After watching Li Mingzhi leave, Lin Fangqi is also silent. He was afraid that Li Mingzhi would not say it, but who knows ye Wuque said that he wanted to bury Li Mingzhi alive.

Lin Fangqi heard Zhang Fei's face unchanged and said that after being buried alive, he couldn't help but jump his eyelids. He didn't think that my Ye Wuxu usually looked funny, but he didn't expect to be so cruel.

But his method is still very useful. When Li Mingzhi heard Ye Wuqian say that he would be buried alive, he immediately agreed and told Li Mingzhi all the truth.

So now they have known what Zhang Wanshui is going to do, and Lin Fangqi is also curious after hearing what they are doing.

If the ordinary transaction, it would not be so mysterious, so it can be seen that their transaction must be unusual, so Lin Fangqi is also curious.

She thought that Zhang Wanshui might have some hidden secrets, so she opened her mouth to Ye Wuqian, who was nearby with vigilance and said:

"I think Zhang Wanshui must have some secrets, and he has a lot of people around him. I'm afraid there's nothing we can do with the two of us, so I think we'd better call the police. It's much easier for the police to take charge of it. "

After hearing Lin Fangqi finish, ye Wuqi smiles and says to Lin Fangqi: "ha ha, look for the police? But don't forget that their appointed time is coming. It's too late to find the police now, so we can only say that we will go by ourselves. "

Lin Fangqi thought of Ye Wuqian and nodded after finishing.

Just now, Li Mingzhi has told them all the time and place. There is no wrong time and place. It will be too late to wait for the police to come.

So the most urgent thing is to let him go by himself. After thinking about this, Lin Fangqi nodded and then said to ye wumi: "well, you are right. I think if you look for the police now, it may be too late. Then we can go now."

After that, he took ye Wumian's hand and was about to leave. Seeing Lin Fangqi holding his hand, ye Wuqian frowned and said to Lin Fangqi:

"I'm afraid it's very dangerous to go this time. Don't follow me! I can go alone, and if I'm really in danger, I can get out of it myself

However, Lin Fangqi has finally come across a big case. When he can prove himself, he can't leave so easily. So he frowned on the spot after hearing Ye Wuqi said this, and then said to him after shaking his head:

"no, I must follow you What should a man do when he is in danger? If we go together, there will be some care on the way. "

Having said that, he firmly wants to go with him. Ye Wuqian has no way but to take Lin Fangqi with him.

If it's too late for them to trade with each other, they can only take the trading place together now.

After arriving at the location, ye Wuqian immediately took Lin Fangqi to find a hidden place to hide. Although this place is hidden, you can hear Zhang Wanshui and the people of the green dragon Association. It is the first time for Lin Fangqi to do such a mysterious thing, so there is some excitement in his heart.

But when he saw ye Wuque staring at the bottom coldly on one side, his heart was also pounding. Until now, he knew that ye Wuque really had some skills, so he no longer worried but looked down excitedly.

Zhang Wanshui was trading with Danielle. Ye Wuqian frowned when he saw that Danielle colluded with Zhang Wanshui. After the failure of Danielle last time, he never heard of Danielle's news. However, he was surprised to see him again here.

However, I don't know what business contacts he and Zhang Wanshui have, so ye Wuqian hears that since Zhang Wanshui and Danielle have chosen such a mysterious place, it is impossible for them to make a simple transaction. Ye Wuqian has already had a guess in his mind.

In addition to the arms trade, it was only the drug trade. Naturally, it was impossible for them to trade arms. So they might be trading in drugs. At first, they were just guessing and not sure. But after hearing what they said, they knew that there were some improper transactions between Daniel and Zhang He It's drugs that we trade.

Zhang Wanshui and Danielle did not think that their trading had been heard. Instead, they thought that there were people guarding the green dragon Association around them. No one should come in. Therefore, they talked with ease and did not worry about other things, so they confidently told their secrets.

When ye Wuqian heard that they had finished, he was only very angry. He never thought that Zhang Wanshui had such ability, not only to deal with himself again and again, but also to do some drug trade.After thinking of this, ye Wuqian snorted coldly. Now that he has known the handle of Zhang Wanshui, he must defeat Zhang Wanshui in one fell swoop.

Lin Fangqi, on the other side, opened his mouth when he heard that they were talking about drug trading. He looked down at him strangely. He had a dream since he was a child, that is, to catch bad people. So now when he heard that someone was trading drugs openly here, he naturally felt very angry.

Lin Fangqi's whole person is rising the fury. Ye Wumian frowns after seeing Lin Fangqi's change, and slightly touches Lin Fangqi's shoulder to let her be more careful.

They are hiding here now, so they don't let the two people below know. If they are known by the people below, it will be very difficult for them to escape again. Moreover, if ye Wuqian is alone, it is also possible to run out. Now with Lin Fangqi, it is impossible to run out so easily.

So this is to let Lin Fangqi be careful. Lin Fangqi was still very angry, but now he heard Ye Wuqian say so. Later, he could only calm down. He knew that this was not the time to be angry. Now that he has already known this matter, it is not urgent to deal with this matter after he goes back.

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