"What's going on? Is this the place for the new mission? " Ye Wuqi looks at his body. The whole person is a little confused. The end is too fast, and the beginning is also caught off guard What's more, this time, it seems that it's a little strange

Ye Wuqi carefully thought about the information in his mind. This time, it is no longer the same as before, but starts to live on a new person

Ye Wuqi carefully cleans up the thoughts in his mind.

In the eyes of outsiders, ye Wuqian is a neurotic boy. He always asks when he sees people, can people revive after death?

He didn't want to mess with any one of his friends.

Before he was ten years old, ye Wuqian was a smart little boy. Many people who know him well, neighbors and relatives believe that it was the sudden death of his brother that stimulated him.

The younger brother drowned under the care of his mother. No one blamed Ye Wuqian, but he always blamed himself.

Because the night before his brother died, he had a strange dream. There was no shadow in the dream, only heard the voice. The voice clearly told him that his brother would drown in the stream at the end of the village at noon the next day.

He only thought it was an ordinary dream, did not care, but did not know the next day at noon, his mother cried and took back the body of his brother.

He never mentioned this dream to any one, but he always thought that he killed his brother. If he paid enough attention to that dream, took good care of his brother, and did not let him go near the stream, the tragedy would not have happened.

On the seventh day after his brother died, he had another strange dream. The voice in the dream told him that as long as he got the positive answer from a thousand people that people could be revived after death, he would have a chance to return to him.

This is a hope for ye Wuxiang to make up for his mistakes. Therefore, in the past ten years, he has never stopped asking people.

The emperor paid off the man who had a heart. He finally got a thousand affirmative answers, and the strange dream came again.

"Ye Wuqian, ten years of persistence has proved that your perseverance is far more than ordinary people. You have obtained the qualification of God and apprentice, and you can participate in the trial of God!"

"God? The God of trial? " These two unfamiliar words make ye Wuqian a little confused.

"God's apprentice is God's disciple. As long as you complete the task in the trial, you can get corresponding rewards. If you accumulate enough reward value, you can become a God. All your wishes can be realized!" The voice without a trace of emotion reverberates in Ye Wuqi's mind again.

Ye Wuqi was shocked, because his question just flashed in his mind and didn't say it, but the voice clearly answered for him. Obviously, he had no secret in front of the other party.

"I want to know, after the trial, can my brother be revived?" Ye Wuqi then asked calmly.

"Of course, but the trial is not so easy to complete. If you fail, you will die!"

"I demand immediate execution of the task!" Ye Wuqi is determined to find his brother, which is his only hope, so he is a little anxious.

Death language task on.

Time in the early years of the Republic of China, the location of the northeast border town, mission target, exposed the evil Death Prophet.

After this series of information appeared in Ye Wuqian's mind, he fainted. When he woke up, he found that his appearance and figure had changed greatly, so that he was a little strange.

The room is decorated with antique furniture, and the architecture outside the window also makes Ye Wuqi feel strange, and even he has some inexplicable information in his mind.

This series of changes let Ye Wuqian realize that this is not a dream, and the task of Death Prophet has been started.

His brain is running at a high speed, sorting out all the strange information.

He is still called Ye Wuqian. What is different is that he is the only son of the mayor. He has been spoiled since he was a child. He has stayed abroad and lived a fine life. Although his father, Yang Mingxuan, is the mayor of the town, he has nothing to do. He spends all day and marries the third wife. The third aunt is even one year younger than him. He is the most favored one because of the evil spirit in the demon. The second aunt is a dust As for the eldest wife, the mother of the body owner, she is a knowledgeable woman, but she is weak and sickly and bedridden for many years.

Of course, this information seems unimportant to Ye Wuqian. It seems that it has little to do with his task. To find a Death Prophet, you must have a general understanding of the environment of the whole town. However, the original owner of the body has just returned from overseas. Naturally, this aspect is most lacking. Therefore, what ye Wuqian has to do now is to get familiar with the street Be aware of the environment.

In order to be able to complete the task as soon as possible, ye Wuqian combed and washed a few times, opened the door and walked out.

"Well, Miss Tong went out in such a hurry early in the morning. Didn't she go to meet her lover? Nowadays, the world is not peaceful. Fighting and robbing in the street will often hurt people's lives. You should be careful. If you have a good or bad fortune, you will get a lot of money at a lower price than the little fox! " When ye Wuque just walked out of the door, he suddenly heard someone say to him.Ye Wuxiang, who is used to being shunned by people like pestilence, feels a little warm in his heart when someone talks to him on his own initiative. However, when the other party finishes speaking, what he feels is the extreme acrimony, and he can't help but feel a little dissatisfaction.

