Wu Fangfang frowned after hearing Zhao Linxin's words. Although he knew that Zhao Linxin had been pestering himself, he did not expect that Zhao Wenzhuo could do some small actions in order to entangle himself.

But this time, after something happened to the company, Zhao Linxin came to look for himself, so there are still some doubts in his heart. Maybe this matter will be related to Zhao Wenzhuo.

After thinking of this, Wu Fangfang was very angry, and then patted the table heavily, then pointed to Zhao Linxin's forehead and said angrily:

"do you think this matter is related to you? I tell you not to think that this can threaten you. I tell you that it is impossible. I don't care about you as a toad. You should die as soon as possible Heart. "

After that, she was ready to turn around and leave. But who knew that Zhao Wenzhuo reached out and grabbed Wu Fangfang's wrist. Wu Fangfang was more angry when she saw her like a dead pig. She wanted to break away and leave. But who knows Zhao Wenzhuo is holding on to himself, which makes Wu Fangfang unable to break free.

When Wu Fangfang kicked her arm out of the door, she thought about how she could break off the door.

Zhao Wenzhuo was all of a sudden fell on the ground, in the heart of a sudden surprised not to look up, as expected to see the true horizontal is cold looking at himself.

After seeing ye Wuque looking at himself so ferociously, Zhao Wenzhuo felt a little chilly. However, he thought that ye Wuque was just an ordinary person who could take care of himself. He didn't have to worry about it when he thought about it. So he snorted coldly and said to him:

"what do you want to do? I tell you that you'd better not mind your own business, otherwise Don't blame me for being rude. "

After that, he was ready to get up, but who knows Ye Wuqian suddenly sneers, kicks Zhao Wenzhuo, and then says to Zhao Wenzhuo:

"well, I'm going to be rude to you today. What can you do with me?"

Ye Wumian, I came to find Wu Fangfang this time, and I had already prepared for it. He had already found out the documents of the previous products, and there was no problem at all. Moreover, he also found the case that Zhao Linxin framed this product. Therefore, I have found the evidence. Now that I have come to ask for help first, I have no fear that I will not be able to move to Zhao Linxin.

However, Zhao Linxin didn't know that ye Wuxiang had already done these things. What he was doing in his heart was perfect. He was waiting for Wu Fangfang to take the initiative to ask for himself.

So I was very angry when I saw Ye Wuqian come to disturb me. So I prepared to teach Ye Wuqian a good lesson. But who knows that he is not ye Wuqian's opponent at all. He is very angry after being knocked down on the ground by Ye Wuqian.

Pointing to ye Wuque, he said angrily to ye Wuque: "you boy, don't be arrogant to me. I'm sure I won't let you go. Just wait for me."

After hearing Zhao Linxin's words, ye Wuxiang didn't care about his warning. Instead, he threw out a folder and threw it in front of Zhao Wenzhuo. Then he said to Zhao Wenzhuo:

"what's the matter? Do you think your plan is perfect, and no one finds out that your plan is not successful? It's a pity that I'm afraid it's disappointing for you. I've already guessed your little ideas, and I've found the evidence. If you don't want your father's company to go bankrupt because of the problem of framing our company's products, you'd better deal with this matter for me. If not, we'll expose all the things your company has done Who will win and who will lose. "

Zhao Linxin frowned on the spot when he heard Ye Wuqian say this. He didn't know what ye Wuque said. He was a little flustered. He thought ye Wuque would not know his own business, but he didn't say anything to anyone when he thought about all his plans.

So I thought Ye Wuqian would not know anything, and it is impossible to find out the truth of the matter so quickly, so I still have some hard and cold mouth to ye Wuque and say:

"what are you talking about? I haven't done anything."

After that, I saw the folder that ye Wuqian threw to himself and sneered in my heart. I wanted to see what was in this folder.

But who knows Zhao Wenzhuo opened this folder and saw the contents inside. His face was cold at that time.

The whole person is also unbelievable. He looks at Ye Wuqian. After seeing his reaction, ye Wuqian is not surprised. He just smiles and says to him:

"well, do you still think that your present practice is seamless? I tell you that there is no perfect thing in the world. When you do these things, I knew it for a long time. Now the evidence is complete. If I expose this matter, it may be just a small loss for Youyi Yaxuan, but it is a credit problem for your father's company. Do you think that if this matter is really exposed If it is exposed, will the companies that worked with your father continue to work with them? Since your company doesn't have any credibility, it's impossible for you to survive in the mall in the future. Which one is more important? I believe you can solve it yourself. "Zhao Linxin turned pale on the spot after hearing Ye Wuqian's words. He thought that his plan had not been discovered by anyone, so he asked his father to help him do these things, and he also promised to give it to his father. If he really married Wu Fangfang, all the enterprises of Wu Fangfang would be his own.

Zhao Gang is also the heart of those industries behind Wu Fangfang's heart, so this is Zhao Wenzhuo's mischief. But he didn't expect to be found by Ye Wuqian now. Zhao Wenzhuo was stunned and didn't know what to do. "

Looking at Ye Wuqian to throw over the folder, the whole person trembled.

Ye Wuqian's document to himself is all evidence of what he has done. If the evidence is really exposed, it will be a fatal blow to his father's company.

After thinking about this, Zhao Wenzhuo of course has some sense of crisis. He doesn't know how to do it for a moment. He can only look at Ye Wuwei mercilessly.

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