After ye Wuqian heard about them, they knew that they were from the Green Dragon Society.

The people of the green dragon association also know ye Wuqian, so they specially take ye Wumian as an example. This is how many people have been found to teach Ye Wuqian a lesson.

Ye Wuqian just thought that it was just that little rogue who was revenge on himself. What he knew now was that the people of the green dragon Association wanted to take his own knife and sneered at him. He didn't expect that the people of the green dragon association should find such people to deal with themselves. This is really too contemptuous of himself.

Seeing ye Wuxiang, those little thugs didn't panic. Instead, they looked down on them and couldn't help it on the spot. So they all rushed at Ye Wuxiang.

if they were ordinary people, they were not strong in fighting, but it was still difficult to fight them, but there was no difficulty for ye Wuxiang at all.

Although ye Wuque is retired now, but how to say that these punks are no threat to him at all, so after seeing the appearance of those little thugs rushing towards him, ye Wuque sneers, and then throws the first one over his shoulder and falls to the ground.

The little gangster just saw that he could touch ye Wuque, but who knew that he was lying on the ground after a second. Ye Wuqian didn't intend to let him go after he looked at the surprised gangster. Instead, he twisted the arm of the little gangster. The little gangster's arm cramped and screamed on the spot.

Those little gangsters behind him had not taken this in mind, but who knew that his brother had passed away and was so easily solved by Ye Wuqi, they were surprised on the spot, and looked at Ye Wuqi's appearance, which was more vigilant.

Ye Wuqi didn't take their appearance to heart, but after a sneer, he opened his mouth to those thugs running by:

"are you such a capable person? Are you dreaming that you want to deal with me

After finishing that, he snorted coldly and looked at the past towards those thugs.

That gangster was not very satisfied with the current situation, so after hearing Ye Wuqian's provocative words, they all rushed to ye Wuque in a hurry and wanted to teach Ye Wuqian a lesson.

But I didn't expect that ye Wuxiang was not knocked down by them. Instead, those little thugs who had been knocked down by Zhang Fei were already on the ground.

Those punks are used to bullying, and there are a large group of people relying on them, so no one can offend them at all.

So in this piece can be regarded as walking horizontally, but who knows that ye Wuque gave a good lesson, so of course, my heart is not calm down.

After seeing ye Wuxiang really taught them a good lesson, he turned his head and said to him angrily:

"Stinky boy, do you know who we are? We're not going to let us go. "

Those gangsters were beaten by Ye Wuwei and fell to the ground all at once. It can be said that they are all black and blue, and their bodies are also very painful.

Just let their body pain at the same time, face is also bad, but they have never been such an insult, so the culprit Ye Wuxiang is more resentful.

No matter how they say, they are also members of the heaven gang. Their gang used to be very famous here. Now Lu Yanran is beaten by a Ye Wuxiang. Later, they can only say that it is humiliating and painful. So of course, they put ye Wuque on their blacklist.

Thinking of it is absolutely impossible to let ye Wuque go, and ye Wuque has not paid attention to them at all. He began to hear this from last night, and now he has heard it. He has never thought that these things still use this excuse.

Then he said to the man:

"don't you have any other skills? I heard this from last night. I was really curious. What can you do with me? "

The leaf is not flawless to embrace the arm, smile not to smile, all to those a few gnash teeth of scum open mouth to say.

Those thugs, although they want to teach ye Wumian a lesson, are surprised to think that they have just been taught a good lesson by Ye Wuque. They dare not move on the spot. They are also very surprised. I don't know why ye Wuque looks so gentle and has such a strong fighting capacity that one person has defeated so many of them.

So I didn't dare to despise ye Wuque too much on the spot, so many of them didn't dare to speak after hearing ye Wuque finished. Only the gangster who was beaten by Ye Wuque last night and was beaten again today said to ye wuheng with gnashing teeth: "don't be too arrogant. If our boss knows about it, you won't Let go of you. "

Those people thought Ye Wuqian was good at bullying, which was their promise. Last night, that gangster came to teach Ye Wuqian a lesson, but who knows now that he saw Ye Wuqian's powerful appearance, he regretted following him on the spot.So after being knocked down by Zhang Fei, he has no ability to get up again.

After being taught a lesson in vain by Ye Wuqian, those gangsters are certainly not happy, but they have no way to see ye Wuque so powerful. Therefore, they can only lie on the ground without saying a word to reduce their own existence, and they are afraid to be taught a lesson again by Ye Wuwu.

After seeing them, ye Wuqian finally got down, which was a cold hum and said to those thugs in the ground:

"today, I'll let you know you once when I'm in a good mood. If you dare to come to my trouble next time, don't blame me for being rude."

Those gangsters frowned when they heard Ye Wuqian's words. When had they been insulted like this, so they were ready to be angry on the spot after hearing ye Wuque finished.

But thinking of the way ye Wuqian hit them just now, they all dare not speak. They can only look at ye Wuque timidly.

Ye Wuqi also saw that they still dare to look at themselves. After that, he gave a cold hum, lowered his face, and said to those thugs:

"well, is there anyone else who is not convinced?"

Although those gangsters were not convinced, they still did not dare to face Zheng Fei on the bar. They could only shake their heads in a hurry.

Therefore, ye Wuxiang of course is not afraid that these gangsters will retaliate against themselves in the future, and they do not take their threat to heart.

And I have other things to do today, of course, it is impossible to waste too much time on these thugs, so after hearing them finish, they gave a cold hum and then turned to leave.

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