"What's the matter?" I heard that inspector Huang had an accident. Although Ye Wuqian had been psychologically prepared, he still asked nervously.

"Miss, we don't know exactly what is going on. After all, we are only the lowest ranking police officers and can't get in touch with any more secrets. However, we heard that the matter was ordered by director Zhao himself. When he came back at noon yesterday, he was arrested. It is estimated that the matter is very big. I advise you to inquire less about it!" The policeman said to Ye.

"Thank you. I'll pay attention to it." Ye Wuxiang's face is more and more ugly, but he still thanks the policeman.

He knew that the other party had already started. Since detective Huang was arrested and his father has disappeared inexplicably, he has lost his umbrella. He may be controlled by the other party by means of coercion at any time, and there will be no chance at that time.

What's more, whether detective Huang was arrested in the police station or ordered by director Zhao himself shows that director Zhao must have been working with his opponent. It seems that the police station is no longer a safe place.

Thinking of this, ye Wuwei dare not neglect, want to leave this right and wrong place as soon as possible, and think of other ways.

"Nephew Yang, why are you here? Why don't you come in and sit down when you come to my uncle But what ye Wuwei didn't think of was that when he was just about to leave, he heard someone calling him.

As soon as he turned his head, ye Wuqian's face immediately changed, because he recognized that the fat pig like man, director Zhao, appeared in front of him. Through another memory, he knew that he had met him at a reception party held by his father when he returned home.

"Uncle Zhao, I know you are busy and I'm afraid to disturb you, so I didn't go in!" Although Ye Wuqi has already known that director Zhao is likely to be the opponent, he also knows that since the other party has not broken his face, he must try his best to keep calm, otherwise there will be big trouble.

"No matter how busy you are, if you come, I'll have to entertain you. Come in and sit down." Director Zhao said politely to Ye Wuqian.

At the moment, ye Wuwei, however, is somewhat embarrassed. He is afraid of the general director of Zhao with a smiling face.

"Well, I'll beg uncle Zhao for mercy." After thinking for a moment, ye Wuqian felt that since director Zhao personally appeared, he would not go in and sit down. What's more, since the other party is the director of the Bureau, even if he intends to harm him, he won't do it to him at this time. He also needs a name, so he answers in a big way.

Under the leadership of director Zhao, ye Wuqian went to the office with him. Director Zhao politely made a cup of chrysanthemum tea for ye Wuque.

"Nephew, it seems that you come to the police station dressed like this. What's the matter? If you have something, just tell your uncle that I can help you. I will try my best! " Director Zhao vowed to leave no lack said.

"Uncle Zhao, I believe you also know that a lot of things have happened in my family recently. It's detective Huang who is in charge of my family's case. The reason why I come here is to ask detective Huang if there is any progress." Ye Wuqi thinks that since inspector Huang has been arrested, he must have come into contact with some secret. So he wants to see him as soon as possible, and tells director Zhao.

"Nephew, it was my uncle's negligence. At that time, he didn't think too much about it. He thought that detective Huang was smart and capable, so he sent him to investigate the case. However, he didn't expect that this detective Huang was a wolf in sheep's clothing. Before that, he had done a lot of unjust and false cases and collected a lot of black money.

When I first received the report, I didn't believe it, but after verification and investigation by my subordinates, it was found that all this was true, so I sent someone to control him.

Don't worry, nephew. I will send someone to deal with the case of your family, and I will give you a satisfactory account! " Director Zhao patted his chest, and assured ye Wuwu.

"Uncle, I'm naturally at ease. I have dealt with inspector Huang several times, and he is my primary school classmate. I believe that he should not have done such a thing. Could someone deliberately frame him up?" Ye Wuqian and detective Huang are not classmates. The reason why he said this to Director Zhao was that he wanted to find a reasonable reason to see inspector Huang.

"He's your primary school classmate. I didn't expect you to have such a relationship. However, I've already sent someone to do an investigation on this matter. It can be said that it's irrefutable evidence. If it's not like this, I can't immediately send him to prison!" Director Zhao assured Ye.

"Since uncle Zhao says that there is a lot of hard evidence, there must be no problem. However, detective Huang and I are classmates after all. If something happened to him, I think it's right to meet him! Are you right? " Ye Wuqi continued to say to Director Zhao.

"This Yes, although he has not explained the problem clearly, but you are my nephew after all, I believe you! This is to arrange for you to meet! " Let ye have no lack of thought is, director Zhao unexpectedly agreed to come down, although a little hesitant, but also calculate happy.

