Ye Wumian knows that it is impossible for him to stop this transaction by force. Let alone that he is only a person now, and now he is accompanied by a burden. If he wants to deal with them by himself, I am afraid it is difficult.

So now the top priority can only be to think of a good way. After thinking about this, ye Wuqian looks at Lin Fangqi next to him and suddenly has an idea. Then he beckons to Lin Fangqi, letting Lin Fangqi come to his side and tell him his plan.

At the beginning, Lin Fangqi was still thinking about how to deal with these people. Now when he heard Ye Wuqian's plan, he became excited. If ordinary people heard about ye Wuqian's plan and asked him to take risks to do these things, he would be afraid. But Lin Fangqi is not the same. Now that he has a plan to show his talents, Lin Fangqi is naturally very excited jolly.

So he quickly nodded and agreed to do something according to the instructions of Ye Wuwu.

Ye Wuque looked at Lin Fangqi so relaxed and agreed. After that, he was very happy. So he took advantage of the time when people didn't pay attention and then secretly hid to one side. Then when no one paid attention to his clothes, ye Wuque suddenly called out: "everybody run quickly, the police have found it."

After ye Wuqi finished, he quickly found a place to hide, because there was no very bright light in this place, so we didn't know who the police came to, and they all knew that their boss was trading drugs, so when they came over, they were afraid that they would be found by the police, but who knows there are people Calling the police, so everyone was worried.

And after all, the people they came to were just some thugs who were not trained at all, so they mentioned that after the police arrived, everyone was in a panic.

Also do not care what to do after, so all of a sudden flustered up, those people all of a sudden disordered.

When Zhang Wanshui was trading drugs with Danielle, he was trading to the key place. Suddenly, he heard the people outside calling for the police. He also stood up in a hurry.

He wanted to run away quickly, but who knew he didn't hear the siren. So Zhang Wanshui still didn't want to believe that the police were coming. He sent a person he trusted to go out to check, but he didn't see the police car. Everyone realized that the police didn't come at all.

So everyone is quiet now.

Zhang Wanshui frowned when he saw the troubling of his subordinates and asked them:

"what's the matter? Who said that the police are here? Where are the police?"

Those people under Zhang Wan sailor also knew that they were in the wrong, so they stood by Zhang Wanshui without saying a word. They were also curious. They just did not know who suddenly called the police. Because they were guilty of being a thief, they were very flustered. So they heard someone calling for the police to come, and they didn't care about anything, so they wanted to run away as soon as possible This is the panic.

And after a person flustered up, some people around him also panic, so this is just some farce.

After hearing the news, Danielle came to Zhang Wanshui and asked, "what's wrong? What happened just now? Why did everyone run?"

After seeing what Danielle said, Zhang Wanshui looked a little ugly, and then said to Danielle:

"there is nothing else. It's just that I just don't know who suddenly called out that the police are coming, so everyone is in a bit of a panic. In fact, the police didn't come at all."

After hearing this, Danielle was obviously unhappy, so he glared at Zhang Wanshui and said to him, "boss Zhang, you know, the transaction we are doing is not an ordinary thing, so I hope you can bring some capable people next time, and don't bring any more people who yell and scream without finding out the truth, It would be bad if we broke our cooperation

After that, he scoffed at those people who were looking at Zhang Wanshui. Although Zhang Wanshui didn't say anything, he was naturally dissatisfied with Danielle. Then he said to Danielle:

"these things can't all be blamed on my people. Maybe who knows who is calling that policeman

When Danielle saw Zhang Wanshui talking like this, he was naturally unhappy. Then the two men quarreled on the spot. Seeing that they had some differences, ye Wuqian knew that the opportunity was coming. Therefore, when he did not pay attention, he quickly went to the place where the drugs were placed, and then led away several bodyguards guarding the drugs. Then he stole the drugs Yes.

Because of the farce that just appeared, those people didn't notice the drugs at all, so they put all the things on the quarrel.

Zhang Wanshui and Danielle argued for a while. After all, they came here to trade. After all, they sighed and said to Danielle:"Well, I don't want to argue with you. Let's continue with the deal we just made, or it will be bad for us when the police come."

Danielle also knew what he was saying, so he nodded and went back to the place where he had just been trading. However, he found that the drugs on the table just now disappeared.

After seeing the scene in front of him, Danielle's face suddenly turned ugly. He sent a heavy order to the table, and then asked Zhang Wanshui, "I just put the goods here. Why did they disappear all of a sudden? Did your people take the things away?"

Zhang Wanshui didn't think that the drugs were gone all of a sudden. He was also surprised. He didn't see drugs at all. What's more, he just remembered what happened just now and always felt that Danielle had something to do with him.

Do you think that Danielle did these things on purpose in order to bite him back? After thinking about it, it was Zhang Wanshui and Danielle who argued.

Two people are the boss, so who can't bear to see who, two people immediately quarrel, after is also anxious.

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