Ye Wuqian thinks that Lin Haotian is just a psychopath and a madman. He has never seen such an unreasonable person, and he is also upright.

"How do you speak? If you say you have no education, why do you say I am scum when you come up? What did I do wrong? What am I sorry for you, but tell me? "

Ye Wuqi is very disgusted with her foolishness. He doesn't know how the person in front of him is such an asshole. He knows that Lin Haotian in front of him must be deliberately looking for trouble, so he came here.

Ye Wumian is much taller than Lin Hao. So he looks at the man standing in front of him and asks him why he is such a scum?

"Oh! Anyway, people are doing it, and the sky is watching. Don't think about others. You don't know what you're doing. Don't tell me how much evil you do in front of me

After listening to Ye Wuqian's words, Lin Haotian was very cool, as if he was very reasonable. He came here today to mess around, and he was ready to fight a protracted war.

His main purpose this time is to stink ye Wumian's reputation, make him unable to get along in this place, and let the company fire him. In fact, he didn't know anything, just to make his heart happy, so he made such a thing.

"Man is doing, tianzai. Look at what he sees. You can tell me. You can't say anything. You can't even fart. What are you dragging with me? I really think it through. Even if you are such a low-level person, you still come here to make trouble. Have you eaten the courage of ambitious leopard? "

After listening to Lin Haotian's words, ye Wuqi was directly angry. He didn't expect that this man was not only shameless, but also helpless and thorough in talking and doing things, just like a big jerk.

Originally, he wanted to tell her the truth and emotion, but he didn't think that he was just a real villain, so he didn't need to entangle with him any more and tear his cheek directly with her.

He is so big that he has never been humiliated like this. Lin Haotian is the first one, so he can't let him go. He hasn't cleaned up people for a long time, and there are many people around him who don't help him. So he thought that he would kill the chicken and wait for him, and let the group of unconvinced people know their own strength.

"Oh, I really have the courage of ambition leopard. Do you really think that no one knows what you've done? I tell you, you scum, one day God will punish you, but before God punishes you, I still have to punish you. I'll leave my words here today. If your company doesn't fire you today, I'll give you a good meal on behalf of your company. It seems that you are tight skinned and don't clean up. "

Lin Haotian looks arrogant and arrogant. He thinks he is invincible now. He doesn't know ye Wuqian's means at all. So he makes a lot of noise here and acts recklessly. He thinks he is a very hero.

The reason why he has such confidence is that he brought a lot of people this time, so he doesn't believe that he can't smash the scene. He came here specially to smash the scene, so he didn't think about anything else, and she didn't think about other consequences. He felt that he was just for justice and dare to eliminate evil for the people.

He is doing warm-up exercises in a false manner, and he really intends to clean up Ye Wuqian. Because he has never seen Ye Wuqian's level, he thinks Ye Wuqian is just a dandy. He thought that with the group of people he brought, he would definitely be able to suppress Ye Wuxiang. This time, he came with the confidence to win, so he was not afraid of failure at all.

"It's a big talk. If you don't have the diamond, you can't do the porcelain work? I'll leave my words here today. If you dare to do it in our company, I'll be the first to let you go. You think I'll be afraid if you bring so many people here. Do you think you're very good? You're wrong, you're ignorant, you're stupid, you're just a bunch of mobs. "

Ye Wuqi was very angry when he saw the way she wanted to be beaten. Then he saw a group of gangster friends behind him. He couldn't help laughing at him. He didn't expect that this man was so arrogant.

She thought that she had not been out of the mountain for many years. Taking advantage of this time, she had to train her hands and let them know how powerful she was. All of a sudden, she felt that this group of people were very ignorant. They didn't consider the consequences or know anything. They just rushed forward. They were just a group of mobs, and they didn't have much ability It's because of the large number of people, that's why they came to the scene.

"What are you people doing? Why are you here? What about security? Where is the security guard? "

Just when they were ready to fight, Wu Fangfang suddenly appeared, which he had never thought of. Because the company also had some emergencies, so he came back, but did not expect to come back to such a scene, so he was very nervous, afraid that ye Wuque would be hurt.Although he had seen Ye Wuqian's ability before, he felt that ye Wuqian was ill and his ability would be greatly reduced. In addition, the other party also brought a large group of people, so they must be thankless. So he called out for security guard there, but the security guard had disappeared.

"Don't panic. Just leave it to me to deal with it. You can take them down. Don't worry. I'll clean up their food. I'll call them to ask their granddad to sue their grandmother. Let them have a good long memory and see if they dare to bring people here to make trouble next time."

Ye Wuqian saw Wu Fangfang, but he didn't expect Wu Fangfang to come here. Ye Wuqian first asked Wu Fangfang to take the onlookers down. After all, he didn't want to hurt other people.

This time, he has made up his mind to clean up the group of people in front of him, so that they know what is called the Castle Peak outside the mountain and the building outside the building? What is heaven and earth thick?

After Wu Fangfang took the people down, ye Wuqian started to fight. In the end, he really beat the group of people to ask his grandfather to sue his grandmother and let him spare them.

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