Lin Fangqi felt flustered when she was kidnapped by those people today, so she didn't know who it was. She quickly dialed a phone call, hoping that someone could find out about her kidnapping and come to save her.

But who knows that what he actually dials is ye Wuque's phone. As a result, ye Wuque is not disappointed. He came to find himself so quickly. Lin Fangqi is also very grateful to see ye Wuque.

After seeing ye Wuque's cold face, Lin Fangqi also said to ye Wuque with tears in her eyes:

"thank you for saving me today. If it weren't for you, I might still be locked up by them. "

After thinking of those people, Lin Fangqi is angry. When you go back, you must catch those people back, and catch who the murderer is behind the scenes. Let's see if someone dares to catch himself under his own eyes.

Ye Wuqian ignored Lin Fangqi. After hearing Lin Fangqi say so, he just nodded and said to Lin Fangqi:

"since you have been rescued by me, you should go back quickly. I still have some things to do, so you don't have to follow me again."

After saying that, he pulled open Lin Fangqi's hand, and then turned to leave.

He has already known the secret of the green dragon Association, so he must go to find out Zhang Wanshui's, and now Zhang Wanshui must think that they have caught Lin Fangqi, so he has relaxed his vigilance on things here. If he goes later, Zhang Wanshui must have some observations Yes.

However, Lin Fangqi frowned after hearing Ye Wuxiang's words, and then said to Zhang Fei:

"are you going to do something serious? You can take me with you. I am also a policeman, and I can help you with some things."

After hearing Lin Fangqi finished, ye Wuqi had some headache. If it had not been for his words, he would not have had so much trouble today. She has the face to say that she can help herself.

Ye Wuxiang just wanted to refuse, but after seeing Lin Fangqi's firm face, he could only sigh, and then nodded and agreed.

Because I know Lin Fangqi's character. If I don't allow Lin Fangqi to go with her, a woman will secretly follow her, and then there will be some trouble.

It's better to take her now than to let her get into any trouble. After all, if you take him to the past now, it will be just like being behind you. What's more, even if Lin Fangqi is in trouble, she is still a police officer. She can help some of her own when she takes him. So I think of it later Ye Wuqian, this is a compromise, with Lin Fangqi to go.

Lin Fangqi saw ye Wumian and promised to take him. After that, he was very happy. Then he couldn't wait to follow ye Wuque to deal with those things.

Ye Wumian knows that the only person he can find now is Li Mingzhi, because his own Li Mingzhi still knows some, and Li Mingzhi is a bully and afraid of the hard. If he threatens Li Mingzhi, he will tell the truth of the matter.

So it should not be too late to find Li Mingzhi on the spot. Li Mingzhi didn't expect Ye Wuqian to come to find himself. So when he saw Ye Wuqian, he prepared to run away. However, ye Wuque didn't give him the chance. After seeing Li Mingzhi came out, he immediately led Li Mingzhi to a hidden place.

Li Mingzhi was very worried when he saw ye Wuque come to find himself again. Then he spoke to ye Wuque carefully and said:

"you come to me again. What's the matter? Last time, I really explained all the things I know."

After hearing Li Mingzhi finished, ye Wuqi gave a cold snort, and then said to Li Mingzhi:

"as far as I know, your boss is going to do a big business tonight. Can you tell me the time and place of your boss's transaction and the specific information? In this case, I promise I will never look for you again. Otherwise, you will know the consequences."

Li Mingzhi knew that it was really no good thing for ye Wuqian to come to find himself, so he sighed bitterly when he heard Ye Wuqian finish, and then he opened his mouth to Ye Wuqian: "I really don't know what the specific information of our boss's agreement is. You know, I'm just a little gangster. Oh, how can I tell all the truth We. "

After hearing this, ye Wuqian obviously didn't believe it. Although Li Mingzhi was just a little gangster, Zhang Wanshui was willing to entrust Li Mingzhi with such an important matter of framing them, which proved that Li Mingzhi was still very important.

Therefore, Li Mingzhi naturally knows something about this matter. Li Mingzhi didn't intend to Tell ye Wuqian at first. Ye Wuqian sneered at Li Mingzhi's silence.

He had the best way to deal with people like Li Mingzhi, so he took him to a deserted place and said to him:"You have to think clearly, but I'm not so kind. Ni, you tease me again and again. Do you think I'll let you go so easily? Today, I'll tell you that if I don't tell you all the details, I'll bury you alive here. No one should be able to find out. "

Li Mingzhi thought that he had been beaten by Ye Wuqian at best, so he was not too worried. Because compared with betraying the boss and being dealt with by the boss, it is no big deal for ye Wuqian to beat himself up, so he is ready to be beaten.

But who knows ye Wuque didn't beat himself this time, but said he would bury himself alive. Li Mingzhi trembled on the spot when he heard Ye Wuqian's words. However, he didn't believe ye Wuque. He just played. He knew what kind of person ye Wuque was. He absolutely said that he would bury himself alive and say no Ding himself will be buried alive by him, thinking of here later is also scared on the spot.

Finally, after thinking about it again and again, he decided to Tell ye Wuqian what he said, because he knew that what ye Wuque said would be done. He didn't want to be buried alive.

So it's just betraying the boss.

Li Mingzhi told ye Wuqian all the things that Zhang Wanshui plotted today. When ye Wuqian heard that Li Mingzhi had told himself, he was satisfied with his smile and let Li Mingzhi leave.

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