After hearing that he went out to eat with them, ye Wuqian was not happy because he probably didn't like Lin Fangqi.

But now that Wu Fangfang has already asked herself to go, I can only go. After thinking about this, I sighed and said to Wu Fangfang next to me:

"I'll go with you after work."

Wu Fangfang looked at Ye Wuqian and agreed to come down. After that, she nodded. She was very satisfied. Then she asked Ye Wuqian to go out first.

Wu Fangfang and Lin Fangqi haven't seen each other for a long time, so they have a lot to say together, which naturally makes ye Wumian unable to get in.

Ye Wuque didn't plug in, because there were still some problems in the work, so he went to solve the problems of work.

When they finished work, ye Wuqian saw Lin Fangqi and Wu Fangfang waiting when they just went out. So they nodded to Lin Fangqi and asked Wu Fangfang how they were. After that, they went out to eat with them.

Originally, ye Wuqian thought that they were going to bring themselves something good to eat, but he didn't expect Lin Fangqi to suddenly eat Shaxian snacks, because he wanted to miss the taste of high school.

After hearing this, ye Wuqian shrugged helplessly. Since they want to eat, they should just accompany them. Anyway, they don't have to spend money. After thinking about this, they didn't say anything more and went out to eat with them.

While Lin Fangqi and Wu Fangfang were eating Shaxian snacks, they were very excited. After all, they had not met each other for several years, so they chattered and talked incessantly after they were together, and ye Wuxiang couldn't insert a word now, because he didn't know what the two women could say, so he simply said it Head down and eat what you eat.

Sure enough, although Shaxian snack is just a street snack, but the taste inside is really good. Ye Wuqian can't stop immediately after eating a little. Two women chatter about it and begin to eat it. They don't understand what the two women are saying.

Ye Wuque buries his head on the table and eats. Two women are also chattering.

However, both of them, no matter their appearance or temperament, were not integrated with a small Shaxian snack. So they just sat here and attracted the attention of all the people in the shop. A group of small thugs at the next table saw the two beauties suddenly coming into the Shaxian snack. After all their thoughts were enough, they gave them enough One by one, they were all looking at them.

However, the two women did not care about the things that they had been staring at by those punks, but they were extremely excited because of some things. Ye Wuqian also devoted himself to the things they ate and didn't care about those people at all.

After ye Wuqian finished eating, this is to go out and want to go to a toilet. So he went out.

But who knows he just went out, a few drunk little hunks all of a sudden looked at Ye Wuqian, and then stood up, and then walked towards the two women.

Two women are very eye-catching here. So those little gangsters just stare at them all the time, but because ye Wuqian is here, after all, they still have some fear in their hearts, so they don't do anything at all. So when they see ye Wuqian go out, they don't have any fear, so they walk towards the two women.

The two women didn't notice that they were being watched. Instead, they chattered happily. Just as they were saying something, suddenly Lin Fangqi was patted on the shoulder. Lin Fangqi frowned and then looked at it. Who knows it was a drunken gangster, smiling at Lin Fangqi.

Then he opened his mouth to Lin Fangqi's color: "how can two beauties eat here, do you want to eat with us?"

After that, several drunkards were sitting on the empty table. Lin Fangqi frowned impatiently when he saw what he saw in front of him. These people are the most annoying people in his life, but who knows they are harassed by these people again. He is also angry when he thinks about this.

Lin Fangqi was originally a policeman, but he couldn't see them. So he patted the table heavily and said to them, "do you know who I am? I'm here."

After hearing Lin Yue's speech, the gangsters burst into laughter and said to Lin Fangqi:

"who else can you be? Of course, it's a beauty."

After that, everyone burst into laughter, and then walked towards Lin Fangqi and Wu Fangfang. Lin Fangqi was very angry when she saw it. However, she had learned some fighting skills in school, so she put down the man who had just rushed at him on the spot.

However, it took a lot of effort to put him down, and those who came from the past thought that Lin Fangqi was good at bullying, but they were surprised to see that Lin Fangqi still had a talent.However, there are also some vigilance to Lin Fangqi, so when they come to Lin Fangqi, they also spend some time.

Although Lin Fangqi has learned some fighting skills, he is powerless in front of the absolute power. So they are forced to the corner of the wall. Seeing the people in front of them step by step towards themselves, Lin Fangqi, who hates those punks, is worried. What should we do?

Lin Fangqi is also angry that he is not good at learning. Although he studied hard in the college before, he did not expect that ye Wuque could not solve the problem after he met the actual combat.

Think of what they used to channel so many things, now only their own real problems after they can not use, after Lin Fangqi heart is also very angry.

But there are also some worries. They have been surrounded by these thugs. If they can't go out, I'm afraid they will be in trouble today.

After thinking of this, they were also flustered. When Lin Fangqi and Wu Fangfang were worried, ye Wuqi's voice came from behind. :

"in public, you dare to tease two girls of others. You people will be shameless."

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