After hearing Ye Wuqian's words, Lin Fangqi was moved. He thought ye Wuque wanted him to escape alone. His tears filled his eyes. Then he opened his mouth to ye Wuque and said:

"wait a minute. I'll go with you. I won't run away alone."

Ye Wuxiang knew that Lin Fangqi would not listen to his words, so he shook his head and said to Lin Fangqi:

"I told you not to drag me back. If you left alone, I could escape, but if I took you, I couldn't escape at all."

After saying that, he glared at Lin Fangqi and stopped talking. Ye Wuqian thought that Lin Fangqi had some self-knowledge in his heart. If he didn't have Lin Fangqi, he could go out today. But he didn't expect that Lin Fangqi would cause so much trouble after taking Lin Fangqi. He was also upset in his heart.

Lin Fangqi heard Ye Wuqian say so, although in the heart there are still some unwilling, but also nodded and agreed to come down.

I also know that now I am dragging down Ye Wuqian, so I also promised Ye Wuqian what he said. As long as you have a chance, you must run away as soon as you have a chance. Ye Wuque will not drag ye Wuque down. After hearing Lin Fangqi's promise, he is relieved.

Looking at those people who were knocked down on the ground, they got up again and ran after them. After that, ye Wuqian felt that the current situation was not good. Those who were constantly rushing towards themselves were armed with weapons, but they and Lin Fangqi were both empty handed. Lin Fangqi was still a woman, and they would win a victory Not at all.

After thinking about it, ye Wuqian said to Lin Fangqi:

"wait a minute. If they come here, I will lead them to one side, and then you will go to the other side. At that time, if it is someone who is not suitable, you can solve it by yourself."

After saying that, he looked at the past. After hearing this, Lin Fangqi was very grateful to Ye Wuqian. At the same time, he was also worried about ye Wuqian. However, he also knew that now that he knew the seriousness of the matter, he could only nod his head. This is the way to open his mouth to ye Wuque:

"don't worry, I know, if I have a chance, I will I'll leave right away. "

Ye Wuqian was relieved when he heard Lin Fangqi say so. Sure enough, those people had already caught up with him without a moment's effort. Ye Wuque immediately held back those people and didn't let them catch up with Lin Fangqi.

Lin Fangqi sighs when he sees that no one has caught up with him, and then runs towards the other side. Although Lin Fangqi is a woman, after all, he has been trained by the police academy, so his physical fitness is still OK.

So if she really ran away, it would take some effort for those people to catch up with him. Sure enough, after Lin Fangqi ran, those people were left far behind by Lin Fangqi, but they didn't catch up. After seeing Lin Fangqi ran, ye Wuqian was relieved. He knew that as long as Li Yueru left, he wanted to go.

But at this time, Lin Fangqi suddenly heard a scream. Ye Wuqi looked at Lin Fangqi in a hurry. After looking at the past, he found that several people in black came from Lin Fangqi, and they could see the scene in front of her. Ye Wuqian knew that someone had already arrived at Lin Fangqi and ran from there, so it had already been Ambush.

Lin Fangqi can only be arrested. Ye Wuqian frowns when he sees Lin Fangqi being arrested. There is no way that Lin Fangqi has been arrested now. Moreover, this matter is not Lin Fangqi's fault. It can only be attributed to his own misjudgment.

So I feel that there are some people who are sorry for Lin Fangqi, but he actually came with Lin Fangqi. Naturally, it is impossible for him to leave Lin Fangqi alone, so he can only walk towards the people around Lin Fangqi.

Those people who caught Lin Fangqi naturally did not fear ye Wuque, so they threatened Ye Wuqian with Lin Fangqi.

Lin Fangqi just escaped from the hands of some of the kidnappers, but now it fell into the hands of a group of people, so Lin Fangqi is still uncomfortable.

Moreover, after they threatened Ye Wuqian with themselves, Lin Fangqi immediately felt that she had caused trouble to ye Wuque again. Therefore, she felt that she was sorry for ye Wuqian, so she could only hang her head and lower her head and stop talking.

After seeing Lin Fangqi's appearance, the leaf on one side sighed, and then he could only put down his weapon and walked towards Lin Fangqi.

Those people saw Ye Wuwei put down the guy in his hand, and then they felt relieved.

At this time, Zhang Wanshui and Danielle suddenly appeared. They didn't expect Ye Wuqian to come over and see Lin Fangqi and ye Wuqian. They were also surprised.

Zhang Wanshui, in particular, thought that he had sent someone to tie Lin Fangqi back. After Lin Fangqi came back, Lin Fangqi couldn't escape. But who knew that he saw Lin Fangqi here and saw Ye Wuqian beside him. He knew it was Zheng Fei who rescued Lin Fangqi. After thinking of this, he turned his head and looked at ye Wuwu, then said to him:”You are really nosy. This matter has nothing to do with you, but who knows you must be involved in this matter. I can't blame you for your bad life. Since you have come here today, you will never go back. "

After Zhang Wanshui finished, he waved to the bodyguard behind Lin Fangqi.

Of course, the bodyguard knew what his boss meant. They knew that kidnapping Lin Fangqi was to kill people. When Lin Fangqi knew some of their secrets, the boss naturally wanted to show Lin Fangqi something.

Now they have broken through their drug trade. If Lin Fangqi is released again, I'm afraid it will be a failure.

After thinking about this, the bodyguard immediately took out a dagger and put it beside Lin Fangqi's neck. Then he looked at Ye Wuqian. Ye Wuqian knew that those people might really start to Lin Fangqi, so he was worried.

However, for a while, he was silent. Although he was still nervous, ye Wuxiang knew that he could only think of a way to calm down. Otherwise, he would be useless even if he was nervous now.

So this is to calm down, thinking about what way to save Lin Fangqi.

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