"Er Niang! Don't worry, I won't have any accident, but you, when you lose your favor, are doomed to be helpless when you are old and old. If you want to live the rest of your life without worry, you can't have a son! " Ye Wuqi smiles and responds to the second aunt.

After hearing ye Wuque's words, the second aunt was too stunned. Originally, he was a mean person. He had never suffered a loss in his words. However, he didn't want to be poked into the key by Ye Wuque's words today. His five tastes were mixed in his heart, and he didn't know how to go on. Ye Wuque was also eager to finish the task, and didn't want to have verbal conflict with his aunt. So soon Leave quickly.

When he came to the street, he found that the street was in a mess and pedestrians were running. It seemed that something terrible had happened, which made Ye Wuxiang feel very strange. Although he knew that the social unrest during the Republic of China was not like this.

It is reasonable to say that ye Wuque should have gone back. In this turmoil, anything may happen. But after all, he came with a task, so he could not shrink back without gain, and then go forward with a strong head.

"Auntie, what's going on in this mess in the street?" Leaf does not want to pull a buy vegetable aunt to ask a way.

"Ouch, my eldest lady, you'd better run. Two gangs of hooligans are fighting, and they're killing people!" The aunt simply explained a word to ye Wuwu, and she also left as if she were running away.

Ye Wuqi's face shows a little disappointment. He thought it was related to the death prophecy, but it was a gangster fighting.

"No, robbery Help However, the next scene, but let Ye Wuqian whole people are stunned, just talking with him to buy vegetables aunt suddenly issued a startled roar, and then fell in a pool of blood, died.

The reason why Ye Wuqi is so shocked is not that the scene is too sudden. To his surprise, it seems to confirm what Er Niang said to him before.

He clearly remembered that before going out, er Niang told him that fighting and robbing in the street would easily hurt his life.

At that time, he thought that it was Er Niang who deliberately used such harsh words to run on him, but he didn't want to think that everything happened in front of him. Did she have the ability to predict?

Thinking of this, ye Wuqian's mind suddenly comes up with an idea. Is er Niang the so-called Death Prophet?

With this idea, ye Wuwei did not dare to neglect, immediately turned back to go back, and soon returned home.

After getting home, ye Wuqian goes straight to ER Niang's room. However, er Niang is not in the room. The eager ye Wuque looks for almost all the rooms in the house, but still fails to find Er Niang's figure.

"Miss, what are you looking for in a hurry?" The servant sister-in-law Feng, seeing ye Wuwu's feet turning around, asked in doubt.

"Sister Feng, have you seen the second lady?" Ye Wuqi finally saw the individual and asked.

"Didn't the second lady go to your room before? Yes? You didn't meet? " Feng Ma asked.

When ye Wuqian heard what Feng Ma said, he immediately thought that he did not find his own room, so he walked to his room.

However, when ye Wuqian opened the door, the whole person was in a daze. Er Niang even hanged herself in her room.

Er Niang's death is very ugly. Because of the extreme lack of oxygen, her face turns white and blue. Her tongue sticks out very long and drops to her chin. Her eyes are open and her eyes are slightly bulging. She looks like she's dying with her eyes closed. It's very frightening.

But ye Wuque didn't feel too much fear at the moment, just a little disappointed. He thought that what Er Niang said had become a reality in a short time. He thought that he should be a Death Prophet. However, he never thought that Er Niang was the first dead person he saw when he came here.

Yang Er Niang's death is very strange. Through another memory, he knows that the two niangs are always jealous and mean. Such people cherish their lives and are unlikely to commit suicide.

Aware of the conspiracy, ye Wuque is indistinct, and always feels that some kind of conspiracy against him is quietly unfolding.

Gradually, ye Wuque calmed down. He did not touch the body, or even touched anything except the door, because he knew that Er Niang had hanged herself in his room. He had an indistinguishable connection. He did not want to be involved in the lawsuit, otherwise there would be countless troubles.

"Ah..." Thinking of this, ye Wuque issued a piercing scream, showing the panic that normal boys should have.

With ye Wuque's scream, the housekeeper, servant and his father's three aunts all appeared in his sight, and ye Wuque was also wiping tears and carefully observing everyone, because everyone except him was suspected.

Ye Wuqi feels strange that he only saw Sister Feng when he was looking for ER Niang. But now, these people appear in front of him in a short time. This is very strange.

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