand it. I don't know what these people want. Fortunately, he didn't wake up until three days later. How about his grandfather?

What he cares about most is not anything else, but what he thinks about him for a hundred years. It's over. All the impressions are destroyed. No matter how good he may be in the future, he is impossible. Don't save me, so he gave up on his own. After waking up, he didn't have a good meal, until his father found him,"It's a common thing for children to go to work. You don't have to be excited. Although there are many capable people, she is less around her. You are always by his side and often do things that move girls. One day, he will agree

Bai Wanliu patiently and Bai Lian said that the child's mind is not bad, but he sometimes deal with things relatively immature, but. Bailian is not without advantages. The child is born with a dislike of who bullies who meets that situation. He will surely rush forward regardless of the background of each other's home.

Bai Wanliu hopes that old Bailian will pay Ye Wuqian. Lian'er is so kind-hearted that there are not many such children. What he undertakes is that he can keep him safe for a while and protect his sages in the future. No one can tell what kind of changes will happen. This is the best way for me to do it in public and private

"Maybe it's another peaceful day..." Ye Wuqi slowly breathes out a breath. There is still a long way to go. There are still many things to do. What you have to do can only be faced seriously. This is what you do

In the evening, ye Wuqian is preparing to practice well, and suddenly there is a flash of light in front of him.

"I found you!" The beggar who appeared in front of him said with a smile.

"Master?" Ye Wuqi is stunned. There are many things about him. How can this person come out again?

"The task here has been completed." Said the beggar directly.

"Done? What do you mean Ye Wuqi is a little muddled, how to open your mouth is this kind of brow without brain?

"It's very simple. Your task here has been completed. Now, you can start your new task!" Said the beggar.

Ye Wuque, the whole person was stunned, he was not easy to mix up to now, to leave? I have so many things to do here, and black gas

"I didn't finish it!" Ye Wuwei said.

"The others have finished, ready to leave!" Said the beggar, leaving directly.

"Is there more than one person like me?" Ye Wuque asked, but the beggar didn't speak and disappeared in front of him.

"Are you ready? Ready for the next destination! " The inner voice rings.

Ye Wuwei nods helplessly, then disappears in the room

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