"What is this place?" When the golden light flashed by, ye Wuqian found himself in a strange place. The key is that there are still two people there

After clearing my mind for a while, I suddenly found that I had a lot of things. My present identity is actually a king of war. The key is that I still have a beautiful wife

"What the hell is this?" The leaves are all confused.

Is this the rhythm of life Ye Wuque Leng Leng Leng, but soon adapted to the rhythm of life now.

Originally, Tang Rou and ye Wuqian were not very optimistic about ye Wuqian, because they felt that ye Wuqian did not have a great ability at all, so how could he succeed?

Therefore, they did not hold much hope for the leaves.

Finally, when everything was over, there was a sudden silence on Smith's side. Everyone was waiting for everyone outside to talk, but no one was talking.

When everyone thought the plan was about to fail, there was a big round of applause.

At the beginning, we still didn't respond. After hearing the applause, we came back to our senses on the spot and knew that they had succeeded.

So Wu Fangfang was so excited that she jumped up and said to the next leaf: "we succeeded, we really succeeded!"

However, ye Wuxiang had long expected that they would succeed, so there was no surprise. He only saw Wu Fangfang, who was calm and calm, was so surprised now. Later, he was also happy.

Then he nodded to Wu Fangfang and said:

"I know we will succeed. After all, with you as a big president, how can we not succeed?"

After that, she laughed at Wu Fangfang. If she was normal, she would teach Ye Wuqian a lesson. But now she is so happy that she has no time to teach her anything. Then she nodded happily and said to ye Wumian:

"I didn't expect that we could succeed so quickly Happy. "

However, ye Wuqian and Wu Fangfang are not the only happy people. As long as ye Wuqian and Wu Fangfang are happy, everyone has spent a lot of thought on this matter. If this thing fails, everyone will be disappointed. However, we did not expect that this event was so happy that it succeeded, no matter who is in the heart now I'm very happy, not to mention Wu Fangfang and ye Wuwu.

Those who were not optimistic about Wu Fangfang and ye Wumian were surprised to see that ye and Wu had succeeded. Of course, some people were surprised that ye and Wu had such skills. Some people were simply envious, envious and hateful.

They did not expect that Wu Fangfang and ye Wuxiang would succeed so easily, but they were helpless.

Some people see their two success after they still have some blessing for them, two people happy, so they are in a lot of good mood, after this scheme was sent, it can be said that it has been approved by many people.

After the success of the list, the whole company was full of enthusiasm, because they all spent a lot of effort on this list, so now that the list has been successfully completed, no matter who is very happy.

We have been busy for a long time, and now we are finally relaxed. It seems that Wu Fangfang is in a good mood, so we are all shouting one after another:

"Sister Li, we have spent a lot of effort this time. This is to talk about this list. Otherwise, we can have a good celebration. This is a great credit."

"Yes, Sister Li asked me to say that we should have a good celebration. Anyway, now that the work has been completed, there is nothing else, is there?"

Wu Fangfang also wanted to celebrate when the list was finished. Now she heard that everyone was satisfied and nodded and agreed.

This is to say to those around you:

"no problem. Now that everyone says to celebrate, let's celebrate. We'll have a dinner together tonight

After that, he looked at a group of people with a smile. Then he opened his mouth and said, "everyone will come together tonight. Ye Wuque, you also bring your people here."

After hearing that Wu Fangfang invited herself, ye Wuhua nodded with satisfaction, and then he laughed at Wu Fangfang. Then he said, "well, you take the initiative to invite me to celebrate. There is no reason why I can't come. See you tonight."

Then he turned and left.At the dinner party in the evening, everyone was very excited. After the list was negotiated, all of them who had been busy with the list would get a large amount of bonus, so everyone was excited.

And now it's time for dinner. After watching Wu Fangfang and ye Wuqian, we all toast to them one after another.

Wu Fangfang was very serious when she was working, but today is a party for everyone, so Wu Fangfang is also very open. She doesn't tie everyone down according to the image of the company.

When we saw Wu Fangfang, it was very relaxed, so some people became bold. One of them raised a glass of wine and came to Wu Fangfang. After seeing Wu Fangfang, he said to him:

"the reason why this list can be completed so smoothly is because of Sister Li's contribution. I'd like to propose a toast to you I wish you every step of the way. "

Wu Fangfang frowned a little when she saw the man toasting to herself, but she still took up the wine and drank it away.

After all, today is a celebration banquet. Naturally, I can't spoil everyone's interest. Moreover, the reason why I have become the present position is naturally good, so I haven't paid attention to such a cup of wine.

After Wu Fangfang finished drinking, the man was satisfied and returned to his seat. However, after he finished, another person did not agree with him. After shaking his head, he went to ye Wumian and said:

"if you want me to say, although Li Jie accounted for half of the credit, there was still half because of Ye Wu Yes, we can't finish the list so quickly if there is no ye Wuque. So I think we should have a glass of wine for ye Wuque

After saying that, he took the wine cup and held it to ye Wuque. When ye Wuqian saw that someone had toasted him, he was surprised at first, but immediately nodded and drank it down, without any hesitation.

After all, Wu Fangfang just drank it all at once. As a woman, she could be so happy. If she hesitated as a man, what would it look like!

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