Wu Fangfang was relieved when she heard Ye Wuwei's voice.

Every time they encounter danger, ye Wuqian will always appear. This time, if ye Wuqian is not, maybe they will encounter some things that they can't solve today.

After hearing a lot of missing leaves, I felt relieved and looked at them.

Ye Wuqi saw Wu Fangfang waving to himself, and then he was smiling at Wu Fangfang. He had nothing to worry about. Wu Fangfang was relieved.

After looking at those drunken gangsters, ye Wuxiang doesn't pay attention to them, because it's not very difficult to solve them by one person's words. After thinking about this, he walked directly to those people. Those people were still surprised at the beginning when they saw Ye Wuqian's return.

However, at the beginning, ye Wuque was also a lonely person, and there was no one around. After that, he was not worried.

Because they thought Ye Wuqian was just one person, and it was so easy for them to deal with such a person, so they didn't worry about ye Wuqian. They thought that if they fought with Ye Wuqian, they would surely win.

When ye Wuqi saw that those people were still rushing towards him, he also sneered in his heart. Since these people are really asking for trouble, he doesn't have to look at politeness any more. After thinking about this, he pinched his fist and rushed towards several people.

Those people used to mix here, so they didn't fear anyone at all. After seeing ye Wuqian come out, they naturally did not fear ye Wuqian. But who knows Ye Wuqian is really capable. Without a moment's Kung Fu, those people have already been beaten down by Ye Wuque.

Ye Wuqi saw so many people lying on the ground. After that, he clapped his hands with satisfaction and walked towards Wu Fangfang.

Wu Fangfang has just been frightened, so she looks pale now. After seeing Wu Fangfang like this, ye Wuqian has some heartache, and then says to Wu Fangfang:

"sorry, I just shouldn't go out. I should have told you before going out, otherwise they won't take the opportunity to come over."

Wu Fangfang shook her head helplessly. She knew the situation just now. These gangsters are just staring at their own, so they can do it by themselves. So they have nothing to do with Ye Wuwei.

So he shook his head and said to ye Wumian:

"this matter has nothing to do with you. If it wasn't for you, I might have had an accident myself, but thank you for saying these things."

After that, he smiles at ye Wuque and tells him to see that Wu Fangfang is OK. After he turns his head and looks at Lin Fangqi, who is also pale, he can't help but tease him. Then he says to Lin Fangqi:

"ha ha, this is not Officer Lin. you don't always say you want to catch any bad people, but who knows today Why don't you catch these people when you really meet the bad guys. "

After finishing the calculation, he sneered and looked at Lin Fangqi. Lin Fangqi didn't catch anyone today, so he was in a bad mood. After hearing Ye Wuqian's words, he was even more ugly in his heart. So he gave a tearful stare at him and did not speak after that.

Seeing ye Wuqian and bullying Lin Fangqi, Wu Fangfang shook her head helplessly, and then said to him:

"well, don't bully people any more. Although Yueru is a police officer, she is a little girl after all. If you let the little girl deal with these hooligans, it is still difficult. So don't bully him. He has just been frightened. "

After hearing what Wu Fangfang said, ye Wuqian didn't say anything to Lin Fangqi? When Wu Fangfang was about to be taken away, he suddenly saw a hooligan who had just been knocked down in the ground behind him. Suddenly he took out a knife from his waist and stabbed it on Wu Fangfang's arm.

After he saw the man behind Wu Fangfang holding a knife, ye Wuqian's face changed greatly on the spot. It was too late to pull Wu Fangfang away, so he could only stretch out his arm to block the man.

Although the knife was not cut on Wu Fangfang's body, it was stabbed into ye Wumian's arm.

Ye Wumian himself has not been injured for a long time. He didn't expect to be injured here. Then he kicked down the hooligan and took the knife. After that, he dialed 110.

The police came all of a sudden, those troublemakers were also arrested and left, but ye Wuqian himself was injured.

After seeing Zhang Fei's injury, Wu Fangfang was also very upset. If it wasn't for her, ye Wuxiang would not have been hurt. It was because of her own Wu Fangfang that she was injured. After thinking of this, she sighed, and then carefully opened her mouth to ye Wuque and said:

"if your wound is OK, we should go to the hospital and help You can bandage the woundYe Wumian looked at his wound. It was just some skin injuries, but no muscles and bones were injured. So he shook his head and said to Wu Fangfang:

"it's just a small wound. If you scratch a little skin, you can bandage it at home."

After Wu Fangfang finished, she couldn't help laughing at herself.

Wu Fangfang insisted on going to the hospital this time. However, seeing ye Wuqian, she didn't care at all. After that, she had no choice but to go back home and help Ye Wuqian bandage.

In fact, this kind of injury is nothing to Ye Wuqian. Ye Wuqian's previous injuries are much more serious than these ones. For the previous injuries, these are just a little bit of a scratch.

So she didn't care about it after a casual treatment, but Wu Fangfang was the first time to see such a serious wound. She was also very worried, so she took the initiative to help ye Wumian to bandage the wound.

Ye Wumian saw Wu Fangfang seriously bandaging his wound. After that, he couldn't help laughing. Is this a blessing in disguise?

After Wu Fangfang saw Ye Wuqian being hurt like this, she was in a complicated mood. She always made trouble for ye Wuqian every time. But who knows Ye Wuqian still ignores the past and helps or protects herself every time,.

Thinking of this, Wu Fangfang's view on Ye Wuqian is much better. She no longer thinks of Ye Wuqian as she did before. On the contrary, she thinks Ye Wuqian is a very responsible person.

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