See director Zhao agreed to come down, ye Wuqian is also completely at ease, as long as you see inspector Huang, there will be harvest, at least should know who the opponent is!

Then, under the leadership of director Zhao, ye Wuqian came to the prison and met with inspector Huang.

At the moment of seeing inspector Huang, ye Wuqian finds that inspector Huang looks very nervous at the moment. However, because director Zhao is around and doesn't say anything, he seems to distrust director Zhao very much. Moreover, ye Wuque can see from the eyes of inspector Huang that director Zhao must have a great problem."Uncle Zhao, can I talk to inspector Huang alone?" Ye Wuqian asked director Zhao.

"Yes, of course!" Director Zhao directed his men to open the door of the cell and put ye Wuque in.

"Click!" Let Ye Wuqi a little strange is that in the moment he just entered the cell, the cell door was locked again.

"Uncle Zhao, you..." Ye Wuxiang was worried and frowned.

"Nephew, I've broken the rules by showing you to him. This is also a helpless move. After you talk, I will let you go!" Director Zhao smiles and explains to ye Wuwu.

And ye Wuqian is eager to get clues at the moment, so he doesn't pay attention to Director Zhao, but looks at inspector Huang with puzzled eyes.

It seems that the director of the Bureau seems to have turned around and left the inspector with no intention.

"Miss Yang, can you come here?" Inspector Huang, with a worried face, said to Ye Wuwei.

"What's the matter? Why can't you come here? " When ye Wuqian heard inspector Huang say this, he realized that something was wrong and asked nervously.

"To tell you the truth, I have found out that director Zhao has been abroad, and studied medicine abroad, and has been exposed to the chemistry you said!" Inspector Huang said to Ye Wuwei.

"What? It's him After hearing the words of inspector Huang, ye Wuqian immediately realized that the opponent was director Zhao, and now that he has come here, it is tantamount to entering the mouth of a sheep into a tiger's mouth, and the situation is very bad.

"Yes, since the founding of the Republic of China, the general mayor has been a police chief. After all, the person who once served as a police chief has the real power of the police force. Your father was also a police chief a few years ago, so he is the most likely person to be on the top of the throne when your father falls down!" Inspector Huang said to Ye Wuwei.

Ye Wuqian also understands this political system. After all, this is the period of the Republic of China. The management and selection system is not very transparent. Social unrest will inevitably lead to the people who have the real power of the police force to have the most say.

What's more, it is already clear that this matter should be the Bureau of director Zhao. After all, the downfall of his father is the most beneficial to Director Zhao, not to mention director Zhao's exposure to chemistry abroad.

"Since it was director Zhao, we have to find a way to expose his ugly face!" Ye Wuqi said firmly.

After all, his task is to expose the prophet of death. If this is really the work of director Zhao, I am afraid director Zhao is the so-called Death Prophet, and his task will be completed.

"Well, now that you and I have gone deep into the tiger's den, it is impossible to expose him. Originally, I was caught here and pinned my hope on you, but unexpectedly, you delivered it yourself!" Detective Huang looked very disappointed.

"What can I do if I send it to the door myself? After all, before all, his attitude was very kind. There must be a reason to arrest me!" Ye Wuwei said.

"He is the director of the Bureau. He can weave a crime for you. What's more, even if he doesn't, he will keep us here for three or five days. Your father can't bear it. Everything will be settled." Inspector Huang explained to ye Wuwu anxiously.

"No?" Ye Wuwei did not think of this before, so he was surprised.

"If you don't believe it, you have to open the cell and see if someone answers you!" Inspector Huang said gloomily to ye Wuwu.

"Uncle Zhao, you can open the door for me!" Ye Wuwei tentatively called out a few words.

But then, ye Wumian's face changed, because no one responded. It seemed that inspector Huang's worry became a reality.

"Open the door, open the door!" Let ye Wuque not be reconciled to continue to shout, but still did not get any response.

"I'll tell you, Zhao is insidious and cunning. He can do anything! You shouldn't have come here Detective Huang sighed.

"This What can I do? " Ye is a boy after all, the first time to carry out such a task, in danger, no idea.

"Well, take a rest first. There will always be a way." Inspector Huang is still calm and says to ye Wuwu.

In such an urgent situation, ye Wuqian could not be in a mood to rest. He knew that detective Huang's words were very reasonable. As long as they were locked up for three or five days, their father would not be able to hold on. As soon as he collapsed, director Zhao's plot would be successful. Naturally, there was no need to engage in any more conspiracy. The death prophet would not appear again, and his task would be complete At the end of the failure, so the leaves of this matter are very anxious, also know, time is running out.

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