Because ye Wuqian knows that this matter is related to the Qinglong Association, so it is not difficult to guess what is the reason. Before he went to find Li Mingzhi by himself, Lin Fangqi secretly just came over.

He guessed what Lin Fangqi had heard when he came here, so Zhang Wanshui started to fight Lin Fangqi.

Besides, Lin Fangqi's identity is not ordinary. Lin Fangqi is the daughter of the police chief. If it wasn't for hearing something important, how could Zhang Wanshui do something to Lin Fangqi.

Therefore, it can be imagined that Lin Fangqi must have heard something important secret. This is to let Zhang Wanshui jump off the wall in a dog's haste and actually attack the daughter of the police chief.

After thinking of this truth, ye Wuque was suddenly excited. Did he know the big secret of Zhang Wanshui by mistake this time.

After thinking of this, my heart is also nervous, and then all of a sudden toward those who just kidnapped Lin Fangqi to see the past, because those people are just kidnapping a Lin Fangqi, but think Lin Fangqi is just a woman, and did not put Lin Fangqi in the heart.

So after tying Lin Fangqi back, he did his own things. Several of them gathered around to discuss Lin Fangqi's affairs. Ye Wuqian also secretly listened to this, hoping to hear what they were saying.

Sure enough, after they discussed some simple things, one of them started to speak:

"if you want me to say, this Lin Fangqi is really unlucky. Last time, as a police officer, he came to our place by mistake with Ye Wuqi, which caused the boss to interrupt when he was talking about business. This is the only way to arrest him. It is really enough Bad luck. "

After hearing this, another one also looked up at the person who had just opened his mouth and asked:

"yes, but why did the boss let us arrest this Lin Fangqi? As far as I know, she is the daughter of a police chief. Even if it destroys the boss's business, the boss can't solve her Ah, you know, if you really offend the police, we still have some problems. And now that the boss's business is over, it won't do much to get her back. "

After the man had just finished, the one who had just opened the mouth snorted coldly, and then said to this person with disdain:

"you don't understand. If the boss is only talking about a business this time, how can he be so serious? Let's kidnap Lin Fangqi back, because the boss is talking about a big business, and it's a secret meeting I think you should understand. When Lin Fangqi and ye Wuqian came together, the boss found out that they came after they made a noise. Therefore, we don't know whether they have heard the boss's talk. If they really hear the boss's talk, it will be troublesome. So this is to let us arrest Lin Fangqi Come on, as for ye Wuxiang, the boss must have a way to deal with it in the end. "

Ye Wuqi frowned when he heard the conversation between the two of them. He also remembered what happened that day. When he went to the headquarters of the Qinglong club, he found that none of them were quiet. Moreover, he also found that Zhang Wanshui was talking business with others, but he did not care too much about it. He went to look for Li Mingzhi, but did not think of Ju But there is such a big thing.

Just after listening to the conversation between the two men, he suddenly found out that the green dragon Association really had some hidden secrets. After thinking about it, he did not interrupt the conversation of those people and then continued to eavesdrop.

Just after the man who had some doubts listened to his partner's explanation, he nodded suddenly.

However, I still had some doubts in my heart, so I asked him:

"but I still don't understand. Is it possible that the business the boss is engaged in is a disgraceful failure. Otherwise, how could it be overheard and solved later?"

After hearing this, the other one quickly covered the mouth of the person beside him, and then said to the man with vigilance:

"don't talk nonsense, it's said out to the boss's ear, you don't want to live any more, so we should put some things in our heart, don't say it We'll stop talking about this matter, so as not to get into trouble for ourselves. We'd better catch Lin Fangqi here according to the boss's order. This matter has nothing to do with us at all. Don't worry about your own business. "

That person heard his partner said, this is a hasty nod, he can't because of his curiosity to get himself into trouble, then naturally no one is willing to.

So after hearing that, the curious man nodded and said to the man:

"OK, I understand. I will never ask about this matter, and I won't get into trouble for myself."The other one nodded with satisfaction after hearing what he said. Ye Wuqian on one side wanted to get some news from their mouths, but who knows they stopped and were still disappointed.

But now the top priority is to quickly rescue Lin Fangqi, so when they two don't pay attention, they rush out at once, and then solve the two people's secret. After that, they enter the room where Lin Fangqi is held and rescue Lin Fangqi.

After Lin Fangqi was arrested, although he was very angry, but there are some fears in his heart, because he has never had such a hard time from childhood to adulthood, and he doesn't know how to do. He is very nervous.

At this time, looking at the sudden appearance of Ye Wuqian, his eyes were filled with hope. He knew that ye Wuqian had come to save himself, so his view on Ye Wuqian was much better.

Ignoring Lin Fangqi's gratitude, she immediately took her out.

When she went out, Lin Fangqi was relieved. After taking off the things she said, she ran out with Ye Wuqi nervously. She was afraid that those people would come back. After seeing her like this, ye Wuqi shook her head helplessly.

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