The next morning, ye Wuqian woke up from his dream and received a phone call from the company. He was still puzzled. He didn't know what the reason was. He thought that there might be something wrong with the company, so he quickly picked up the phone.

"Zheng is not good. Something happened to the company. The family members of the staff have made a lot of noise in the company. They have to quarrel to see you. Come here quickly, or there is no way to solve it. "

After ye Wuqi connected the phone, he found out that the person who called was his own secretary. The Secretary almost spoke to him with a crying voice. He told him that there was something wrong with the company, and asked him to come to the company quickly. His family members came to the company to make trouble. Now they are making a lot of trouble.

"How could such a thing happen? You wait. I'll be right here. Don't worry, don't panic. If there's anything else, hide aside first. Although safety is the first thing, everything else is secondary. "

Ye Wumian scolded a damned word in his heart. He didn't know who came to the company to make a lot of noise so early, and he was also very clamoring to see himself.

But he couldn't scold the Secretary on the phone, so he could only comfort her. She also knew that the little secretary was very timid and just a girl who just graduated from university. He had not seen such unreasonable family members before, so he was afraid that this disturbance would involve the little girl, so he told the girl that he should pay attention to his own safety and not hurt himself.

After all, at this time, everything is secondary, safety is the first. After all, those people who can make trouble to the company are certainly not fuel-efficient lamps. They can make trouble. If you don't avoid it in time, you will be involved in yourself.

He had never met such a thing before. When he met with a difficult one, he was just like being bitten by a mad dog. It was unreasonable for him to bite anyone.

"What's the matter? What happened to the company? Why do you have to solve it? You are still sick. How can you go directly? "

Lin Fangqi also slowly long wake up, he is this call to wake up, so the mood is a little discontented, mumbling to ask what is the matter?

"It's said that the family members of the company's employees have come to the company to make trouble, and it's very noisy. If I have to see me, I have to go there quickly, otherwise this matter will not be over. You should go to sleep first. I can do it myself. Although I am ill, you have seen my ability last night, so don't worry about me too much

Of course, ye Wuqi also knows that the two little women in front of him are worried about themselves, so they will ask such questions. He also doesn't want them to worry about them. Moreover, he has had a lot of time about such things. This time, she also thinks that it is a piece of cake for him, and he doesn't pay attention to it. He feels confident that he can solve this problem Love.

"Well, then you go. Be careful on the way. Did the driver come to pick you up? If not, you can just let Xiao Liu go down and take you there. "

Wu Fangfang is like a woman who will consider the overall situation. He also knows that this matter can not be delayed. After all, when the company has problems, they all have to suffer and their homework must be well solved. Moreover, she thinks it is appropriate for a man to be enterprising. After all, a man is not a woman and can't accomplish nothing. He also appreciates Ye Wuqi's personality and likes him more deeply.

In fact, he was also worried about his health. He was afraid that if he went to work before he was well, he would hurt his body. But after all, he did not stop him. Instead, he asked if he had a driver to pick him up. If not, let him take his own driver.

"OK, I'll call you when I'm done. I'll go over and have a look. I'm afraid that they'll hurt other people. You two have a good night's sleep. Maybe I'll be back when you two wake up. "

Ye Wuqian walks over and looks at the two women lying on the bed happily. He is very proud now. After all, those two women already belong to him, so he would like to tell the world that he is the happiest man.

He gently rubbed their heads, then gave them a kiss, and then turned to leave. After all, the company's affairs are very important, and he doesn't want to have any other accidents.

After arriving at the company, he went to the little secretary and asked the employee's family members why they came to the company to make a lot of noise. The little secretary was very uncomfortable to say the reason. It turned out to be an employee's boyfriend. Lin Haotian was very upset when he heard that his girlfriend's boss was a man, so he went to find Ye Wuqian's trouble.

"Don't take this matter to heart. That man is just a rascal. I have seen him before. I didn't say anything at all. It's good to talk to him. But he's like a mad dog. You can't reason with anyone who bites anyone. You should be careful when you go. You can't say that he will come and bite you again."

After the small secretary finished the reason, he looked out of the door again and said to him about the man by the corner of his clothes. The person named Lin Haotian is just a rascal maniac. She doesn't listen to people's reasoning. She is afraid that ye will suffer in the future."Well, I know about it. You can hide here first. You can't come out without my command."

Ye Wuque gave the little secretary a reassuring look, motioned him, let him pay attention to his personal safety.

After ye Wuqian went out, he saw the man named Lin Haotian. As soon as he saw him, he ran over like a mad dog.

"You are the scum named Ye Wuqian. How does your company operate? Why did you get a scum like you in? I think your company should fire you immediately. A family like you should not survive in this world. How many girls in this company have been poisoned by you. I strongly suggest Youyi Yaxuan fire you. "

As soon as Lin Haotian came up, he sprayed feces all over his mouth. He didn't know what was going on. Then he went straight to Ma Zhengfei and clamored to ask Youyi Yaxuan to issue the card fee.

Ye Wuque lives so big that he has never seen such a brazen person, so he has a dispute with him.

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